

  • Threatened Church Allowed to Re-Open Havana, CubaLast week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported that the building of the Yamaniguey Baptist Church was threatened with demolition because of "illegal construction" (click here for more details). According to a January 20 report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, the church has now received assurances that their building will not be destroyed and will be allowed to re-open.  The church people believe this change can directly attributed to the prayers of God's people.

    Praise God for answered prayers! Continue to pray that there will be more respect for the religious rights of Christians in Cuba. Pray that the Gospel will reach even the most hardened hearts of government leaders.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Cuba,click here.

  • Churches Face Destruction

    Havana, CubaCuban church leaders are increasingly concerned about the repercussions facing Christians in Cuba as the repression of the country's house churches appears to be on the rise.  In September 2005, the government put forth new directives which required all house churches to be registered.  Since then, government oppression appears to be intensifying.

    A news release from Christian Solidarity Worldwide on January 9, 2006 reported on the pressure facing three churches in western Cuba.  In August 2005, members of the Baptist Church of El Recreo in Guantánamo Province were evicted from their building that the government is now converting into a school.  In December, the Yamaniguey Baptist Church was threatened with demolition.  While the destruction has been delayed to this point, the order has not been rescinded.  Then, on December 14, the church building of the Pentecostal Church of Alamar, a suburb of Havana, was destroyed by government officials.  The official reason for the destruction is that the building was an "illegal construction."  To view photos of the destruction visit NoticiaCristiana.com.

    Please pray that our Cuban brothers and sisters will continue to remain faithful, united in heart and mind, regardless of the government's oppression. Pray that God's people will be firm in their walk with the Lord as pressures against them continue to grow. Pray specifically that the Baptist Church of El Recreo will be allowed to continue meeting. Pray that the Yamaniguey Baptist Church will not be demolished. Pray that the leadership of the Pentecostal Church of Alamar will have the Lord's wisdom in dealing with authorities.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Cuba,click here.

  • Pastor Beaten and Threatened with Death
    Pastor Octavio with his girls
    Pastor Octavio with his girls
    Dr. Octavio Rios Verdecia, minister with the Assemblies of God in Cuba and pastor of the Words of Life Church in Havana, Cuba suffered an attempt on his life on December 19.  Verdecia was leaving his house when he was approached by Eduardo Valdes Oliva. Oliva had attacked a Baptist church several years before and had served time for various criminal activities.  Oliva began beating Verdecia with a police stick and attempted to stab him with a knife.  He also smashed bottles of homemade wine against the doors of the church. After Verdecia gave a statement to police, they arrested Oliva only to release him seventy-two hours later.  Oliva immediately continued his campaign against Christians by attacking another church with stones.  Still on the streets, Oliva has vowed to "complete the work" he has begun. Pastor Verdecia has said he is prepared to die for Christ, if necessary.

    Some of the members of the congregation
    Some of the members of the congregation 
    Cuban believers are asking us to urgently pray for Pastor Octavio's safety. Pray that he will be allowed to continue bringing the gospel to his city. Pray that Eduardo will see his own sinfulness and turn to Christ. Ask God to open the eyes of the authorities to see the danger that Oliva presents to local believers. Pray for pastors in Cuba who face increasing threats and physical opposition to the message of Christ.

    To read the full report from VOMC's Cuban source, click here for the Spanish version or here for an English translation. 

    For more information on the persecution facing Cuba's Church,click here.

  • Police Confiscate Printing Press
    Cuba's Minister of Religion, Caridad del Rosario Diego Bello
    Cuba's Minister of Religion, Caridad del Rosario Diego Bello
    On the morning of October 9, five plain-clothes secret police officers raided a home in Colon, Cuba, and confiscated a small printing press and printed gospels of John.  Eliseo Rodriguez Matos, a pastor of an Assembly of God church, was taken to the local police station for interrogation.  The Cuban Minister of Religion, Caridad del Rosario Diego Bello, was called in to review the case.  She referred to the confiscated printing press as "very dangerous."

    Pray for the work of Cuba's Church, despite on-going opposition from the government.  Pray for the continual spreading of the "dangerous" Word of God in Cuba. For more information on the persecution of Cuba's Christians,click here.

  • Cuban House Churches Face Severe Restrictions


    House church leaders in Cuba are expressing concern over new government directives issued in April that are set to come into effect this month.  According to a September 15 report from Forum 18, the new legislation, Directive 43 and Resolution 46, requires all currently operating house churches to register with the authorities.  In recent years, some leaders have attempted to register their house churches and have faced such restrictive complications that few have managed to complete the process.  Under the new directives, if registration is refused, permission can never be granted to meet in that home. Church members can file an application to hold services in a different home within fifteen days of the refusal.  The legislation restricts the number of house churches within a particular area and requires detailed reporting of all services and those in attendance.  There can also be no signage advertising the church.  Foreigners are prohibited from any involvement in house churches in mountainous regions, including simply attending services, without government approval.  Authorities retain the right to supervise the services to ensure compliance.  Those house churches failing to comply will be closed down and face fines up to $1200 CDN; the equivalent of 50 months' wages in Cuba.  Click here for a full report of these new restrictions.

    Pray for wisdom for church leaders who attempt to register and to plan for the new restrictions.  Pray for the continued ministry of the Gospel in Cuba.  Pray for the continued growth of the church there, despite government attempts to stifle it.

    For more information on the difficulties facing the Church in Cuba,click here.

  • Increasing Pressure on Church Leaders

    Recent reports received by The Voice of the Martyrs indicate increasing difficulties for Christians in Cuba. A VOM contacts was recently refused permission at the border to enter the country, even though he had an officially approved visa. He has traveled to Cuba many times to serve the Church there. He was forced to take the next flight back home and was not allowed to make a telephone call to members of his family.

    Returning home, he telephoned one of the Cuban pastors that VOM has worked with extensively over the past several years. While unable to speak freely for fear that his phone is being monitored by Cuban authorities, the pastor was able to communicate that he expects to be brought to court soon and may face prison for his Christian activities.

    We ask that you pray for the Church in Cuba. Pray especially for Pastor G who faces arrest.

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