Rocks, sunset

On Solid Rock

There is no lasting value in empty words, and a person who utters them risks reputational harm. It stands to reason then that words of substance carry significance, which can influence those who listen. Jesus processed the ability to exude authority and meaning whenever He spoke. When our Lord spoke, people listened, even those who opposed and hated Him.

In Matthew 16:18, for example, Jesus told His disciples, "…on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (ESV). The impact of those words may not have fully registered on Jesus' followers immediately but, as time progressed, the accuracy of His words became increasingly evident.

In this statement, we see:

  1. Jesus will establish His church in this world.
  2. Satan will try to use every weapon in his arsenal to destroy the church of Christ.
  3. Despite these attacks, the church of Jesus will grow and advance.

Church repairsIn Sri Lanka, VOMC assists churches and pastors experiencing violent persecution. In the past year, you helped the ministry support six churches after an attack. The repair and rebuilding of these churches present a strong declaration of God’s faithfulness to their persecutors. As anti-Christian sentiments continue, and attacks become frequent, a church that rests on the promises of God will thrive and shine forth His glory.

Church repairsHow grateful we are to the Lord who equips us to be a blessing to our persecuted family. Our word to them is that we will not forget nor abandon them. Their words to us are that they, too, pray we will remain faithful to God under trials and live wholeheartedly for Him.

"We express our gratitude to VOM Canada and the church in Canada for partnering with us to minister to the persecuted church. You have blessed the church of our nation and granted strength and encouragement to pastors and their congregation [members] who have suffered much on the account of their faith" (Sri Lankan Ministry Partner).

Grace and peace,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada

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