Court Upholds Church Closure Order

Signs protesting illegal church closures
Church members hang signs protesting
the illegal closure of their church.

The Spring of Life Church in Makouda is the second largest Protestant church in Algeria with about 700 members. In October 2019, it was ordered to be closed, along with two other churches (see this report). The closures happened under Ordinance 06-03, which states that permission must be obtained before using a building for non-Muslim worship.

Since the ordinance was enacted in 2006, Algerian authorities have failed to respond to any application for permission. As a result, it became common practice to rent a building and then inform local authorities that it is being used as a place of worship. Starting in November 2017, however, authorities began acting on the ordinance by closing several churches.

In response to the closures, ten of the churches filed cases with the administrative courts. The Spring of Life Church recently received a court ruling upholding the order to close. The congregants of other closed churches are concerned that this may set a precedent for similar rules. There are also concerns that this may embolden governors to order more closures.

On the same day that the Spring of Life Church was closed, the Full Gospel of Tizi-Ouzou (the largest Protestant church in Algeria) was also forced to close. Video footage of that raid is available here.

Prayerfully remember the church leaders represented by Algeria's various denominational groups as they seek to wisely address these mounting challenges and determine how to carry on with the work of the Gospel. May the country's governing leaders and those of the courts come to understand the importance of religious freedom, and thereby enact laws in support of such.

Algeria Information

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is equipping persecuted Christians in Algeria with biblical and theological training through the support of a seminary that provides contextually biblical and relevant training.

    Project Funds: Underground Church, Equipping the Saints, Legal Defence

  • Country Information

    44,758,398 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Aran-Berber (99), European (<1)

    Religions (%)
    Muslim (99), Other, Christian and Jewish (<1)

    Abdelmadjid Tebboune (Dec. 2019)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    mix of French civil law and Islamic law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Algeria

    Pray that God will use the current restrictions to draw many more Algerians into a relationship with Christ. Pray for conversions to Jesus among the country’s powerful Islamist leaders.

    Pray Algerian believers will respond to pressure with faith and perseverance.

    Pray for the nation's young people, who make up a large percentage of the population in general, as well as the majority of Christians. May they not be frustrated or disillusioned but rather strengthened and encouraged in Christ Jesus.

Algeria News

  • Sentence Upheld for Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Youssef Ourahmane
    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane is a senior pastor and vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA). In March 2023, he was charged with organizing an unauthorized religious assembly and sentenced to two years in prison, along with a fine of 100,000 dinars (approximately $1,000 CAD). Following an appeal of the verdict, the pastor's conviction was upheld, but his sentence was reduced to one year in prison.

  • Appeal Scheduled for Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane serves as the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA). Following a three-day gathering with a few Christian families in March 2023, he was charged with organizing an unauthorized religious assembly. In September, the pastor was sentenced to two years in prison, along with a fine. During an appeal hearing in November, the court ruled to uphold the verdict, but reduced the Christian leader's sentence to one year.

  • Church Leader Loses Appeal
    Youssef Ourahmane
    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane is a senior pastor who oversees a number of churches and Bible schools in Algeria, in addition to serving as the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA) – an association composed of more than 45 Protestant churches.

  • Church Leader Convicted in Absentia
    Youssef Ourahmane
    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Pastor Youssef Ourahmane is the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA), an association consisting of more than 45 Protestant churches. Along with this leadership role, he also serves as a senior pastor who oversees a number of churches and Bible schools.