

  • Continued Violence Against Christians
    Destruction by the Fulani herdsmen - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    The aftermath of an attack in an undated photo.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A pregnant mother was killed in the village of Ancha, Plateau State, on July 15th. Margaret Wakili, 27, was bringing food to her husband in the field when eight men, who are believed to be Fulani herdsmen, suddenly initiated an attack. The husband heard them shout, "Allahu Akbar, we have killed an infidel, and we need to kill more." That day, an elderly woman from the same village was also attacked and killed.

  • Car Bomb Attack on Church
    Bomb attack on Syrian-Orthodox church in Qamishli - Photo: Voice of America www.voanews.com/
    Photo: Voice of America

    On July 11th, the Syrian-Orthodox church in Qamishli was the target of a car bomb attack. Although there were no known fatalities, at least eleven people were injured. Cars and buildings in the area, including the church facility, sustained serious damages. According to one source, the injuries would have been far worse had the attack happened 30 minutes earlier when the vespers (evening prayers) had ended.

  • Family Left Homeless After Attack
    The Makran coastal highway - Photo: Wikipedia / Furqanlw www.wikipedia.org
    The Makran coastal highway in Balochistan province.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Furqanlw (cc)

    A Christian pastor, his wife, and college-aged daughter are thankful to be unharmed after they were attacked by a mob of 34 men. A police officer happened to be passing by at the time and rescued the family. Although they escaped with only minor injuries, they are now left homeless, as the attackers seized their property.

  • Multiple Attacks Against Christians
    Siméon Yampa - Photo: Fides www.fides.org
    Siméon Yampa was killed in the May 12th attack.
    Photo: Fides

    On April 28th, a church in Sirgadji was attacked by armed assailants who pulled six Christians, including a pastor, behind the building and then shot them. (For more information about this situation, see our previous report.) Since then, the violence has continued, with at least two more deadly attacks taking place during church gatherings.

  • Imam Faces Wrath After Conversion
    Hassan Podo - Photo: Morning Star News
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Hassan Podo was a 28-year-old imam from the village of Kerekerene in eastern Uganda. However, after having missed prayers at the mosque for three consecutive weeks, and seen entering a church building on March 16th, he was subjected to interrogation by his family.

    When entering the family home that evening of the 16th, his brothers surrounded him, carrying sticks. They wouldn't allow him to finish answering their questions, but began shouting and beating him, calling him an "infidel" and an enemy of Islam. Fortunately, Hassan's wife and two children were able to escape to a nearby Christian's home.

  • Mob Disrupts Worship Service
    A church in Sri Lanka - Photo: VOM USA www.icommittopray.com/
    Photo: VOM USA

    As the pastor and congregation of the Christian Family Church in Galgamuwa prepared to begin their Sunday worship service on the morning of February 24th, a mob consisting of around 200 people, led by Buddhist monks, forced their way into the church premises.

  • Violent Attacks Against Christians
    Tamchi Police Station - Photo: Wikimedia/Vmenkov www.commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Vmenkov
    Tamchi Police Station
    Photo: Wikimedia/Vmenkov (cc)

    In October 2018, a young Christian, Eldos Sattar uuly, sustained a broken jaw and other injuries after a violent attack in the Issyk-Kul Region of Kyrgyzstan (see this report). While those responsible were charged, they were sentenced to house arrest, which is not being enforced.

  • Report on Church Attacks
    People meeting in the aftermath. - Photo: Steadfast Global http://steadfastglobal.org
    Photo: Steadfast Global

    Earlier this month, we reported on a devastating attack on the churches of Alaba Kulito, a town located in southern Ethiopia (see this report). Following the attack, a support representative travelled to the community on February 21st to gain more details and determine what could be done to provide necessary assistance.

  • Bomb Blasts Kill At Least Twenty
    Damage inside the Jolo Cathedral

    Coordinated bombs at a cathedral in Jolo, southern Philippines, killed at least 20 people and injured over 80 on January 27th. The first bomb went off during the church service; the second exploded outside the door, as people fled and troops responded to the disaster. Those killed included five soldiers. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the incident, and the Philippines military has been conducting raids in an effort to track down those responsible.

  • Prayer Meeting Attacked; Twenty Injured

    Church in India - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org/
    Pray that India's Christians will continue to meet and encourage one another.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Twenty Christians were seriously injured after a mob stormed the prayer meeting they attended. According to local reports, more than 150 believers were gathered together on July 2nd when 25 Hindu villagers attacked them, beating them with wooden rods. When the mayhem finally concluded, 20 Christians were severely injured; some with broken bones. Ten motorcycles were also damaged, along with furniture and musical instruments.