Strength for Today

"Seek the Lord and His strength,
seek His presence continually!"
~ Psalm 105:4 ESV

By the time you receive this blog message, August 2020 will have already morphed into history, bringing with it the end of the summer months. Now, even with September well upon us, questions of uncertainty continue to abound as COVID-19 protocols complicate the return of Canadian children to school, leaving parents to decide the best options for their children's education.

Hiding in a rockWhile all of us are tired of talking about and dealing with the pandemic fallout, most people are adjusting and complying with the new regulations, whether they agree with them or not. Despite these current difficulties and inconveniences, we still have so much to be thankful for, especially all of us at VOMC as we see the goodness of God displayed daily through the generous gifts of our supporters.

Last year, your financial gifts helped VOMC launch the Glenn Penner Scholarship Award. This program helps emerging Christian leaders from hostile or restrictive nations to pursue, with excellence, their Biblical and professional training. In collaboration with established Christian educational institutes, this scholarship aims to enable selected graduate candidates from regions where Christians who are persecuted or face religious restrictions can unleash their gifts and make effective use of them in their service for the Kingdom of God.

Just recently, I received a report from a seminary involved in this project. (For security reasons, names and locations are changed or omitted.)

Girl reading a Bible"David came to us as a wanted man and, throughout his stay, worried about the day he would have to leave. Returning home meant that he would be going back to persecution and potential imprisonment. During his last year of studies, however, a revolution started in his country. This event led to the overthrow of the government and the removal of several political figures who were actively persecuting Christians. David saw the hand of God preparing the way for his safe return home. The Lord provided David sponsorship with a local church, enabling him to focus solely on making disciples and church planting."

David prepared to return home, even though it was dangerous to do so. Praise God that He made a way in this new season and that His church continues to grow in David's home country.

What is God preparing you for in 'this day and age'? Are there obstacles standing in your way? Will you prepare for the next step of faithfulness even if those who oppose you stand in your way? All you need to do is look up, seek the Lord's strength, rest in His abiding presence, and be ready to act.

For His glory,

Floyd A. Brobbel
Chief Executive Officer
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada
