A Father's Worship

"...walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully
pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work
and increasing in the knowledge of God...."
Colossians 1:10 ESV

A t-shirt from Floyd Brobbel's family
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My family once created a homemade Father's Day t-shirt that depicts qualities they love about me. I make an effort to wear it every Father's Day as a celebration of God's goodness in my life. A father's primary role is to provide health, stability and growth within the family unit. In Christian homes, this is best accomplished when fathers demonstrate the worship of and obedience to the Lord their God.

For God's glory, every act of service and sacrifice bears fruit that nourishes the family but also brings hope and transformation to others. It is no wonder then that husbands and fathers are frequently targeted by those who persecute Christians. Remove a father from the family equation and the family unit weakens, and its influence diminishes.

I recall hearing a story of a Christian Afghan man reaching Taliban soldiers for Christ. He had been a devoted Muslim before his conversion, often risking his life for the cause of Islam. Now, as a follower of Jesus, he was willing to lay down his life for our Saviour and Lord. When he had fought for the Taliban as a Muslim, his commander had assured him that they would care for his family should he die in battle. Now, as a believer, his concern became: "If I die for Christ, will you care for my family?"

With God's help, and through your financial gifts, we can answer that Afghan brother by responding, "Yes." Together, through the Families of Martyrs Fund, we support families left destitute by the imprisonment, death or exile of a parent or spouse because of their Christian faith and witness. As the Heavenly Father cares for these families, they carry the legacy their earthly fathers left them. Many a martyr's tombstone become monuments of love and sacrifice, which continues to bear fruit today.

I pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit, all your good works will bring glory to God.

Grace and peace,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada