

  • New Regulations Bring Tighter Restrictions
    Flags of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the nation of Vietnam are flying together.
    Flags of Vietnam and the Communist Party of Vietnam.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Vuong Tri Binh (cc)

    With the release of Decree 95, which took effect on March 30th, Vietnamese governing officials declared that the new regulations they were instituting would ensure freedom of belief for all people within the country, enhancing the responsibilities of individual agencies and organizations. The decree expands on the "Law on Belief and Religion" that was implemented in 2018, which outlines additional policies and procedures regulating religious activities in Vietnam.

  • Chibok Victim Recovered Ten Years After Kidnapping Attack
    Lydia Simon is holding one of her children.
    Lydia Simon and one of her children.
    Photo: Zagazola

    The Nigerian army announced on April 18th that one of the schoolgirls who had been abducted from the town of Chibok more than a decade ago has been safely rescued. The statement issued by the military provided a photo of Lydia Simon, who is five months pregnant, along with the three children whom she gave birth to while in captivity. No further details were given surrounding Lydia's rescue, other than the fact that she was found in the community of Ngoshe. At last report, the young woman was yet to be reunited with her family.

  • Murder Victim's Family Members Face Threats
    Farhan Ul Qamar is sitting on some steps.
    Farhan Ul Qamar
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On November 9th, a 20-year-old Christian student named Farhan Ul Qamar was killed in his family's home by a man known for his hatred towards Christians and Jews. The attack is believed to have occurred as a result of religious tensions escalated by the violence in Gaza. For details on Farhan's murder, go to this page.