• Country Information

    Central African RepublicPopulation
    5,552,228 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Baya (28.8), Banda (22.9), Mandjia (9.9), Sara (7.9), M'Baka-Bantu (7.9), Arab-Fulani [Peul] (6), Mbum (6), Ngbanki (5.5), Zande-Nzakara (3), other Central African Republic ethnic groups (2), non-Central African Republic ethnic groups (.1)

    Religion (%)
    Christian (89), Muslim (9), folk (1), unaffiliated (1)
    Note: animistic beliefs and practices influence religious beliefs.

    President Faustin-Archange Touadera (2016)

    Government type
    Presidential Republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system based on the French model

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Central African Republic

    Pray that the church remains united despite national fragmentation due to ongoing conflict. Ask God to give displaced Christians the grace to forgive their persecutors. Uphold our brothers and sisters as they look to the Lord for clarity and truth in relation to scripture.

Central African Republic News

  • Believers Caught Between Fighting Rebels
    Cathedral in Central African Republic
    Photo: VOA News

    For many years, the people of the Central African Republic have endured civil war as rebel groups fought against the ruling government. To further complicate the situation, two major factions in the conflict are the predominantly Muslim Séléka group and a primarily Christian group known as the anti-balaka militias. Both of these rival groups are strongly influenced by animism and ongoing tribal conflicts, but the troubles include tensions between Islam and Christianity.