

  • 42 Christians Questioned, Resulting in Several Being Charged
    Worshippers are gathered in a small church. Many have their hands raised.
    Believers in India
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Police in the Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh detained 42 Christians and formally charged nine of them after receiving a complaint about an alleged "Christian conversion racket." The accusations outlined tactics purported to be used by the believers in leading members of the state’s impoverished and tribal communities to convert to Christianity.

  • Humanitarian Aid Denied to Muslim-Background Believers
    A group of people are gathered closely together under a rudimentary shelter made of poles and white cloth.
    Refugees in Sudan
    Photo: Flickr / EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (cc)

    Now in its eighth month, Sudan's civil war has displaced over six million people, many of whom were forced to take refuge in camps where food and other basic resources are scarce. Some humanitarian assistance has been provided to the country, which is then distributed through smaller local aid groups. According to a Christian ministry worker in the region, this aid has been denied to some displaced followers of Jesus.

  • Further Repercussions Follow Church Raid
    Ding Shuqi and Jia Xuewei are standing together.
    Preacher Ding Shuqi and Deacon Jia Xuewei
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Over five years ago, the Early Rain Covenant Church in China was raided, leading to multiple arrests. In the years that have followed, the Chinese Communist Party has made a concerted effort to harass the members of this Christian community in an attempt to completely shut down the church. To read previously published reports on the persecution of these believers, go to our list of reports about the Early Rain Covenant Church.