Human Rights Lawyer Released

Zhang Kai (right) in Washington, D.C.
Photo: ChinaAid

It was announced that Zhang Kai, the lawyer who was detained in southeastern China for defending churches affected by a provincial government's anti-cross campaign, has been recently released by the police. While he and his family could not be reached for a comment, China Aid, a Christian rights group based in the United States, has confirmed his release.

Zhang was detained last August in Wenzhou, a commercial city of Zhejiang province that's known for its strong Christian influence. However, for the past two years, officials have been waging a campaign enforcing the removal of crosses from church buildings across the province. To learn more about the cross demolition campaign, click here.

A brief message posted to Zhang's account on the WeChat social network announced that he was back home: "I have returned to my home in Inner Mongolia safely. Thank you to all my friends for your concern, caring and...consolation. And thanks to the Wenzhou police who have taken care of me during this time." Information on Zhang's arrest and charges is available at this page.

We can rejoice along with others around the world -- especially our Christian brothers and sisters in China -- who are offering praises to God for His intervention in the safe release of Zhang Kai, and for the guidance and care that was provided throughout this Christian lawyer's imprisonment. Pray that the Lord's peace and guidance will continue to be with Zhang as he adjusts to life beyond the confinement of prison walls. May God's divine intervention also be evident in the lives of others in Zhejiang who are experiencing challenges due to their Christian faith, blessing them beyond measure for their faithfulness in the midst of trial.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The Voice of the Martyrs Canada continues to help distribute Bibles to Christians in the country, making it possible for them to have their own printed version of God's Word. Additionally, VOMC works with various mission partners to facilitate a Biblical understanding of persecution and discipleship, while presenting ways to effectively respond and minister within the context of hostility.

    Project Funds: Underground Church, Bible, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    1,413,142,846 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Han Chinese (91.1), ethnic minorities (8.9 - includes Zhang, Hui, Manchu, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Tujia, Tibetan, Mongol, Dong, Buyei, Yao, Bai, Korean, Hani, Li, Kazakh, Dai, and other nationalities) (2021 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Folk religion (21.9), Buddhist (18.2), Christian (5.1), Muslim (1.8), Hindu (< 0.1), Jewish (< 0.1), other (0.7 - includes Daoist [Taoist]), unaffiliated (52.1) (2021 est.)

    President Xi Jinping (2013)

    Government type
    Communist party-led state

    Legal system
    Based on civil law system; influenced by Soviet and continental European civil law systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for China

    Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout China without government interference so many more names can be added to the Lamb's "Book of Life." May there also be a spirit of unity demonstrated among the country's growing churches, further strengthening existing believers and spurring them on in their ministry service and evangelistic outreach within the country's numerous communities.

China News