Christian Threatened With Prosecution for Sharing Faith

Vladimir Burshtyn being led by officers.
Vladimir Burshtyn consistently faces
opposition for sharing his faith.[br]Photo: Baptist Council of Churches

On June 1st, Vladimir Burshtyn was detained because he had been sharing his Christian faith on the streets of Drogichin, Belarus. The elderly man received a $300 fine for his actions. (For further details on this incident, go to this report.) However, this was not the first time Vladimir was punished for practising his faith. He was previously fined in 2005 for leading an unregistered congregation, and again in 2008 for sharing his faith publicly.

The latest fine is equivalent to more than one month's average pension for a senior citizen like Vladimir. Despite the substantial opposition, the elderly man has determined to walk in the footsteps of the disciples who, in Acts 5, were forbidden from teaching publicly. In response to the persecution they encountered, these first-century believers replied, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). As a result of Vladimir's desire to share the eternal hope that's available through Christ, the district prosecutor threatened him on July 27th with criminal prosecution for "incitement of racial, ethnic, religious or other social hatred or discord" if he continues to share his faith in public.

A new and more restrictive religion law is presently being reviewed by the parliament of Belarus. If adopted in its present form, current restrictions would continue and, in some cases, increase. Not only will all churches be required to register with the government, but even those currently registered will be ordered to re-register within one year. For more on the persecution facing Christians in Belarus, read our country report.

Praise God for the unwavering commitment of this elderly believer, who is determined to spread the Gospel despite personal risks. Pray that Vladimir will receive renewed strength, fortitude and peace in the days to come. May God guide the actions of Belarusian parliament officials as they consider the proposed revisions to the country's religion law, directing their decisions so that our Christian brothers and sisters in this Eastern European nation will be granted religious freedom.

Belarus News

  • New Religious Restrictions Pass into Law
    President Aleksandr Lukashenko
    President Aleksandr Lukashenko
    Photo: Wikipedia / (cc)

    On December 30th, President Aleksandr Lukashenko officially passed into law new religious regulations, finalizing a bill that had initially been introduced in September 2023. For more details, see this page. The policies are scheduled to take effect on July 5th and, while the legislation carries various new stipulations, the most significant is the requirement that all religious communities must re-register within one year of the law coming into effect.

  • Officials Issue Threats to Church Leaders
    Saint Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church in Baranovichi city.
    An Orthodox church in Belarus.
    Photo: Wikimedia / Horakvlado (cc)

    On December 20th, a meeting was held for the Minsk Orthodox Diocese. During the gathering, which consisted of more than two hundred priests, Olga Chemodanova from the Ideology Department of the Minsk Executive Committee was invited to speak. She told those present that state agencies were monitoring more than 500 religious communities and openly warned against committing any act that could potentially be perceived as being political in nature, including the use of "non-religious symbols." Her address clearly threatened any church leaders who may be considered "ideologically alien," further indicating that such leaders should expect to serve time in prison.

  • Church Appeals Liquidation Orders
    A building is only partially standing, with the rest in rubbles.
    Destruction of the New Life Church building.
    Photo: New Life Church

    On October 6th, the court proceedings to determine the future of the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus, officially began. After years of harassment by various government departments, legal action was taken to liquidate the church organization. For more details on this troubling situation, go to this page.

  • Revised Religion Law Passes First Reading
    The House of Government in Minsk
    House of Government in Minsk
    Photo: Wikipedia / Suicasmo (cc)

    A new religion law, which was introduced to Belarus' House of Representatives on September 29th, passed its first reading on October 11th. The text of the draft law was only made public on October 10th. While some aspects of the previous version of the law will remain the same, the new legislation would impose significantly tighter restrictions on the country's Christians if approved.