

  • Pastor Sentenced to Two Years ''Re-education Through Labour'' in China

    China mapPastor Zhang Zhongxin was sentenced to two years "re-education through labour" in the city of Jining, Shandong province on July 4, according to a July 8 report from China Aid Association. He is due to be released on June 5, 2010. An appeal hearing for his case has been scheduled for August 14.

    Ask God to protect Pastor Zhang in the labour camp. Pray that he will be a bold witness for Christ there. Pray that the persecutors of Christians in China will open their hearts to the love of Christ as Saul did (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • House Church Banned, Leader Questioned by Police in Hegang, China

    A house church missionary, Jiao Chunbao, was detained by government security officers while on his way to a worship service in the city of Hegang, Heilongjiang province on July 2, according to a July 7 report from China Aid Association. The officers forcibly escorted Chunbao to the police station where he was told that his church was banned from meeting together for worship and threatened with re-arrest if meetings continued. Two female members of the house church were also taken to the police station and questioned.

    Pray for Christ's peace and grace to fill the hearts of Chunbao and the house church members (Philippians 4:7). Ask God to embolden Chinese Christians to continue spreading the Gospel despite increasing pressure from the authorities.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Christian Rights Activist Evicted in Beijing, China

     Hua Huiqi's appartment after the attack
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Hua Huiqi, a Christian rights activist and house church leader, was evicted from his home by Public Security Bureau officers on July 2, according to a July 2 report from China Aid Association. At approximately 8:30 p.m., the officers broke down the doors and locks of Huiqi's rental apartment with a hammer and forcibly entered the residence. They beat Huiqi's brother, badly injuring his eye. Huiqi and his family, including his 90-year-old father, were then forced onto the street with their furniture. The family is in search of a new home and is currently being hosted by a Christian family in Beijing.

    The Chinese government has branded Huiqi and other human rights activists "troublemakers" and is reportedly determined to stop them from attending the Olympic Games in August. Authorities have expressed their intention to either detain Huiqi until September 20 or remove him and his family from Beijing until the Olympics is finished.

    Pray that Huiqi and his family will experience the peace of the Lord as they suffer for His sake (John 14:27). Pray for Chinese authorities to respect the rights of Chinese Christians to worship God freely.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Church Leader and Interpreter Released
    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan
    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan, the president of Chinese House Church Alliance, and his interpreter, Ms. Ou Yang, were released due to international pressure on June 19 after being detained for 31 hours (click here for more details), according to a June 19 report from China Aid Association. Praise the Lord for their release.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • President of Chinese House Church Alliance Detained
    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan
    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan
    Photo from
    China Aid
    Pastor Zhang Mingxuan, the president of Chinese House Church Alliance, was detained at approximately 12:00 p.m. on June 18 along with his interpreter when he was on his way to meet with a senior European Union official, according to a June 18 report from China Aid Association. The pastor and his interpreter are being held at a Public Security Bureau office in Beijing. Since his conversion to Christianity in 1986, Pastor Zhang has been arrested, beaten and incarcerated 12 times.

    Pray for the release of the pastor and his interpreter from prison (Acts 12:5). Ask God to strengthen Chinese Christians to continue honouring God despite pressure and opposition from the authorities.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update on Alimujiang Yimiti's Trial
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    After a trial lasting six and a half hours on May 27, Alimujiang Yimiti's case was referred back to the Public Security Bureau's prosecutors due to "insufficient evidence," according to a May 27 report from China Aid Association. A Uygur Christian, Yimiti was arrested on January 12 (click here for more details), and accused of "endangering national security." He was represented by two lawyers who were present at his trial.

    To learn more, go to theChina Country Report.

  • A Prominent House Church Leader Detained
    The above notice encourages citizens throughout Xinjiang
    province to report "evil cult" activity, referring to house churches.
    Photo from
    China Aid

    Pastor Lou Yuanqi, a prominent house church leader in the town of Qingshuihe, Xinjiang province was detained at approximately 1:00 p.m. on May 16, according to a May 19 report from China Aid Association. After being interrogated for an hour in the township police station, Yuanqi was transferred to a detention centre and charged with "inciting separatism." The pastor has been previously arrested several times. This is the first instance, however, of him being placed under criminal detention which means that he will likely face a serious indictment in court.

    Pray for Pastor Yuanqi to experience the joy and peace of Christ while he suffers (Acts 5:41). Pray for Chinese house church leaders to stand in God's grace as they continue to face pressure from the authorities.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Trial Date Set for Uygur Christian
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    The trial date of Alimjiang Yimiti, a Uygur Christian who was arrested on January 12 and accused of "endangering national security" (click here for more details), has been set for May 27 in Kashi, according to a May 14 report from China Aid Association. Yimiti's wife and his two children are hoping for a fair trial that will result in his unconditional release.

    For more on persecution in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Churches Raided, Leaders Arrested and Bible School Closed
    China map
    Photo from China Aid

    In several locations throughout China, churches were raided and several Christians were detained in recent weeks, according to reports from China Aid Association received on May 8, 12 and 14.

    On May 3, four house church leaders -- Ms. Qioa Lei (24), Ms. Wang Qin (24), Mr. Cao Guanggen and Mr. Gin -- were arrested and detained in Yantun village, Shandong province. Lei and Qin were accused of being "evil cult members." Also in Shandong, on May 8, Pastor Zhang Yongliang and his parents were detained on charges of "obstructing justice" when members of the Public Security Bureau (PSB) raided a meeting of over 30 church leaders in Qingahou city, labeling it as an "illegal gathering."

  • Trial Delayed for Uygur Christian
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    The trial of Alimujiang Yimiti, a Uygur Christian who was arrested on January 12 and accused of "endangering national security," (click here for more details) has been delayed, according to a May 8 report from China Aid Association. Yimiti's trial was scheduled for early April but is now set to begin in approximately two to three weeks. The delay was partly due to the need to translate court documents, which are written in Uygur, for the Han Chinese authorities handling the case.

    For more information on persecution in China, go to theChina Country Report.