

  • Multiple Attacks on Christian Villages
    Rubble of a home
    A burned home in Kagoro, Kaduna State.
    Photo: Gideon Agwom Mutum via Morning Star News

    The Nigerian state of Kaduna experienced multiple attacks on predominantly Christian villages between March 17th and March 24th. Due to the nature of these recent attacks, the exact number of victims is not yet clear, but survivors estimate that over 80 villagers were killed and approximately 150 others kidnapped.

  • Ten Villagers Killed; Dozens of Homes Destroyed
    Fulani militants - Photo: Voice of America
    Fulani militants
    Photo: Voice of America

    An overnight attack that took place in the Nigerian village of Ta'agbe on November 26th left ten Christians dead, including three children. According to witnesses, the attackers were dressed in black, carried sophisticated weapons, and shouted Islamic slogans while slaughtering the residents of the village and burning homes. It is estimated that over 100 houses were destroyed, displacing 690 people.

  • Fatalities Caused by Recent Attacks
    Men carrying the casket of a slain believer.
    Christian funerals have become far too common in Nigeria.
    Photo: Evangelical Church Winning All Nigeria

    On September 26th, a group of gunmen raided a church in Gavaciwa, Kaduna State, and opened fire in the midst of the worship service. One worshipper, Nasiru Abdullahi, was killed as a result of the violence and, in the aftermath of the invasion, numerous other believers were rushed to the hospital with injuries.

  • High School Students Kidnapped
    Parent praying - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    A father prays for students at a breach in the school’s wall.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in the early morning of July 5th. More than 100, and possibly as many as 164, students at this boarding school in Maraban Rido (located on the outskirts of Kaduna State's capital), are still missing after being kidnapped by militants as part of a coordinated attack. The suspected Fulani militants overcame security guards, initially abducting almost all of the school's 180 students at gunpoint. A few of the students fortunately managed to escape.

  • Pastor and Young Son Killed by Fulani Herdsmen
    Leviticus Makpa and son - Photo: Facebook
    Leviticus Makpa and son
    Photo: Facebook

    Leviticus Makpa, 39, served as a pastor and church planter in Niger State, Nigeria. On May 21st, he sent a text message to an associate, Folashade Obidiya Obadan, stating that Fulani herdsmen had surrounded his house and mission compound. The next day, Folashade learned that Pastor Leviticus, along with his toddler son, Godsend, had both been tragically shot and killed. The pastor's wife and daughter managed to escape. A funeral for the two slain family members was held on May 23rd.

  • Numerous Attacks Lead to Killings and Kidnappings
    Afiniki Bako and Grace Zugwai Nkut - Photo: Facebook / Fellowship Of Christian Nurses Nigeria
    Abducted Christian nurses Afiniki and Grace.
    Photo: Facebook

    One person was killed, another wounded, and four women were abducted, when the Haske Baptist Church in Manini village, Nigeria, was attacked during a worship service on April 25th. Healthcare worker Zacharia Dogon Yaro was killed, and Shehu Haruna was injured. According to one of the worshippers, "[The attackers] surrounded the church and started shooting.... They shot at us randomly and at anyone they sighted." The Fulani gunmen then seized Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka as they left.

  • Christians Targeted in Islamic Militant Attacks
    Rev. Johnson Oladimeji - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Rev. Johnson Oladimeji,
    killed in Ekiti state, Nigeria.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On the morning of November 1st, armed Islamic militants associated with the Boko Haram terrorist group invaded the village of Takulashi. With the use of automatic weapons, they shot everyone in sight -- burning and looting homes during the rampage. When the militants left the area two hours later, 12 members of the primarily Christian village were found dead, including a church pastor. The attackers also took three women and four children hostage.

  • Lawlessness Heightens Call to Prayer
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba - Photo: Facebook
    Hassana and Hussaina Garba
    Photo: Facebook

    The violence dominating areas of Nigeria continues as Fulani herdsmen terrorize village communities. Unfortunately, Christians are frequently targeted in these attacks. On September 18th, a church elder was shot in the stomach and his twin daughters kidnapped from their home in Katsina State. Thankfully, Ibrahim Garba survived the attack and received treatment in hospital. His teenaged daughters, Hassana and Hussaina, were released three days later.

  • Ongoing Atrocities in Kaduna State
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi  - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Godwin Jonathan Bakoshi
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Christians residing in Nigeria's Kaduna State have faced a series of attacks by gunmen in recent weeks, resulting in numerous deaths, in addition to kidnappings. While the exact numbers vary, the victims include children, youth and adults.

  • Reports of "Unfolding Genocide"
    Mass funeral in Nigeria - Photo: VOMC

    For several years, suffering has been a way of life for Christians in Nigeria. In 2010, the International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a preliminary examination into this troubling situation which was formerly caused by the violence of Boko Haram militants. Thousands of lives have been lost throughout the years that followed, along with the destruction of numerous homes and churches, and the abduction of hundreds of innocent victims -- including teen Leah Sharibu who was taken captive in February 2018 and is still missing to date.

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