

  • Christians Flee Forced Conversions

    On April 14, several Iraqi Christians fled from their homes in the Dora district of Baghdad in response to a fatwa issued by an amir (independent Muslim prince or ruler). According to an April 18 report from Compass Direct, the fatwa was enforced by militants who told the believers they would be killed if they did not convert to Islam within twenty-four hours. The fleeing Christians were prevented from taking any personal belongings with them.

    Six of the displaced Christian families have since relocated to a church in another area of the city. Several families have also relocated to the northern Kurdish region of Iraq. The cross on the top of St. John the Baptist Chaldean church in Dora has reportedly been removed by militants.

    Ask God to protect and provide for the displaced Christians. Pray Iraqi Christians will not give in to fear but stand firm in the faith (2 Timothy 1:7). Pray for peace and security in Iraq and the establishment of a government able and willing to protect the religious freedoms of all Iraqis.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iraq,click here. A video report on the persecution of Christians in Iraq from VOMC's German partner, HMK, is available on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christian Sisters Murdered
    Margaret and Fadhila Naoum
    Photos from
    Compass Direct
    On the evening of March 26, two sisters, Margaret and Fadhila Naoum, were repeatedly stabbed and strangled to death in their home. The motive for the attack is unclear, according to a March 30 report from Compass Direct. The brutal nature of the attack, however, along with no evidence of robbery, has led some to believe the attack may have religious overtones. The Christian community in Iraq is especially vulnerable to attacks.

    Pray that the violence against Christians in this area with cease. Pray that believers in Iraq will set Christ apart as Lord and not be controlled by fear because of these kinds of attacks
    (1 Peter 3:14-17).

    For more information on persecution in Iraq,click here. A video report on Iraq from VOMC's sister mission in Germany, HMK, is available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Father Samy Al Raiys Released
    Father Samy Al Raiys
    Photo from
    Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the kidnapping of Father Samy Al Raiys on December 4 (click here to read more). We are thankful to report that he was released unharmed six days later. Few details on the incident are known.
  • Elder Murdered; Priests Abducted

    Continuing violence against Christians in Iraq has continued with the kidnapping of two Chaldean priests in the past two weeks and the kidnapping and murder of a Presbyterian elder.

    On November 19, Father Douglas Yousef Al-Bazy was kidnapped but released unharmed nine days later. On December 4, another priest, Samy Al Raiys, was grabbed only metres from his home. There have been no reports yet of demands.

    While the reasons for the kidnappings of the Chaldean priests are not yet known, the kidnappers of a Presbyterian elder on November 26 are reported to have said, "We will cut his throat. We will take revenge for the Pope's words. We will take revenge on all of you. We will kill all the Christians, and we will start with him."

    Mosul, Iraq
    Elder Munthir (69) was returning from leading worship at the National Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Mosul when armed men grabbed him in front of his home. The kidnappers initially demanded one million dollars and negotiated with the Munthir's family using his cell phone. After three days, they suddenly cut off all negotiations. His body was found on the morning of November 30. He was killed by a single bullet to the head.

    Pray that the killing and abductions of Christians in Iraq will cease. Ask God to comfort Elder Munthir's loved ones during their grief. Pray that Iraqi Christians will be strengthened to follow in his example of faithfulness to Christ at all cost (1 Corinthians 4:9-14,16).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iraq,click here.

  • Church Bombed

    A group of unidentified attackers bombed the entrance of a Catholic church in Mosul, Iraq on November 1, destroying the doors and windows. According to a November 10 report from Compass Direct, the blast happened at the Dominican Clock Church while Dominican priests were holding evening prayers. The exterior iron doors were shattered and two sets of wood doors were flattened by the blast. There were no injuries.

    Though no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing, sources do not believe that the bombing was a random act saying. One source that could not be identified told Compass Direct, "You don't set off a blast that big unless you are planning something more."

    Pray that the Christians in Mosul will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23). Ask that their persecution will embolden their faith (Acts 4:29 -31).  Pray that the violence against their church will cease. Thank the Lord that no one was harmed during these attacks.

    For more information on the challenges facing Iraq's Christians,click here.

  • Assyrian Boy Beheaded

    According to the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), the Assyrian website http://www.ankawa.com/ has reported that a 14 year old Assyrian boy, Ayad Tariq, was beheaded by Muslim militants in Baqouba, Iraq on October 21.

    At approximately 6:00 a.m., while Ayad was beginning his twelve hour shift of maintaining an electrical generator, a group of disguised Muslim militants approached him and asked to see his identification. According to an employee who witnessed the events, when the Muslims saw that his identification noted him as "Christian," they asked him if he was truly a "Christian sinner." Ayad replied, "Yes, I am a Christian but not a sinner." The insurgents responded that this is a "dirty Christian sinner!" They then threw him to the ground, held down his arms and legs, and shouting "Allahu Akbar!" (God is great), they beheaded him.

    Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through Ayad's story and bring many of his neighbors and friends to Christ (Romans 12:14, 21). Pray that the murderers will find forgiveness in Christ as Saul the persecutor did (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iraq,click here.

  • Priest Beheaded by Muslim Attackers
    Fr. Boulous Iskander
    Photo from Middle East Concern
    A Syrian Orthodox priest was found beheaded and dismembered in Mosul, Iraq on October 11, two days after being kidnapped. Fr. Boulous Iskander (59) was abducted by a group of Muslims while he was visiting mechanic shops on a Mosul street. The kidnappers then telephoned Iskander's family and demanded that they pay a ransom of $350,000.

    After a series of negotiations with the family, the ransom amount was reduced to $40,000. However, they also then demanded that Iskander's church publicly renounce the remarks that Pope Benedict XVI made about Islam last month.

    All of the kidnappers' demands were met. His family managed to raise the full ransom and his church posted 30 large signboards around the city that disagreed with the Pope's comments. Unfortunately, even after these actions, the kidnappers did not make any attempt to contact the family with an indication of Iskander's release.

    At approximately 7:00 p.m. on October 11, Fr. Iskander's body was discovered in the remote Tahir city distinct of Mosul. His arms and legs had been severed and arranged around his head, which rested on his chest.

    The priest's beheading is the latest in a series of recent violent attacks against religious minorities in Iraq. According to Compass Direct, anonymous Iraqi church sources reported that a Christian layman from Baghdad, Dr. Joseph Fridon Petros (55) had been ambushed and killed on October 11 on his way to Mosul's capital. There have also been several reports of young Christian women being kidnapped and made to endure torture and sexual violence at the hands of Islamist militants. The Assyrian International News Agency also claimed on October 12 that a fourteen-year-old boy had been crucified in the Christian neighbourhood of Albasra on October 10. VOMC has not received any further confirmation of this latter incident.

    Fr. Iskander is survived by his wife, Azhar, sons Fadi and Yohamma and daughters Fadiyeh and Mariam.

    Pray that God will bring comfort to the families of Fr. Iskander and Dr. Petros. Pray that they will be assured that God is their Defender and a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5; Psalm 10:17-18). Pray for the protection of Christians throughout Iraq.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iraq,click here.

  • Two Churches Targeted

    Two churches in Iraq were attacked on Sunday, September 24.

    In the Karrada neighbourhood of Baghdad, a bomb was set off under the parish priest's car outside the Assyrian Orthodox Church of St. Mary at approximately 9:30 a.m. As a crowd gathered, another bomb exploded nearby, killing a church watchman and injuring several others. The motivation behind the attack is unknown.

    In Mosul, the Chaldean Church of the Holy Spirit was targeted twice within three days. On September 24, approximately eighty shots were fired at the church, breaking windows and causing minor damage to the building. On September 26, a group of men fired rockets at the building and set off an explosive device outside an unused door of the building. There were no injuries in either attack. It is believed that both attacks may be by the same group.

    Tensions between Christians and Muslims in Iraq have been particularly high since comments by the Pope in Regensburg, Germany and some have suggested a connection with these attacks. Flyers have been distributed demanding that Christians condemn the Pope's comments or face violence. The Chaldean bishop of Mosul has put up posters stating, "Neither Iraqi Christians nor the Pope want to destroy ties with Muslims."

    Pray that believers in Iraq will set Christ apart as Lord and not be controlled by fear (1 Peter 3:14-17). Ask God to bring comfort to the family of the watchman who was killed (1 Corinthians 15:50-58, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Pray that the persecutors will open their hearts to the love of Christ as Saul did (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the violence facing Iraqi Christians,click here.

  • Body of Peace Activist Found

    The story of four Christian peace activists kidnapped in Iraq took a tragic turn when the body of American Tom Fox was found on March 10.  Initial examinations show signs of abuse and torture.  The other three captives, Briton Norman Kember and Canadians James Loney and Harmeet Sooden, were last seen on a video broadcast by Al Jazeera on March 7.  They appeared to be in good health. Pray for the Fox family and for those still being held.

  • Three Dead as Churches Bombed

    Three people died and many were injured when car bombs clearly intended for six churches exploded in a coordinated attack on Sunday, January 29 in Kirkuk and Baghdad.

    Three people died in the northern city of Kirkuk after coordinated car bombs exploded outside the Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary and an Orthodox Church.  In Baghdad, car bombs also exploded outside St. Mary Chaldean Church, Catholic Church of St Joseph's and an Anglican Church.  The Seventh-Day Adventist Church also claims that their church in Baghdad was targeted by a car bomb for the second time in two years. A bomb also exploded near the Vatican Embassy in Baghdad.

    Pray that believers throughout Iraq will know the protection, preservation and strength of God. Remember the families of the deceased in your prayers.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iraq,click here.