Two Nigerian States Face a Spate of Violent Attacks

A group of women laughing together while holding their children.
Women and children at Mara's House (screenshot).
Photo: 100 Huntley Street

Recent attacks by militants in Nigeria have resulted in dozens of deaths, along with kidnappings and the destruction of homes. Many Christians were targeted in these repeated violent attacks, often the result of their perpetrators' strict adherence to militant Islamic ideology. For more details on the suffering of Christians in Nigeria, go to our country report.

The state of Benue has had more than 60 villagers slain in the past month. On April 1st, at least six Christians were killed in the village of Ikobi in Apa County. According to one resident, several homes were razed. That same evening, a worship service in Logo County was attacked. During the raid, militants killed a Christian man named Orolumunga Changogi, wounded five other worshippers, and kidnapped five church members, including Pastor Gwadue Kwaghtyo.

In Kaduna state during the previous month, 27 Christians were killed as a result of two separate attacks in Zangon Kataf County. On March 10th, the village of Ungwan Wakili was invaded. According to witnesses, the culprits were "Muslim Fulani herdsmen who came along with terrorists." Four days later, ten Christians were killed in the village of Langson, and dozens more were reportedly left injured.

A couple additional separate incidents took place in March involving the invasion of homes belonging to two different pastors in Kaduna. On March 10th, the residence of Pastor Dadi Babas was broken into during the middle of the night while the church leader was away for his brother's funeral. The assailants killed the pastor's son before kidnapping his wife and three other family members. Pastor Dadi's wife was released later that night because she was ill, but the other three family members remain missing. Then, on March 23rd, terrorists raided Buda 2 village near Kasuwan Magani. The attackers entered the home of another pastor, killing him and taking his wife captive.

Speaking of these recent attacks, Rev. Joseph Hayab, who serves as the chair for the Kaduna chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, lamented: "Who will we cry to and who will we run to for help except God? Imagine that since the carnage of kidnapping of Christians started in Kaduna state, no arrests have been made."

The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, in coordination with Crossroads Cares, has partnered with Christian Faith Ministries to build Mara's House, a refuge for young women in Nigeria who need shelter after facing persecution and terrorism. For more about the construction of this dormitory building, along with information on how you can help our Nigerian sisters in Christ, see this video.

Please prayerfully lift up the grieving families of the many believers who were senselessly killed in these recent attacks, that they will be assured of Christ's resurrection power and resulting eternal salvation of their loved ones. Also pray for the peace, strength and safe release of the surviving victims still being held in captivity. May the newly elected government take these ongoing incidents of violence seriously, committing themselves to the safety of vulnerable Christian communities. Intercede for the perpetrators of the attacks, in hopes they will turn from their sins to faith in the Risen Lord. Last, but not least, pray that the ministry of Mara's House will be a great blessing to the dozens of Nigerian women who are recovering from the aftermath of persecution.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC works with in-country partners to encourage and strengthen persecuted Christians through a variety of methods. Christians are equipped with audio bibles to distribute to their persecutors. Christian widows receive skills training and trauma counselling as a way to provide an income for their families and heal from the trauma they’ve faced in losing their husbands. Children who have lost parents and relatives due to attacks are provided with a safe place to grow and be nurtured. Medical fees are paid for Christians who have suffered injuries due to attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani. Discipleship and vocational training are given to Muslim Background Believers to help them start their new lives spiritually and practically. The Glenn Penner Scholarship Award is used to help equip persecuted Christians completing their Masters and have a heart to share the Gospel with the lost in their community.

    Project Funds: Women’s Ministry, Bibles, Medical Fund, Families of Martyrs, Equipping the Saints, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    230,842,743 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Hausa (30), Yoruba (15.5), Igbo (15.2), Fulani (6), Tiv (2.4), Kanuri/Beriberi (2.4), Ibibio (1.8), Izaw/Izon (1.8), Other (24.7)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (53.5), Christianity (45.9), Other (0.6)

    President Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu (2023)

    Government type
    Federal presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of English common law, Islamic law (in 12 northern states), and traditional law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Nigeria

    May God minister great comfort and healing to all who have been injured or bereaved as a result of the militants' brutal attacks. In addition, pray for the remaining abducted Chibok schoolgirls, that they will be assured of the Lord's abiding presence as they await release from captivity. Continue to uphold President Tinubu and other members of the Nigerian government as they make further attempts to rescue the remaining girls and provide protection for vulnerable citizens. As they persevere in their endeavours to overcome terrorism, may they be granted wisdom, courage, strength and help from on high.

Nigeria News

  • Ongoing Violence Leads to Church Closures
    Pastor Amos Mohzo is smiling.
    Pastor Amos Mohzo
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. One estimate states that, on average, every two hours there is a Christian in Nigeria who dies. The ongoing brutality comes from numerous directions, and news reports only reflect a small portion of the violent incidents that take place – whether they involve fatalities, abductions or the destruction of properties. In many cases, multiple atrocities take place during a terrorist attack.

  • Christians Slain After Being Forced from Bus
    Three Christian men are kneeling, while executioners holding guns are standing behind them.
    The three men who were killed by Boko Haram militants.

    On June 5th, a bus was travelling along the Damaturu-Biu Highway when a group of armed men forced it to stop near the village of Kamuya, which is located on the border between the states of Yobe and Borno. The terrorists, believed to be members of Boko Haram, pulled aside four passengers who were Christians and then allowed the rest of the travellers to leave.