

  • Update: Prominent Christian lawyer seized by officials

    Photo from ChinaAid

    Gao Zhisheng, a Chinese human rights lawyer who has come under fire in recent years for his work defending underground Christians (click here for more details), was forcibly taken from his hometown in Shaanxi province on February 4. According to ChinaAid, his current whereabouts are unknown and there is serious concern for his safety. On February 9, a letter written by Zhisheng detailing the brutal treatment he endured while detained for over 50 days in 2007 was released to the international community. Click here to read this letter.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Shuang Shuying released from prison

    Photo from ChinaAid

    Shuang Shuying (79), who was sentenced in February 2007 to two years in prison on charges of "willfully damaging private property" (click here for more information), was released from detention on February 8. According to ChinaAid, Shuying suffered poor health and was tortured while in detention. Upon her release, Shuying went to be with her dying 91-year-old husband, who passed away the next day without regaining consciousness.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Christians sentenced to ''re-education through labour''

    Three Christians who were arrested in Taikang county, Henan province on December 3 (click here for more), have been sentenced to one year of "re-education through labour" for "illegal proselytizing" and attending an "illegal gathering," according to a January 6 report from ChinaAid. Twenty of the other Christians arrested in the raid were sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention and fined 1,000 Yuan (approximately $175 CAD).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, click here.

  • Christians beaten, house churches raided during Christmas

    There were several incidents of attacks on Christians in China during Christmas week, according to reports from ChinaAid.

    On the afternoon of December 24, approximately 40 police officers raided a construction site in the village of Jingjia, Sichuan province where Christian volunteers were helping to rebuild homes destroyed in the massive May 12 earthquake. The allegedly intoxicated officers beat and swore at those present and seized Bibles, hymnals, televisions, and other items belonging to the Christians. They refused to present legal documents giving reason for the raid. One of the earthquake victims and several of the Christian volunteers were eventually taken into custody by officials.

    Also on December 24, nine Christian women were arrested in Yucheng county, Henan province while leading a Christmas celebration. Five of the women were released the next day after their families paid fines ranging from 1,500 to 3,500 Yuan (approximately $270-$625 CAD) while the others, at last report, remained in detention.

    At least two Chinese house churches were raided while holding holiday celebrations on Christmas Day. Several leaders were arrested in the raids -- two in Bozhou city, Anhui province and seven in Qitai county, Xinjiang Autonomous Region. At last report, all of these Christians were still imprisoned.

    Pray for the release of those detained. Pray that Christians in China will continue to stand firm in their faith in the face of violence and intimidation (Acts 5:29).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China, go toChina's Country Report.

  • Church building destroyed, believers beaten in Jiangsu

    Destruction of the Chengnan Christian Church
    Photo from
    China Aid

    On the morning of December 17, the officially registered Chengnan Christian Church of Tinghu District in Jiangsu province was attacked by a mob led by government officials, according to a December 22 report from China Aid Association. Over 50 Christians were gathered for worship when police officers barged in and dragged several of the believers outside where more than a thousand people were gathered, including government officials and security guards. The crowd then demolished the church's office, training centre and cafeteria and confiscated church property. Ten believers were beaten when they tried to stop the destruction. The church has faced ongoing harassment from government officials and had obtained a court order on the evening of December 16 to protect their building from such an attack. It is suspected that the destruction was the result of officials and powerful businessmen working in collusion to obtain the coveted church property by force.

    Pray for these Christians in the aftermath of this attack. Ask God to give healing to those injured. Pray that those responsible will come to repentance and be reconciled to God.

    To learn more about those suffering for Christ's sake in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Two Christians released from detention

    Wang Weiliang
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Two Chinese Christians were released early from detention for medical reasons in recent days, according to a December 2 report from China Aid Association. On November 25, Wang Weiliang was released one year early from a three-year sentence he received for protesting the destruction of a church building in Zhejiang province in July 2006 (click here to read the story). At the time of the report, Weiliang was receiving care at a hospital in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. Pastor Zhu Baoguo, a house church leader who was sentenced to one year "re-education through labour" on October 30 (click here for more), was also released on December 2 for medical reasons.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Underground Christians arrested

    House church Christians continue to be targeted and arrested throughout China, according to a December 4 report from China Aid Association. More than 50 house church Christians were gathered for fellowship in Xiji town, Zaozhuang city, Shandong province on December 2 when Public Security Bureau officials surrounded them and arrested approximately 20 believers. The officials claimed that they would release the prisoners for 2500 Yuan (approximately $450 CAD) each. On December 3, more than 50 house church Christians were arrested by the local police in Tai Kang county, Henan province. At the time of the report, none of the believers had been released.

    Pray that these Christians will be released from detention. Pray that, like Paul, their imprisonment will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14).

    Learn more about how Christians are persecuted in China at theChina Country Report.

  • Authorities crack down on the Chinese House Church Alliance

    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and other underground Christians have been targeted by authorities in recent days due to a statement released on November 28 by the Ministry of Civil Affairs calling for the elimination of the Chinese House Church Alliance. According to a November 30 report from China Aid Association, Pastor Zhang, the President of the Chinese House Church Alliance, was detained by four officers in Nanyang, Henan province, at approximately 7:00 a.m. When authorities demanded that he sign the Ministry's statement, he refused. Pastor Zhang's wife was also detained by authorities but was later released. Seventeen Christians who were worshipping at Pastor Zhang's residence, including an American journalist and his translator, were apprehended at approximately 10:00 a.m., photographed and forced to sign documents. Although they were later released, authorities confiscated their computers, cell phones, magazines, and over 600 Bibles. The journalist and translator were escorted by officials to an airplane leaving Nanyang for Beijing. At the time of the report, Pastor Zhang remained in detention.

    Pray that the Ministry of Civil Affairs will withdraw their statement. Ask God to protect Pastor Zhang in detention. Pray that his passion for Christ will be the light that draws others to Him (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more on the plight of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Pastor Zhang Mingxuan accused of ''illegal business operations''

    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan, a house church leader who has been under fire from authorities along with his family in recent weeks (click here for more information), has been accused of engaging in "illegal business operations," according to a November 25 report from China Aid Association. During Pastor Zhang's detention last month, authorities interrogated him about his involvement in distributing silicon prayer bands during the Olympic Games, which authorities consider a "nationally politically sensitive item." Pastor Zhang, who has been in Beijing since October 31, has been forbidden from renting a residence or staying in hotels in the city and authorities continue to try to intimidate and discredit him.

    For more information on the persecution of believers in China, visit the China Country Report.

  • House church leader sentenced to ''re-education through labour''

    On October 30, house church leader Pastor Zhu Baoguo was sentenced to one year "re-education through labour" on charges of being an "evil cult" leader, according to a November 18 report from China Aid Association. Pastor Zhu and four other leaders were detained by authorities during a church gathering in Dushu village, Henan province on October 12. While the other four leaders were sentenced to five days of administrative detention, Pastor Zhu was sentenced to 15 days. Two days after Pastor Zhu's release from detention, he was sentenced and taken to a labour camp in an unknown location. There is considerable concern for his health as he suffers from heart disease.

    Ask God to protect Pastor Zhu in the labour camp. Pray that he will be a bold witness for Christ there. Pray that the persecutors of Christians in China will open their hearts to the love of Christ (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.