

  • Believers Forced to Leave Everything Behind
    Mohammad, Sara, and
    their two daughters,
    Samantha and Melody

    Christians throughout Iraq have been forced to leave their homes and livelihoods behind as they flee from militants ravaging the country.

    Mohammad, Sara and their two children had to flee their home in Mosul when the city was overrun by Islamic militants. Heartbreakingly, the family was already grieving the recent sudden death of their seven-month-old child. Just days after their child's death, they witnessed an attack on their church that killed three and injured 12. Though they themselves were not physically injured in the attack, Sara has since experienced frequent nightmares. The family later fled to Kurdistan where they now live in a makeshift home consisting of 78 people. "Even though we escaped with our lives, I feel like we are in a prison here," Mohammad shared. "I don’t mean to be unthankful, but I am desperate for work to support my family in any way."

    Another refugee named "Waleed" fled his home after militants threatened to kill him for questioning the Quran. After reaching the country of Lebanon, he was directed to several VOM partners who told him about the Gospel. Waleed soon committed his life to Jesus and has since shared the message of salvation with his mother, brother and some friends. He now actively ministers to Assyrians, Iraqis and others in Lebanon, with hopes of returning to Iraq one day to share the Good News in his homeland.

    In the midst of such chaos and upheaval in Iraq, let us rest in the sure knowledge that our Lord is ultimately in control and that He will restore our world in His perfect timing. Until that day, pray for an outpouring of His peace and grace over the many thousands of refugees who have been forced to flee their homes. Ask God to open doors of opportunity for Mohammad, Sara and their children so they can begin to rebuild their lives. May the Holy Spirit also minister to their broken hearts, healing the emotional wounds they have endured. Praise God for reaching out to Waleed and drawing him into our Christian family! May he be used mightily to share the Good News with those still living in spiritual darkness. Specifically intercede on behalf of his family, praying that they will come to faith in Christ as well.

  • Multitudes Turning to Faith in Jesus Christ
    Displaced Iraqis set up a tent for Jesus in their refugee camp.
    Photo: Stivan Shany via FRRME.org

    A trusted ministry partner of VOMC recently provided the following encouraging update: "An evangelical worker shared with us that many Muslims are very open to the Gospel now. Since ISIS began its terror raid on Mosul and surrounding cities and villages, thousands have fled to safe areas. Many of those who have responded with aid (to the immense needs of these refugees) are Christians from the West. Because of the kindness and love shown to the Muslim people, many hearts are open to the Gospel like never before. Another important dynamic is the brutality of the Islamic terrorists which has caused Muslims who do not support this group to turn away from Islam and instead place their faith in Jesus of the Bible.

    "The Christian worker further told us that he visited more than 100 Muslims who are close to becoming believers in the Lord Jesus. It is exciting to see this openness! A strong prayer point can be found in Matthew 9:37-38 where Jesus said the workers are few. Because large numbers are coming to faith, there is a need for mature Christians who are able to disciple these new believers."

    In the above mentioned Scriptural passage, Jesus is quoted as stating: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest" (NKJV).

    Praise God for the ways in which He is moving in Iraq, despite the horrors inflicted upon the people by ISIS. May His love and grace continue to abound within the hearts of the Iraqi people, resulting in a great harvest. Pray, too, that the Lord will equip many "labourers" for this harvest -- pastors, teachers and other mature Christians -- to encourage and disciple the growing church in this beleaguered area of the world. As you intercede for the country of Iraq, ask that the plans of the militant group be thwarted and that the establishment of God's peace and stability will instead prevail for all of its people.

  • Pray for the Church Amid Great Uncertainty
    Some of the tents of the displaced families
    who fled the violence of IS fighters.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Our sister mission in the United States recently received urgent prayer requests from a church in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, with whom they are partnering to bring needed assistance to believers affected by the widespread violence in the area.

  • Christians Flee Northern Town of Bartella
    Distribution of food and supplies in
    Erbil to refugees from Bartella.
    World Watch Monitor

    Thousands of Christians are continuing to leave their homes and possessions behind as ruthless militants sweep across their country. Recently, the last of the remaining Christians in the northern town of Bartella decided to flee for safer areas. Approximately 2,000 Christian families abandoned the town in early August, the majority of them joining the other 60,000 believers who had also fled to the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil. More than 100,000 Christians and individuals from other vulnerable groups have been displaced since the Islamic State (IS, also referred to as ISIS) began establishing a caliphate in areas of Iraq and Syria. (To learn more about the plight of believers throughout the country, visit this page.)

  • Reaching Out to Refugees Fleeing Militants in the Kurdistan Region
    Many are fleeing by foot from the terror of ISIS.
    Photo: Flickr / Domenico

    Throughout northern Iraq and Syria, the militant group known as the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) has forced tens of thousands into a life without homes, jobs and family. While these refugees face an uncertain future, churches in the Kurdistan region are helping fill that void with help and hope. In particular, many of the churches in the city of Erbil have opened their doors to the multitudes fleeing the advance of ISIS.

    "We wanted to show those people that we don't care if they are Christians, Yazidis or Muslims," Majeed Mohammed, a pastor in the area, explained. "They are human beings and they have been kicked out of their homes by ISIS. We want to show them that as Christians we love them...."

  • Suffering Overflows as Militants Displace Thousands
    Little Iraqi girl plays by her family's tent
    at a refugee camp near Erbil.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Horror and chaos continue to abound in Iraq, as armed jihadists of the militant group "Islamic State" (IS, also referred to as ISIS) took over the country's largest Christian town, Qaraqosh, and nearby Christian settlements early on August 7th. Qaraqosh, a city of about 50,000 people in Nineveh Province, sits between Mosul and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region. IS took over Mosul in July, and many of the city's remaining Christians fled eastward to Qaraqosh, sometimes called the Christian capital of Iraq.

  • Christians Forced to Flee Upon Threat of Death
    Families who have fled from Mosul check into Kelek camp.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Christians in Iraq, and especially those from the city of Mosul, are enduring yet more hardship and persecution because of their faith. The militant group called the "Islamic State" (previously known as ISIS), which is presently in control of Mosul, summoned Christian leaders to a meeting on July 17th to notify them of Islamic rules that are to be applied to non-Muslims. When the Christian leaders did not attend this meeting, it was announced that the remaining believers in the city should leave, pay a "protection" tax, or face execution. The Christians were also ordered to leave all of their property behind.

  • Displaced Christians Desperately Seek Prayer
    Pray that safety, strength and life-sustaining provision
    be made available to the suffering people of Iraq.
    Photo: Flickr / 17th Fires Brigade

    As a ruthless militant group sweeps across the country and leaves devastation in its wake, Christians are urgently seeking prayer for their homeland. Militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS), an extremely violent offshoot of al-Qaeda, have gained full control of Mosul.

  • Christians Facing 'More than Desperate' Crisis

    Canon Andrew White

    Canon Andrew White, known as the "Vicar of Baghdad," has requested urgent prayer for the church in Iraq during this time of intense violence in the country. With frequent bombings and shootings in cities such as Baghdad and Mosul, monthly death tolls have soared recently. January's toll of more than 1,000 killed was the highest in almost six years.

  • Car Bombs Target Believers on Christmas Day

    Damages from the explosion
    Photo: AINA

    Two Christian areas of Baghdad, Iraq, were targeted in Christmas Day car bombings. In the first attack, two bombs were detonated in the busy market of a predominately Christian area, killing at least 10 people and injuring twice as many.