

  • Indonesia Update: Women Arrested for Evangelizing The May 18 Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the arrest of three Indonesian women accused of attempting to convert Muslim children (click here for more details). VOMC sources in Indonesia have met with the three women and have received more details on the incident.  They report that the charges come from an incident involving the twelve year old daughter of a prostitute living near their church.  The girl had been given a Bible and t-shirt at her request. The women are being detained in a 2-metre square room in the Indramayu Police Station. 

    Pastor Rebeka and family

    Pastor Rebeka's husband, Lukas (left)

    Pastor Rebeka, Mrs. Ety, Mrs. Ratna
    In their cell in the Indramayu Police Station

  • Three Women Face Charges for Evangelizing Children
    Dufan (Fantasy World) in Jakarta
    Charges have been laid against three Indonesian women as the result of a picnic which they led at Dufan (Fantasy World) in Jakarta in December 2004.  The picnic conducted by a church-run children's program.

    Some Muslim children joined the picnic and there were no problems until some of their parents raised complaints last month.  According to VOMC sources in Indonesia, the three women, Dr Rebecca, Mrs. Ratna and Mrs. Lia, were summoned to the police station on May 3 and charges were formally laid against them on May 14.  The ladies face charges of attempting to Christianize the Muslim children and they could face up to five years in jail under the Children Protection Constitution. 

    The Pondok Ceria ("House of Children") program is intended as a fellowship for Christian children but many Moslem children have expressed a desire to participate in the games and teachings.  The Pondok Ceria is operated under the auspices of Haurgeulis synod of the Gereja Kristen Kemah Daud (GKKD) in Indramayu County, West Java.

    Pray that these charges will be dropped and that this ministry to children will be able to continue.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Indonesia,click here.  A video report on the courage of Indonesia's Christians entitled "Island Jihad" can be viewed on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Christians Continue to Face Challenges
    Fire at VOM's Medical Treatment Centre
    Three separate stories from Indonesia in the past week demonstrate the continued difficulties faced by Christians in the most populous Muslim nation in the world.

    On January 25, The Voice of the Martyrs received the news that our medical treatment centre and storage facility in Indonesia had been totally destroyed by fire.  Valuable medical supplies and items for distribution to persecuted believers in the country were destroyed.  Thankfully there were no injuries.  The cause of the fire is under investigation.  Pray that the supplies needed for this valuable work will be restored soon so that the ministry will be able to continue.

    On February 1, VOM also learned that the local government in West Pasaman, West Sumatra had issued regulations that all female students in public and Islamic schools must wear the Muslim head coverings, regardless of their religion.  Only private Christian schools are exempt from the regulations.
    Immanuel Church in Indonesia
    Site of Shooting on December 12, 2004

    In a follow-up to our report in December in which a sixty-one year old security guard was shot during a church attack on December 12. VOM has learned that ballistic evidence indicates that a police weapon was used in the shooting.  A high-ranking police officer has also been implicated in this and another church attack in Central Sulawesi that day.

    Pray for endurance for Christians facing persecution in various ways in Indonesia.  Pray for justice and peace. 

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Indonesia,click here.

  • Churches Face Pressure to Close; Priest Killed

    Along with the challenges facing Indonesia after the December 26 tsunami, Christians in Indonesia are continuing to be confronted with difficulties in this predominantly Muslim nation.

    According to VOM sources in Indonesia, three new churches have been threatened with closure when the head of the North Grogol community where they are located accused the churches of disturbing the community, as well as meeting illegally in business buildings.

    The three churches, Abraham Camp Church (GKA), Bellezza Indonesia Bethel Church (GBI) and GKRI Karmel, confirmed that the meeting halls could be used for business or other purposes, including religious meetings.  The pastor of the GKA church, K.A.M. Jusufroni, is firm that the church will continue to meet.  They have a legal certificate from the Religion Department, authorizing them to meet. "Nothing can stop Christians to worship God," he said.

    In a separate incident, a priest in Purworejo in Central Java, Thomas Harsidiyono (50), was found dead in a church retreat compound on January 14 with massive head wounds.  Despite the string of attacks against Christians in various areas of Indonesia, the provincial police chief said that the attack was "probably" robbery.  However, police have frequently downplayed incidents of violence against Christians.

    Pray for these churches facing possible closure, as well as the parishioners dealing with the loss of Fr. Harsidiyono.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Indonesia,click here.

  • Pastor Seriously Wounded in Machete Attack

    Despite a massive police presence to prevent violence against Christians during the Christmas season, a pastor and companion were seriously wounded in a machete attack in Poso in Central Sulawesi on Christmas Eve. Reverend Jemri Tambalino was riding a motorcycle when he was attacked by a machete-wielding mob. He suffered deep wounds to his neck and face. A friend with him sustained injuries to his hand. This attack took place despite 180,000 police and military personnel on alert to prevent a repeat of the violence around Christmas time seen in previous years.

    Pray that Pastor Tambalino will fully recover from this attack. Pray for his attackers, that they will come to experience the grace and love of Jesus Christ.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Indonesia,click here.

  • Christmas Celebration Forbidden

    A small group of believers in the village of Bandengan in Cirebon , West Java was refused permission to celebrate Christmas on December 15, despite earlier assurances that they would be allowed to do so.  For the past three years, Christian workers have been holding services in the village.  At present, there are ten believers in this predominantly Muslim community.  The day before the planned Christmas celebration, police informed the pastor that all regular religious services were to cease immediately.

    Bintijaya (61) Injured in Bomb Attack in Palu, December 12, 2004
    In recent weeks, several churches in West Java have been forced to close.  Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on a coordinated attack of two churches in Palu, along with fears of increased violence during the Christmas season.  Photographs of the attacks are now available (click here).

    For more information on persecution of Indonesian Christians,click here.

  • Churches Attacked Amidst Christmas Fears
    An explosion and the sound of gunfire shattered the quiet evening of December 12 in the Indonesian city of Palu. Two bombs exploded at the Immanuel Church, followed by gunfire at the Anugerah Church.

    According to VOM sources in Indonesia, the Sunday evening service at the Immanuel Church was just beginning when a bomb exploded beside the front door. Bintijaya, the church's 61-year-old security guard, was injured. A few seconds later, gunmen began firing through the front door of the Anugerah Church, located one kilometre away. Two members of the congregation, Rada Krisna (38) and Novri (17), were injured. The bullet that was intended for the pastor missed its mark.

    As the season approaches where the world remembers the coming of the Prince of Peace, many areas of the world, such as Indonesia, face a time of particular uncertainty and fear. Four years ago, eleven churches in Indonesia had to cope with a barrage bomb attacks. Nineteen believers lost their lives in those attacks. Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, has called for increased protection for churches leading up to the Christmas season this year. According to CathNews, Palu's police chief, Nyoman Siswandi, as been dismissed for failure to provide protection needed on December 12.

    Pray for a full and quick recovery for those injured in these attacks. Pray that Christmas will be a time when Christians in Indonesia will be able to celebrate in peace.

    For more information on the trials facing Christians in Indonesia,click here.

    Immanuel Church
    Anugerah Church
  • Photos of Church Attacks in Palu December 12, 2004

    Anugerah Church, Attacked by Gunmen

    Pastor Arnold (Anugerah Church) Shows Bullet Holes

    Novri (17) Injured at Anugerah Church

    Rada Krisna (38) Injured at Anugerah Church

    Immanuel Church, Site of Bomb Attack

    Bintijaya (61) Security Guard Injured at Immanuel Church

    For more details on this coordinated attack against these two churches in Palu, Indonesia, click here.

  • Church Unable to Re-Open

    Earlier this month, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the Nusantara Indonesia Christian Church in Karawang , Indonesia which was vandalized by a mob of around 500 people (click here for details).  On November 18, Compass Direct reported that the authorities have since closed the church.  Pastor Suhardi and his family are now living in temporary accommodations and the police are looking into whether there are grounds to close the church permanently.

    The types of problems facing the Nusantara Indonesia Christian Church also face other churches in primarily Muslim areas of Indonesia .  A recent survey published in The Jakarta Post reports that over forty percent of Muslim respondents do not agree with Christians conducting worship services in a neighborhood which is a majority Muslim.  At the same time, a majority of Muslims are opposed to the teachings and actions of militant Islamic groups involved in terrorist attacks.

    Pray for Christians in Indonesia , as they deal with the challenges of living in a predominantly Muslim country where religious violence has been common in recent years.  Pray for Pastor Suhardi and the congregation of the Nusantara Indonesia Christian Church as they consider their future ministry plans.

    For more information on the challenges Christians in Indonesia face,click here.

  • Church Warned to Stop Services

    An official letter has been sent to a church in South Margahayu Village in the Bandung region of West Java, Indonesia, warning them to stop meeting for worship services.  According to VOM sources in Indonesia , Pastor Beniyanto Sugihono was told in the letter that continuing services would be "insulting Muslims."  The local government is being pressured to take action to close the church.

    Pray for encouragement, strength and wisdom for Pastor Beni and his church, as they face this threat.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Indonesia ,click here.