

  • Trusting God Amidst Escalating Violence

    Canon Andrew White

    The following is an urgent update received recently from Canon Andrew White: "I returned to Baghdad following a trip to the U.S. and Canada. Whilst the trip was very good...when I arrived, I found things the most desperate they have ever been. The violence and murders have ascended to such levels that scores of people are being killed each day.... Things are so awful, the Lord is our only hope.

  • Gunmen Open Fire on Assyrian Church

    Gunmen opened fire on St. Mary Assyrian Church on the morning of June 25th, wounding two security guards. According to a source in the interior ministry, the gunmen were travelling in a civilian car when they fired a barrage of bullets at the church, which is located in the Ameen Thania neighbourhood of eastern Baghdad. The two wounded guards were taken to Al Kindi hospital where one of them is listed in serious condition.

    According to the Assyrian International News Agency, a total of 73 churches have been attacked or bombed since June 2004. Of this total, 45 of the churches attacked were in Baghdad, 19 in Mosul, eight in Kirkuk and one in Ramadi. The initial bombing took place on June 26th, 2004, marking the beginning of what the news agency refers to as a low-grade genocide on the Assyrians of Iraq. Since then, the population of Assyrians in the country has dropped to less than half (from 1.4 million to 600,000), as masses have sought refuge in Syria, Jordan and Turkey. Learn more by going to the Iraq Country Report.

    Thankfully, our God of righteousness is on the side of those who are oppressed, treated unjustly, rejected and persecuted. He promises to be especially near to the brokenhearted, providing them much needed comfort, encouragement and help, also working through the compassionate response and prayers of those who share His heart. Please pray for the Lord's healing to be manifested in the lives of both wounded guards, and all others who have been affected by the series of church attacks. May He mightily intervene on behalf of His people, providing them protection, deliverance, justice and the reassurance of His abiding presence.

  • (Kurdistan Region): Muslim Leader Converts to Christianity

    On April 1st, it was reported by the Kurdish news agency, Rudaw, that a Muslim leader converted to Christianity. Confirming this news, an official in the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs of Iraqi Kurdistan announced that the Fatwa Committee in their ministry do not execute those who convert from Islam to any religion. The Iranian media covered this news report as well.

    The news website, Bultannews, affiliated with the Iranian Intelligence services, reported that a daughter of another Muslim leader in Erbil (Iraqi Kurdistan) also converted to Christianity along with her husband. The following statement was included in the website article: "For some time now through the work of the missionaries in Iraqi Kurdistan, a number of people are changing their religion.... The government of Iraqi Kurdistan is not reacting to the activities of missionary organizations and, as a result, Christian converts have been able to hold four conferences in that area."

    Young people in other Muslim countries are also showing interest in knowing and accepting Christ as their Saviour. Last year, another website, Jahan-News, reported that a child of an Iranian ambassador in a foreign country has converted to Christianity and is not willing to return to Iran. As it turns out, the attraction of Muslim youth to Christianity is becoming more evident.

    While believers in other parts of Iraq are still subject to persecution (read more here), we can be thankful for the fact that God is clearly at work in this part of the world. May these new converts experience His protection and blessing as they become strong in their faith and bold in their witness. Pray that the Lord will continue to make great inroads among all the people groups of Iraq, including their youth who are earnestly searching for truth and answers to life's complexities.

  • Christians in Kurdish region under siege

    Burning of mostly Christian-owned shops in Zakho
    shocked residents of Iraq's Kurdish region.
    Photo: YouTube image from Compass Direct News

    Christian-owned businesses were burned to the ground earlier this month as unprecedented violence erupted against Christians in Iraq's Kurdish region. Local sources say the attacks were organized by a pro-Islamic political party. The attackers waved flags that said, "There Is No God but Allah," according to Ankawa News.

    A sermon by a mullah claiming there was moral corruption in the northern town of Zakho seemed to be the trigger for a group of young Muslim men to attack the businesses, according to the news outlet. The following day, two more Christian neighbourhoods were attacked with businesses being burned, and the attacks, reportedly organized by the Kurdistan Islamic Union party, continued in other nearby regions for several days as well.

    Pray that God will sustain and encourage believers who lost property in these attacks. Pray for lasting peace in this area. Pray that increased persecution will result in increased boldness among believers in Iraq (Acts 4:29-31).

    Go to the Iraq Country Report to learn more about Iraq's suffering Church.

  • Church building bombed

    A wave of violence hit 17 cities in Iraq recently, claiming around 70 lives. Included in the attacks was the bombing of a church building in Kirkuk, marking the second round of assaults against the city's Christian community in recent weeks. On August 15 at 1:20 a.m., a bomb tore through one of the walls of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Mar Afram. Thankfully, no Christians were killed in the attack, but police have announced higher protective measures for Kirkuk's churches.

    Earlier in the month, three other churches were targeted by insurgents. While police were able to disarm bombs near two of the churches, a third bomb detonated in front of the Holy Family Syriac Catholic Church.

    About 334,000 Christians remain in Iraq, less than half of their number in 1991. The violence has caused hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people, both Muslim and Christian, to leave the country, and many more are displaced inside Iraq, particularly in Kurdistan.

    Pray for the church in Iraq. Pray they will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39; 12:1-3). Pray He will comfort and strengthen the many who are grieving. Ask him to intervene in the lives of Christians in Iraq to protect and preserve them.

    Please visit the Iraq Country Report for more on the trials facing believers in Iraq.

  • Christian tortured and killed A 29-year-old Christian man was recently tortured and killed by members of al Qaida in Kirkuk, Iraq. On May 13, Ashur Issa Yaqub was kidnapped. His captors reportedly demanded $100,000 for his release. Three days later, his body was recovered, bearing marks of brutal torture. According to a local pastor, his kidnappers had reportedly pressured Ashur's employer to fire him because he was a Christian. "Because the contractor was rich and they couldn't do anything to him, they kidnapped Ashur, and unfortunately they killed him," the pastor said. Ashur leaves to mourn a wife and three children.

    Pray Ashur's widow and children will know the peace, presence and comfort of Jesus. Pray Christians in Kirkuk will look to Christ for strength and continue to walk His path of faithful perseverance. Pray those responsible for the murder will know the Spirit's conviction of sin and the Father's offer of forgiveness, and turn to new life in the Son.

    For more on the suffering Church in Iraq, go to theIraq Country Report.

  • Murder of Chaldean man raises fears

    A group of armed men burst into the home of an elderly believer, stabbing him to death in Iraq. Youssif Isho, a 70-year-old Chaldean Christian, lived alone in Karrad, central Baghdad. According to information obtained by AsiaNews, Youssif Isho's death was a targeted killing by extremist groups. Sources warned AsiaNews that other attacks against Christians are possible in the capital. "The faithful continue to suffer," a Christian leader said, "and people are scared, moving cautiously out of fear of more violence." Street demonstrations were scheduled in Iraq's main cities in the wake of the attack.

    Pray for all those grieving the loss of this Christian man. Pray the Lord will strengthen the faith of believers in Iraq and take away all fear. Pray the Lord will strengthen and grow the Church in spite of the ongoing violence towards Christians.

    Learn more about the tribulations of Iraqi Christians in theIraq Country Report.

  • Elderly Christian couple killed inside their home

    An elderly Christian couple in the Ghadir district of Baghdad was killed when terrorists placed a bomb outside of their home, rang the doorbell and then fled. Fawzi Rahim, 76, and Janet Mekha, 78, were killed instantly when they opened the door. The bombing happened at the same time other Christian-owned homes and neighbourhoods throughout Baghdad were being attacked. Thirteen people were wounded in the attacks.

    Pray Christians in Iraq will experience the Lord's rest and peace (John 14:27, Matthew 11:28-30). Pray He will strengthen the small church. May they remain steadfast in their faith and be the light of Christ in this troubled nation.

    You can read more about the suffering of Christians in Iraq at theIraq Country Report.

  • Three more Christians killed in Mosul

    This week, three more believers were killed in Mosul, Iraq -- the latest in a series of recent deadly attacks on the country's Christian community (click here for more details). On November 22, assailants entered a shop owned by two Christian welders -- brothers, Saad Hanna, 43, and Waad Hanna, 40 -- and shot them. Waad was killed instantly and Saad succumbed to his injuries two hours later. The same day, police found an elderly Christian woman strangled in her Mosul home.

    Pray for comfort for those mourning the loss of these believers. Pray for strength of faith and endurance of hope for Iraqi's beleaguered Christians. Ask God to bring His peace to Iraq.

    You can find out more about how Christians in Iraq are suffering for their faith at theIraq Country Report.

  • More deadly attacks on Christians

    Christians in Iraq have again been the targets of deadly violence in recent days, including bombings and gunfire. On November 11, suspected Islamist militants detonated 11 bombs in Christian suburbs across the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, indiscriminately targeting shops and homes. At least five Christians were killed and approximately 33 injured. Fresh violence also erupted in predominately Christian areas of Iraq on the evening of November 15. At least one person was killed and seven others injured when two car bombs exploded in Baghdad. Also that evening, gunmen invaded the homes of Christian families in the eastern region of Mosul and killed two men. The following afternoon, a Christian man and his six-year-old daughter were killed by a car bomb in Mosul.

    This recent and devastating wave of violence comes but a few weeks after a hostage siege and bombing in a Baghdad cathedral that left several Christians dead and many others wounded (click here for more).

    Pray for God's peace for those mourning loved ones lost in these attacks. Ask God to make our Iraqi brothers and sisters strong so that they can share His love and Word without hesitation or fear, even in an environment of upheaval and danger. Pray that those responsible for these attacks will be moved by the Spirit to repent of their actions and accept Jesus as their Lord.

    For more on trials facing Christians in Iraq, go to theIraq Country Report.