The Road Map for Life

"Holy words long preserved, for our walk in this world.
They resound with God's own heart. Oh, let the ancient words impart.
Ancient words ever true, changing me and changing you.
We have come with open hearts. Oh, let the ancient words impart."

Lyrics of "Ancient Words" by Lynn DeShazo

According to a World Religion News report from 2017, 87 percent of the homes in America have a Bible. The American Bible Association and the Barna Group, in an earlier 2014 poll, reported that the average number of Bibles per household is 4.7. Yet, today, Christians in many parts of the world have never even owned a Bible, nor will they likely ever retain one in their lifetimes.

Handing out digital Bibles

The Voice of the Martyrs believes that every Christian should, at the very least, have regular access to the Scriptures. Many times when we ask persecuted Christians how we can help them, they reply, "Please pray for us and bring us Bibles." Our Bible Fund was established to supply Bibles to our persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world. Through valuable partnerships, we are achieving this purpose.

With solar-charged audio Bible players from our friends at Galcom Canada, VOM-partner Global Response Network distributes the Word of God to illiterate tribes in South Sudan. With many dialects specific to their ministry region, there is an increased hunger for God's Word, and the results are amazing, as our colleague Tom explains:

"I showed one of our digital Bibles to a man who had said that he's not interested in the church; he's not interested in any of that stuff. I hit the play button, and when he heard the Bible spoken in his mother tongue, he was completely mesmerized. I gave him this Bible, which was risky because I didn't want to just give these valuable tools to people who don't care. However, every time I saw him, he had the Bible in his pocket playing. He always had that Bible with him, playing the whole time wherever he went."

However, these audio Bibles are not only impacting non-Christians, Tom says they are a tremendous blessing to Christian families and communities as well:

"Through listening, the words of the Bible come alive and fill the mind and heart with hope. One of the greatest needs of the people in South Sudan is hope. In a place stricken with pain, hunger, fear, suffering and death, hope is perhaps the greatest commodity. The words of the Bible instruct, encourage and direct. You see, when God is all that you have, His words take on a whole new meaning. They become what they were meant to be, the road map to heaven, the very road map of life!"

In Psalm 119:105, the psalmist says that "[God's] Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (ESV). How often has God's Word instructed you? How often have you appreciated being able to turn to the Bible to discern His will and seek His wisdom? Imagine a world where you lived your whole life dreaming of the day a copy of God's Holy Word would be yours to hold and to own.

Through your generous donations to The Voice of the Martyrs' Bible Fund, you have provided the 'Word of Life' for some of your brothers and sisters in South Sudan. Thank you for your continued friendship and partnership in serving our persecuted family. We have a monumental task before us. Yet, little by little, each step of faith brings encouragement and relief to those who suffer for righteousness.

Grace and peace,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada