

  • Christian Woman Slain by Husband
    Nga on a bed; a person is sitting beside her.
    Photo: VOM Australia

    After hearing the "Good News" of the Gospel about a month ago from missionaries visiting her local village, Nga, a 42-year-old Vietnamese woman, turned in faith to Christ. She was the first in her village to respond to God's message of salvation, which had been presented to her by the evangelizing Christians. However, unlike Nga, her husband Vu was not open to hearing the missionaries' message.

  • Pre-Registration Required to Attend Services
    A church surrounded by bushes and trees
    Judson Baptist Church
    Photo: Graham Norton

    Military authorities in Chin State, Myanmar, announced on February 13th that Christians residing within areas governed under martial law will be forced to register with township administrators seven days in advance of attending any church services. No information about the form of punishment that will be administered to those failing to comply had been provided at that time.

  • Officials Raid Another Church Service
    An open Bible
    Chinese Bible
    Photo: Wesley Fryer (cc)

    Since 1990, Yuhuan Church's Chengguang Branch has carried on with its ministry in this coastal city of Zhejiang province. In 1997, four buildings were constructed to host church functions. Even though gathering together was banned in 2020, many believers continued to assemble for smaller scale meetings.