

  • Recent Passing of Imprisoned Church Leader
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Reverend Ghirmay Araya
    Photo: Release Eritrea

    Reverend Ghirmay Araya was one of the founders of the Full Gospel Church in Eritrea. Under the country's oppressive regime, the denomination was banned in 2002 and its senior leaders were imprisoned in 2004. Over the decades since, thousands of other Eritreans have been imprisoned for their faith, often enduring torture and inhumane treatment.

  • Pastor Meets with Imprisoned Zafar Bhatti
    Zafar Bhatti
    Zafar Bhatti
    Photo: Pakistan Christian Post

    Zafar Bhatti has been held in prison for 12 years on allegations of blasphemy. Although initially sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017, the Christian man's punishment was changed to include the death penalty in January 2022. During his time in prison, Zafar has faced various health issues. Diagnosed with diabetes, he suffered two minor heart attacks in 2019 and another in 2020. For previously published reports on Zafar's case, go to this page.

  • Displaced Christians Pressured to Accept Agreement
    A white church building is surrounded by trees with a hillside in the background.
    A church building in Hidalgo.
    Photo: Wikimedia / Frankms (cc)

    More than 100 members of the Great Commission Baptist Church in Hidalgo State were recently forced from their homes because they refused to participate in their villages' religious festivals. The Christians took refuge in a government building in Huejutla de los Reyes, where they called upon municipal and state authorities to intervene. For more details on this situation, see this page.

  • Detained Christian Convert Released on Bail
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Esmaeil Narimanpour
    Photo: Article 18

    Christian convert Esmaeil Narimanpour was detained at his home on Christmas Eve in 2023. When his family members attempted to inquire about his situation, they were subjected to interrogation by security forces for several hours. For more details on this incident, go to this page.