Buried Deep but Not Hidden

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has established seven purposes that guide our ministry activities. One purpose we seek to attain is giving a voice to those Christians whose cries of pain and proclamation of praise go unheard. We accomplish this by sharing their testimonies of suffering and worship.

A Somali Christian ministry recently emailed me a poem which poignantly demonstrates the heart-wrenching troubles a convert to Christianity bears at the hands of those who are closest to them. Here is the poem sent by that particular ministry for the encouragement of a Somali convert:

"I share your sadness with the loss of your old identity.
You have lost a part of your soul.
You won't hear family say your name.
There will be silence.

But there is another family
waiting to embrace you.
We are here for you.

God knows the plans He has for you.
We do not.
Like an oyster buried deep in the sea
is God's plan for you.

It is hidden from me
But you are not hidden from Christ.
God knows you.
He knows where you are.
And where He wants you to be."

We, as Canadian Christians, have the honour and privilege of sustaining persecuted family members around the world, letting them know they are not alone and not forgotten. In part, this is what Hebrews 13:3 calls us to do: Remember your brothers and sisters who suffer for righteousness, and pray they will find strength and comfort in Christ.

Thank you for standing with us in this incredible calling to serve His persecuted church. Please continue to pray that the Lord will lead and guide us in the days ahead to faithfully be ministers of His grace and mercy as we build bridges between the church in Canada and those of whom this world is not worthy. We are reminded in Matthew 25:40 of Jesus' important words (ESV):

"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the
least of these, My brothers, you did it to Me."

Grace and peace,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
