

  • Attacks on Christian Groups

    China map
    Dr. Li Baiguang and others have
    faced opposition from police recently
    This past week brought two attacks on Christians by local police in China, according to January 8 report from China Aid Association.

    On January 1, the local police raided a Christian Bible Study in Baoding City, Hebei province. The Christians were gathered in a Communist Party school when police arrived at approximately 10:00 a.m. The police took over forty Christians away to be interrogated, including well-known Christian legal activist Dr. Li Baiguang and vice president of the school and Professor Gung Sude (50), who was hosting the study.  Although most of the group was released that evening, Sude was released after several days of investigation. She is currently under tight surveillance.

    On January 4, the local police attacked a Christian meeting in Anlou village, Henan province. They brought three Christians to the police station, including a house church seminary lecturer, An Wenqing. Two of them were released that day but Wenqing was released on January 5 after fourteen hours of police interrogation.

    Pray for those who were imprisoned and interrogated and ask that their trust in Christ will overshadow any fear. Pray that Christians in China will continue to meet together and find mutual encouragement and support (Hebrews 10:23-25).

     For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report. 

  • Christmas Services Disrupted
    Pastor Cai with some
    of his church members
    In the past week, China Aid Association reported on two instances in which Chinese authorities disrupted Christmas celebrations.

    On Christmas Eve in Beijing, approximately 150 young Christians had gathered to celebrate Christ's coming when Public Security Bureau officers and officials from the Religious Affairs Bureau stormed the gathering. All those present were videotaped and forced to register their ID numbers. The officials declared the meeting an "illegal religious gathering" and warned them not to meet again. The house church was previously led by Pastor Cai Zhuohua, who is presently serving three years in prison for printing Bibles.

    On December 29, a house church in Duolun County, Inner Mongolia was raided by local police and Religious Affairs Bureau officials. They declared the Christmas celebration an "illegal gathering" and detained three of the church leaders, sentencing them to fifteen days administrative detention. Those arrested were Sister Liu Guanghua (42) Sister Zhi Huiping (41) and Sister Zhi Ruiping (35). All of them are being held at the Duolun County Detention Centre.

    Pray that the Chinese Christians will not be discouraged by disrupted celebrations but instead have increased boldness in the face of persecution (Acts 4:29-31). Pray that those who persecute will come to know Christ's love and forgiveness through the lives of these Christians (Romans 12:14, 21). Pray for the release of those detained.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Eight Christians Sentenced

    After a hearing that lasted almost twelve hours on December 22, the eight house church Christians from Zhejiang who were arrested last July (read the story) were given sentences ranging from one year to three and a half years in prison. The sentences for four of the Christians were postponed which suggests that they may be released. During the trial, one of those sentenced, Shen Chengyi (75), lost consciousness and was taken to hospital for treatment.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to the China Country Report.

  • Gao Zhisheng Sentenced
    Gao Zhisheng

    After a surprise guilty plea was entered on his behalf (click here for more details), the prominent human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng was sentenced to three years in prison. The sentence, however, was postponed for five years and was shorter than originally expected.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • Christian Re-Arrested

    On October 25, a training program near Urumqi in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China was raided by police and thirty-five Christians were detained (for more information, click here). All were released by November 26 but one of them, Lou Yuanqi, was rearrested on December 23. It is believed the arrest was to deter Christmas celebrations. Yuanqi was released on bail on December 29 pending trial.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to theChina Country Report.

  • House Church Attacked

    ShanghaiA house church in Changqiao, Shanghai was attacked by local police on December 9, according to a December 15 report from China Aid Association. Although few details of the attack are known, reports claim that the police confiscated some of the church's belongings and one Christian, Wang Mingwei, was taken to the police station. Investigations into the incident are continuing.

    Pray that the Lord will keep brother Wang safe from harm and that He will give him boldness of faith. Pray that the persecutors will know Christ's love, forgiveness and blessing through the lives of Chinese Christians (Romans 12:14, 21).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, click here.
  • Gao Zhisheng Found Guilty

    Gao ZhishengGao Zhisheng, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer who was formally arrested on September 21 (click here for more details), was found guilty of "inciting subversion" on December 12 by a People's Court in Beijing. The conviction followed a sudden and unexpected guilty plea. The credibility of the guilty plea is questionable, however, since neither his lawyers nor his family members were informed that he was on trial until the proceedings were finished. At last report, his lawyers have been unable to visit him. Pray for the truth to come out and for this verdict to be overturned.

  • Eight Christians to Stand Trial
    Ni Weimin
    Ni Weimin, one of the
    brothers in detention
    Photo from
    China Aid
    Eight Christians are scheduled to stand trial on December 22 for "inciting a crowd to resist law enforcement" as a result of the destruction of a church building in July 2006 during which hundreds of Christians were beaten and many arrested (click here for more details). Shen Chengyi, Shen Zhuke, Wang Weiliang, Feng Guangliang, Ni Weimin, Guo Lijun, Shen Jianjian and Luo Bingliang are currently in detention and awaiting trial. Shen Jianjian and Luo Baoliang are out on bail. Remember these believers in your prayers during this trial. A short video showing the destruction of the church building is available on www.vomcanada.com.
  • House Church Closed

    Tongling, ChinaA house church assembly in Tongling City, Anhui Province was closed by the local Religious Affair Bureau (RAB) on November 26, 2006, according to a December 11 report from China Aid Association. The church leaders were then told to worship in the local Three-Self Church.

    The house church, which has approximately 200 members, was founded by Christian Brother Wang Xingquan fifty three years ago. Xingquan's daughter has recently come under pressure. Her work unit has stopped paying her salary and has threatened to fire her unless she joins the Three-Self Church. Another Christian church member was coerced into resigning from the church after his job was threatened.

    On December 5, 2006 the government held a hearing upon request of the Christians and upheld the RAB's decision to close down the church. The church members are currently holding worship services in their own homes and are preparing for further legal action to protect their right to religious freedom.

    Pray that this house church will be reopened. Pray that Chinese Christians will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25).

    Ask God to continue to work in the heart of the brother who bowed to government pressure.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Six Prisoners Released

    Thank you for prayingAll of the Christians who were arrested near Yili City in Xinjiang Autonomous Region on October 20
    (click here for more details) were released by November 26, 2006, according to a December 11 report from China Aid Association. Four brothers had been imprisoned in a detention centre for thirty two days. One brother and one sister had also been imprisoned for fourteen days. No legal documents were issued when these Christians were arrested or released.

    During their imprisonment, the four brothers were reportedly severely tortured by other prisoners upon police instruction. Brother Tan Defu was intentionally placed in a cell with homosexual prisoners where he was sexually abused and physically beaten.

    Take time to thank God for the release of these prisoners and ask Him to heal them of their injuries.