• Palestine Information

    Gaza - 2,098,389 (2023 est.)
    West Bank - 3,176,549 (2023 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Gaza - Muslim (98-99), Christian and other (1-2),
    West Bank - Muslim (80-85), Jewish (12-14), Christian (1-2.5), other (<1)

    President Mahmud Abbas in the West Bank
    Hamas in the Gaza Strip

    Statistics: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Palestine

    Pray not only for the peace of the land, but also for both Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to meet the Prince of Peace, as it is through Him alone that any meaningful reconciliation will come.

    Pray Palestinian Christians who remain will stay strong in both their Christian faith and in their commitment to live out the gospel in very difficult conditions.

Palestine News

  • Christian Doctor Brutally Attacked
    Dr. Salamah Qumsieh. - Photo: YouTube / Samir A. Zedan
    Click to watch an interview with Dr. Salamah Qumsieh.
    Photo: YouTube / Samir A. Zedan (screenshot)

    Dr. Salamah Qumsieh is an obstetric surgeon and head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at Bethlehem's Holy Family Hospital. On February 12th, he was attacked in broad daylight by Khader Odeh, a well-known Islamic militant. Khader attempted to sever the doctor's hands and violently crush his head. Following the assault, surgeons spent ten hours reconnecting his veins and tendons. While his hands were saved, Dr. Salamah is not expected to be able to practice medicine again due to the severity of his injuries.