

  • Fatalities Caused by Recent Attacks
    Men carrying the casket of a slain believer.
    Christian funerals have become far too common in Nigeria.
    Photo: Evangelical Church Winning All Nigeria

    On September 26th, a group of gunmen raided a church in Gavaciwa, Kaduna State, and opened fire in the midst of the worship service. One worshipper, Nasiru Abdullahi, was killed as a result of the violence and, in the aftermath of the invasion, numerous other believers were rushed to the hospital with injuries.

  • Christian Teenager Dies After Acid Attack
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Photo: Wikimedia / Burn & Trauma Research Center (cc)

    On August 11th, Nitish Kumar – a Christian teenager from northern India's Bihar state – was attacked with acid, leaving much of his body with severe burns. For more on the incident, view this report.

  • Christians Beaten After Mob Storms Police Station
    BJP gathering with large flag
    The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) holds Hindu nationalist positions.
    Photo: Flickr / Narendra Modi (cc)

    Acting on accusations from Hindu nationalists, police raided a gathering of the New Life Fellowship Ministry in Raipur, the capital of India's Chhattisgarh state, on September 5th. The complainants had accompanied the police and attempted to enter the church but were prevented from doing so. The officers then requested that Pastor Harish Sahu report to the local police station.

  • Large Mob Attacked Church in Chhattisgarh
    Church steeple - Photo: Unsplash: Paul Silvan
    Ask God to reassure believers in India that He never forsakes His children.

    Around 60 Christians were gathered for worship on the morning of Sunday, August 29th, when a mob of over 100 people barged into the facility and began shouting Hindu slogans. The perpetrators proceeded to physically assault all of the attending church members, destroy their musical instruments, and tear apart a Bible before trampling it underfoot. The invading militants then placed Hindu idols in the building and began worshipping them.

  • Pastor and Other Christians Killed
    Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali - Photo: Facebook / Maureen Tabat
    Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali
    Photo: Facebook

    On Saturday, September 11th, Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali left his home in the Zangon Kataf area of Kaduna, Nigeria, and set off for the town of Kafanchan, but was not heard from again. Early the next morning, a search party found his body, which was inflicted with bullet and machete wounds, less than a kilometre from his home.

  • Christian Teen Severely Injured in Acid Attack
    Map of Bihar State in India and national flag

    Nitish Kumar, 16, a resident of northern India's Bihar state, was attacked with acid in late August, leaving him with burns covering 60 percent of his body. According to the victim's sister, Raja Davabi, the incident happened at 6:30 a.m. as he left the house to go to the market.

  • Brutal Attack for Not Denying Christ
    Man holding a book and a Bible
    Pray for believers who are faithfully sharing the Gospel.

    On August 15th, the chief of Adnadhi, a village in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, led a mob of around 250 people against several Christians who refused to give up their faith in Christ. According to witness statements, the chief summoned the Christians to a place where the mob had assembled. When eleven of the believers arrived, they were given two options: abandon their faith or leave the village. When they refused, stones were thrown at them. Four of the attacked victims required hospitalization due to internal injuries.

  • Attacks Perpetrated by Family and Neighbours
    Abudlawali Kijwalo and Hajat Habiiba Namuwaya
    Abudlawali and Hajat
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Three recent incidents of violence against Christians in Uganda reveal the costs of following Christ. For believers in this African nation, opposition can come from many directions, even close family members, and may potentially result in serious injury or death.

  • High School Students Kidnapped
    Parent praying - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    A father prays for students at a breach in the school’s wall.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in the early morning of July 5th. More than 100, and possibly as many as 164, students at this boarding school in Maraban Rido (located on the outskirts of Kaduna State's capital), are still missing after being kidnapped by militants as part of a coordinated attack. The suspected Fulani militants overcame security guards, initially abducting almost all of the school's 180 students at gunpoint. A few of the students fortunately managed to escape.

  • Government Advisor Beaten and Threatened
    Botrous Badawi - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Botrous Badawi recovering in hospital.
    Photo: Facebook via Morning Star News

    Masked gunmen attacked a government religious affairs worker on the night of July 2nd, threatening to kill him for supporting the return of church properties to Christian communities. Botrous Badawi, a Christian and advisor to the minister of Sudan's Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments, was travelling south of Khartoum when a group of bandits forced his vehicle to stop. Armed with assault rifles, they beat him and threatened to kill him if he continued to advocate for the return of a property that was confiscated from the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church.