

  • Christian Doctor Brutally Attacked
    Dr. Salamah Qumsieh. - Photo: YouTube / Samir A. Zedan
    Click to watch an interview with Dr. Salamah Qumsieh.
    Photo: YouTube / Samir A. Zedan (screenshot)

    Dr. Salamah Qumsieh is an obstetric surgeon and head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at Bethlehem's Holy Family Hospital. On February 12th, he was attacked in broad daylight by Khader Odeh, a well-known Islamic militant. Khader attempted to sever the doctor's hands and violently crush his head. Following the assault, surgeons spent ten hours reconnecting his veins and tendons. While his hands were saved, Dr. Salamah is not expected to be able to practice medicine again due to the severity of his injuries.

  • Nurse Beaten After Blasphemy Allegation
    Tabitha and her abusers - Photo: YouTube / Morning Star News
    Tabitha enduring the abuse and
    accusations of her coworkers.
    Photo: YouTube /
    Morning Star News (screenshot)

    A Christian nurse, known for her Gospel singing, has been charged with blasphemy against Islam. Tabitha Nazir Gill was accused by a co-worker on January 28th after a dispute.

    The head nurse at Sobhraj Maternity Hospital had issued orders that nurses were not to receive any cash from patients. When one of the nurses was seen collecting money, Tabitha reminded her of the policy; at which time, Tabitha encountered an attack and then was accused of inciting violence, along with blasphemy. Video footage has been released showing Tabitha being beaten, tied up, and locked in a room until police arrived.

  • Militants Attack Pastor's Family
    Damaged brick church - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Damaged brick church
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On December 27th, Pastor Moses Nabwana and his wife Naura were beaten because of the recent conversion of a Muslim imam. Pastor Moses was admitted to hospital due to the seriousness of his injuries (read a previous report on this incident). Four weeks later, the family was again attacked.

  • Pastor Shot to Death
    Dr. Amos Arijesuyo - Photo: Facebook / Inside Life Blog
    Dr. Amos Arijesuyo
    Photo: Facebook

    Suspected Fulani herdsmen killed Dr. Amos Arijesuyo, a pastor and university deputy registrar, on January 16th. He was travelling from Ibadan to Akure in Ondo state with four others when they were stopped in an ambush. Both the driver and Dr. Arijesuyo were shot by the assailants, requiring urgent medical attention in hospital where the pastor succumbed to his injuries. The driver is recovering from a shot to his arm.

  • Christmas Attacks Involved Executions
    Uka Joseph, Sunday, Wilson, Joshua Maidugu, Garba Yusuf
    Pray for the grieving families of the young men whose execution was recorded by the terrorist group.

    Two separate attacks have led to kidnappings and at least twelve deaths in Nigeria over the Christmas season. In both cases, Islamic militant groups were responsible for the assaults.

    On Christmas Eve, at least seven people were killed when Boko Haram militants raided a mostly Christian village in Borno State. The terrorist fighters rode into the village of Pemi on trucks and motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately. Several homes were burned, along with a medical dispensary and a church building. At least seven villagers died, and as many as seven were reportedly abducted, including the pastor of the Evangelical Church of the Brethren.

  • Facebook Post Leads to Hundreds Fleeing
    Church in Pakistan
    Ask the Lord to protect Pakistani believers as they seek to maintain a consistent testimony.

    On December 22nd, a lay pastor in the Charar area of Lahore shared a faith-based post on Facebook that some local Muslims considered blasphemous. When he realized the response, Pastor Raja Waris apologized, and it appeared that the issue was resolved. However, word spread throughout the community and hundreds of Muslims began protesting, demanding that Pastor Raja be beheaded.

  • Intervention Rescues Captured Pastor
    Pastor Shelton Vishwanathan - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Pastor Shelton Vishwanathan
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Pastor Shelton Vishwanathan was sharing his faith in the village of Tiryani on October 5th when six Hindu militants demanded that he stop. He agreed and was about to leave the area when they grabbed the keys to his scooter, along with his cell phone, and began to beat him. The last thing he remembered was the threat to offer him as a sacrifice to their god. When he regained consciousness, he found himself locked in a dark room.

  • Riots Follow Blasphemy Accusation
    Monastery in Egypt
    Roughly ten percent of Egypt's population is Christian, the majority of which are Copts.

    Egypt's Minya Governorate region erupted in violence on November 25th after rumours spread that a young, barely literate Christian man named Girgis Sameeh posted a message on Facebook that was considered insulting to Islam. In al-Barsha, Girgis' hometown, hundreds of Muslims attacked the homes of Coptic Christians, also looting and destroying local businesses. The fury of the mob spread to the church of Abou Sefin, where the congregation was celebrating the beginning of a fast for the Advent season.

  • Christian Family Killed in Terrorist Attack
    Central Sulawesi - Photo: Flickr / Ruth Onduko
    Central Sulawesi
    Photo: Flickr / Ruth Onduko (cc)

    The Indonesian police and military have launched a hunt for the Islamic terrorist group responsible for killing four Christians of a single family and setting fire to homes in Central Sulawesi. This is the third attack within the past three months that was committed by members of a small group, known as the East Indonesia Mujahidin, who have pledged allegiance to ISIS.

  • Pastor and Two Christian Boys Slain
    Man praying
    Join with Ugandan believers in prayer for
    courage to remain faithful to the Lord.

    Pastor Wilson Niwamanya and his 12-year-old son were on their way home to Kabale on November 21st when they were stopped by Islamic militants. They were returning after delivering Christian literature along the Democratic Republic of Congo border when four men stepped out of the bush and forced them to stop the motorcycles they were riding. Grabbing Pastor Wilson, one of the assailants declared, "This man must die for disrespecting our religion."