

  • Christian Refused Permission to Visit Dying Mother
    Ebrahim Firouzi - Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Ebrahim Firouzi has been imprisoned since 2013 on charges, including "actions against national security" (see this report). He is presently being held at the Rajai Shahr Prison, considered one of the harshest in the country.

    Ebrahim's mother has been suffering with cancer and appealed several times to the courts, asking that he be granted permission to visit her, since she was too sick to travel to the prison. Officials refused and, sadly, she passed away without seeing him. The funeral was held on December 4th and Ebrahim was unable to get permission in time to attend the service.

  • Recent Sentencing Includes Pastor's Son
    Ramiel Bettamraz Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Ramiel Bet Tamraz
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Ramiel Bet Tamraz was arrested along with four converts from Islam when security officials raided a picnic that took place northeast of Tehran on August 26th, 2016. Although the five Christians were interrogated and eventually released, Ramiel and his friend were charged with "acting against national security." Both were released on bail in October 2016.

  • Christian Convert Arrested in Iran

    Abdol-Ali Pourmand - Photo: Mohabat News
    Photo: Mohabat News

    On October 19th, a member of the Payam-e Aramesh (meaning "Message of Peace") house church in Dezful was arrested and transferred to another city known as Ahwaz. Shortly before arresting Abdol-Ali Pourmand (also referred to as Elyas), security authorities raided his home while he was away working on his farm. During Abdol's absence, officials searched the house thoroughly and confiscated a few Bibles and Christian CDs.

  • The Voice of the Martyrs Canada - Iran


    Gilbert was 17 years old when his father was fatally stabbed 26 times with a knife for his faith and ministry in Iran. Yet God transformed the tragedy into a profound testimony when Gilbert was willing to forgive the persecutors. Gilbert wrote this song and dedicated it to the very ones who caused him to mourn. Today, he shares the Gospel with the same nation that took his father away from him and, as a result, thousands of Iranians have come to know our Lord Jesus and experience God`s forgiveness of their sins.

  • Imprisoned Iranian Believer Returned to Prison

    In last week's edition of the prayer alert, we requested prayer for Behnam Irani, an imprisoned Iranian believer who had been beaten and taken to an undisclosed location. Pastor Behnam has since been returned to Ghezal Hesar Prison. While we are certainly thankful that his loved ones now know his present whereabouts and condition, we urge you to continue praying for Behnam's health, safety and final release from confinement.

  • Pastor Irani In Need of Proper Medical Treatment

    Behnam Irani

    Please continue to pray for Pastor Behnam Irani, who is presently in Iran's Ghezal Hesar prison. Despite his deteriorating health and ongoing weight loss, proper medical assistance is being withheld. During his imprisonment, Pastor Behnam has suffered from acute back pain (now unable to walk), vision difficulties and internal bleeding, among other health concerns. CSW reports, "He has been subjected to physical and psychological pressure, and has sustained regular beatings from his cell mates and prison authorities, as well as death threats." For more about his situation, click here.

  • Update: Two believers imprisoned in Iran released

    Praise God for the releases and pray for
    those who remain imprisoned
    Photo: Mohabat News

    Two Christians arrested in a raid on a house church in Shiraz, Iran, in October have been released after posting bail amounting to about $25,000 USD each.

    Roxana Forughi and Bijan Haghighi -- two of seven Christians who were arrested in the raid -- have been released while six more members of the house church remain imprisoned (for more, click here). Afshar Bahmani, one of two members of the house church arrested following the raid, was released after 24 hours due to her health.

    There has been an alarming upsurge in the harassment and persecution of Christians in Iran, particularly converts. About 300 Christians have reportedly been arrested and imprisoned in the country since 2010.

    Please pray that those who remain in prison will be bold witnesses for Christ. Pray that the Lord will bless and protect them and their families. Please pray that this intensified persecution in Iran would serve only to increase the numbers of believers day by day (Acts 5:14).

    For more on Iran's persecuted Church, go to the Iran Country Report.

  • Iran: A letter from prison

    In the closed land of Iran, one might be surprised to hear that there are many people with open hearts. Thousands of Iranians are coming to Christ by hearing the gospel through satellite programs, secret evangelism and even dreams. Among those converting to Christianity are even officials within the government itself. However, the growth of the Church is coming at a cost. Iran's underground Church faces persecution, prison charges and, in some cases, even death.

    The family of Haik Hovsepian, an Iranian Christian martyred in 1994, has produced an inspiring music video that shares the struggles and conflicts facing many Iranian believers today. To watch "A Letter from Prison," visit www.Persecution.TV/Letter.

    Please consider showing this video during your next church service and sharing it with friends and family, inviting them to join you in praying for the Church in Iran!

    You can learn more about our persecuted brothers and sisters in Iran at the Iran Country Report.

  • Update: Pastor Vahik and Sonia Abrahamian flee Iran

    Vahik and Sonia arriving in the Netherlands.
    Photo: FCNN

    Iranian pastor Vahik Abrahamian and his wife, Sonia, left the country for the Netherlands on September 15 with the help of the Netherlands Embassy and with approval from the Iranian government. Vahik and Sonia continually expressed their desire to remain in Iran for the sake of their ministry; however, fears for their safety caused them to flee the country.

    The Abrahamians were arrested along with another couple in September 2010. Sonia and the other Christians were released from prison in April 2011. Sonia was told her husband would be released 10 days later, but Pastor Vahik was not released until August 29 (for more information, click here).

    Thank the Lord for guiding and protecting Vahik and Sonia. Pray that they would sense His presence and direction in the coming months. Pray for the many other Iranian Christians who are imprisoned for their faith, including Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.

    For more on our suffering brothers and sisters in Iran, go to the Iran Country Report.

  • Update: Youcef Nadarkhani's case referred to Iran's Supreme Leader

    Pastor Youcef and his family
    Photo: Present Truth Ministries

    There have been developments concerning Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian pastor whose death sentence for apostasy was upheld in court hearings in late September (for more information, click here). First, the case will now be referred to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Second, the Supreme Court has announced that it would be willing to consider a further appeal.

    There is continuing uncertainty about the case. The Iranian authorities have repeatedly suggested that a death sentence has not been passed. This is despite the fact that written verdicts issued by the Revolutionary Tribunal of Gilan Province in September 2010 and the Supreme Court in July 2011 explicitly stated that the charge was apostasy and the sentence death.

    Please pray for the outcome of this case. Ask the Lord to uphold and sustain Youcef, his wife, and their two children. Pray that this family may soon be reunited. Pray for Youcef's legal team and all those in authority connected with this case.

    To learn more about the trials Iranian Christians face, visit the Iran Country Report.