

  • Imprisonment for Leaving Islam
    A dark hall in a prison

    Over three months ago, at least ten Libyan Christians were arrested for converting from Islam to Christianity. Two other believers, one from Nigeria and one from Pakistan, have also been arrested because of their association with these Libyan converts. All twelve arrested believers are being held on charges of proselytism (considered "instigating division" by governing officials) which carry a maximum sentence of death.

  • Churches Mandated to Promote Communism
    A sign in Chinese with a hammer and sickle mounted next to it.
    A 'hammer and sickle' symbol was placed
    next to Shinian Christian Church’s sign.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On July 3rd, a banner displaying the Communists' symbolic 'hammer and sickle' was raised next to the Shinian Christian Church in Zhejiang province, China. According to a pastor in the area, the Taizhou Religious Affairs Bureau sent notices to local churches mandating that all religious venues must put up large signs with the following wording at their entrances: "Love the Chinese Communist Party, love the country, and love the religion," as well as "Uphold the principle of developing religions in the Chinese context."

  • Seal Removed from Church Building
    Wooden gate chained shut but the padlock is open.

    Christians in Ciracas, East Jakarta, were jubilant when local officials removed the seal from the door of their church building on June 26th, three months after it was forced to close. The officials had claimed earlier that the congregation's legal permits and other requirements were incomplete, leading to the closure of the GKI Palsigunung church building on March 20th.