

  • Street Evangelist Rearrested
    Chen Wensheng is standing outside with his mother.
    Chen Wensheng (right) with his mother.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Chen Wensheng is a street evangelist who has gained a reputation as a "Gospel Warrior" for his evangelistic work. As a result, he has been arrested by the Chinese Communist Party numerous times. (For previous reports, see this page.) When arrested in April 2022, he saw his time in custody as an opportunity to share the Gospel with those at the detention centre. In a social media post published on WeChat, Chen wrote that he was thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to have led 2,067 people to pray to Christ during the past year.

  • New Laws Tighten Grip on Churches
    A cross is being removed from a building.
    Religious symbols have been removed from
    the exterior of numerous church buildings.

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has released new religious restrictions which took effect on September 1st, bringing added concerns in a country already experiencing increased repressive measures. The new rules require religious venues to submit to the leadership of the CCP and its plans for the "sinicization" of religion.

  • Imprisoned Church Elder Hospitalized
    Zhang Chunlei with his wife
    Elder Zhang Chunlei and his wife
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Elder Zhang Chunlei, along with several other members of the Ren'ai Reformed Church, were arrested by authorities on March 16th, 2021 (see this page). The church elder's trial was held during November 2022; yet, in the months that have followed, his family received no news in regards to the verdict.

  • Infirmed Pastor Handcuffed in Hospital
    Ru Zongren, Guan Jing, and their two children.
    Pastor Ru Zongren, his wife Guan Jing, and their children.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Ru Zongren, who suffers from kidney failure, was in the hospital for kidney dialysis on July 30th when police handcuffed him to his bed. He was detained in the hospital for five hours before finally being released.

    Originally from a rural area of Anhui Province, Pastor Ru came to faith in Christ at an early age through the Christian witness of his parents. He eventually went on to study theology, graduating from seminary in 2007, prior to returning to his hometown where he has compassionately served the community since. Through his faithful ministry over the years, the Chengxi Christian Church has grown to establish a membership presently consisting of about 400 believers.

  • Church Leaders’ Trial Set for August 21st
    Minister Yang Rongli standing next to a sign.
    Yang Rongli
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In August 2021, 12 church leaders from the Golden Lampstand Church in Linfen, Shanxi, were arrested – including Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and his wife, Yang Rongli. The government accused the Christians of fraud because the church was collecting money in the form of tithes and offerings to support the ministry.

  • Youth Summer Camp Raided
    A group of people are standing inside a building.
    Xuncheng (Zion) Reformed Church's youth camp.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Xuncheng (Zion) Reformed Church has faced repeated raids and arrests in recent years, as the government attempts to forcibly shut down the church. The most recent incident, which took place on July 25th, involved a raid on a youth summer camp.

  • Churches Mandated to Promote Communism
    A sign in Chinese with a hammer and sickle mounted next to it.
    A 'hammer and sickle' symbol was placed
    next to Shinian Christian Church’s sign.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On July 3rd, a banner displaying the Communists' symbolic 'hammer and sickle' was raised next to the Shinian Christian Church in Zhejiang province, China. According to a pastor in the area, the Taizhou Religious Affairs Bureau sent notices to local churches mandating that all religious venues must put up large signs with the following wording at their entrances: "Love the Chinese Communist Party, love the country, and love the religion," as well as "Uphold the principle of developing religions in the Chinese context."

  • Church Members Arrested for Alleged Illegal Business Activities
    Wang Weicai and his wife
    Wang Weicai with his wife
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Four Christians from the Shingjia Church in Shunde City have been arrested on suspicion of conducting "illegal business practices." The accused believers include Pastor Deng Yanxiang and three coworkers: Zhu Longjiang, Wang Weicai and Zhu Qiaoling.

  • Believers Denied Access to Their Homes
    Men talking outside
    Security guards blocked church members
    from returning to their residences.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Several members of the Early Rain Covenant Church who reside in the Languang Changdao apartment complex have been prevented from entering the building. Around noon on June 6th, families who tried to return to their homes were denied access to their apartments. When they attempted to go into the building, security guards and others assaulted the believers.

  • Five Detained During Raid on Christian Education Centre
    A building with an a-frame entry and a sign in Chinese.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On May 24th, police raided the Shengjia Christian Education and Help Centre in Shunde City, which is located within the Chinese province of Guangdong. After forcibly entering the building, the authorities searched the premises and confiscated all the teaching materials. Pastor Deng was arrested, along with four of his coworkers.