

  • Update: Imprisoned Christians released

    Pastor Sompong
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    Pastor Sompong (32), Boot (18) and Khamvan (18), three men who were arrested in Boukham village, Savannakhet province in early August (click here for more), have been released, according to a November 17 report from Compass Direct. The believers were released on October 16 -- against the wishes of the village chief, who had threatened to hand Pastor Sompong a life sentence at a maximum-security prison.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in Laos,click here.

  • Christians under fire from authorities

    Pastor Sompong
    Pastor Sompong
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    The family members of three men detained for "believing in Jesus and worshipping God" in the village of Boukham, Savannakhet province on August 3 (click here for more information) were pressured by police to renounce their faith, according to an August 28 report from Compass Direct. On August 24, the three detained men -- Pastor Sompong, Boot and Khamsavan -- received a visit from their families. When they arrived, officers tightened the handcuffs and wooden stocks restraining the detained believers, causing them severe pain. They told the visitors, "This is the consequence of not signing documents to renounce your faith. We have already given you three opportunities to do this, but you have refused." A few days later, the village chief ordered the families of the men to sign documents renouncing their faith. The believers refused to do so.

    In other regions of the country, authorities are cracking down on churches. In mid-August, twenty-two families were reprimanded by authorities for holding worship services in a private home after their church building was torn down by officials in January. At last report, however, they were continuing to meet together in a church member's home and their requests to rebuild have been denied. On August 25, the chief of Donphai village, Attapue province fined local Christians for holding a worship service during local animistic ceremonies. The Christians refused to pay the fine and are continuing their weekly worship services.

    Pray for the release of Pastor Sompong, Boot, and Khamsavan. Pray that Christians in Laos will be emboldened to obey God regardless of what man says (Acts 5:29).

    For more information on the situation facing Christians in Laos,click here.

  • Christians detained in Laos

    At least 90 Christians were arrested throughout Laos in recent weeks, according to an August 8 report from Compass Direct.

    On July 21, residents of Katin village in Saravan province killed a Christian man by pouring rice wine down his throat. Eighty local Christians were then arrested by authorities. On July 25, officials rounded up 17 Christian families in the village and detained them in a local school compound, denying them food for three days in an attempt to force the adults to sign documents renouncing their faith. Ten families eventually signed the documents and were allowed to return home. The remaining families were evicted from the village.

     Pastor Sompong
    Pastor Sompong
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    Six local Christians in Boukham village, Savannakhet province were arrested in the first week of August, including the pastor of a house church. On August 1, two believers were arrested and detained in a prison in Ad-Sapangthong district on the charge of "believing in Jesus and worshiping God." The next day, a Christian woman was also arrested and imprisoned on the same charge. The following day authorities arrested Pastor Sompong and two young believers during a worship service in his home.

    Pray that those detained will be released. Pray that Christians in Laos will be strong and bold in the face of severe persecution (Revelations 2:9-10).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Pastors Arrested by Police

    Oudomxay Province, LaosOn March 18, eight Khmu pastors from Oudomxay Province, Laos were arrested while entering Thailand to attend meetings, according to VOMC sources. Two groups of pastors were coming into Thailand to attend meetings. The first group made it over the Mekong River without any issues. The second group, however, was followed by the Laotian police. The pastors were searched, and all of their belongings were confiscated from them, including a cell phone. The pastors have reportedly been taken back to Laos but there has been no recent contact with them to confirm their whereabouts.

    Pray that the pastors will continue to trust God to protect and embolden them as they suffer for His sake (2 Timothy 4:16-18). Pray that Laotian authorities will stop their campaign against Christians and come to know Christ as Lord.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Laos,click here.

  • Arrests and Prison Sentences for Hmong Christians

    Bokeo District, LaosAccording to a March 11 report from Compass Direct, officials in Laos arrested 15 Hmong Christian families in the Bokeo district on February 22, a day before a court sentenced nine area Hmong church leaders to 15 years in prison for conducting Christian ministry and meetings that had grown beyond acceptable levels for communist officials. The day before the sentencing, Laotian authorities arrived in Ban Sai Jarern village in Bokeo district with six trucks in which they hauled away eight Christian families. Authorities also arrested at least seven families from Fai village three miles away. "It seems they are rounding up all Hmong Christians from Vietnam to send them back to Vietnam," one Christian source told Compass Direct. "What will happen to them is greatly feared and unknown." In total, 58 Hmong Christians were arrested.

    The nine church leaders sentenced for conducting prominent Christian ministry and meetings had been rounded up during a police and military sweep of
    suspected rebels last July that left at least 13 innocent Christians dead.

    Pray that those detained will be released. Pray that the nine church leaders who are in prison will know God's strength at this time and that their imprisonment will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14). Pray God will fill the heart of the Laotian believers with peace beyond comprehension as they bring their needs to the Lord and rejoice in Him (Philippians 4:4-7).

    Find out more information on the persecution of Christians in Laos, go to theLaos Country Report.

  • Three Pastors Released
    Pastor Van Thong
    Pastor Van Thong
    Pastor Van Thong, the head of Lao Evangelical Church in Vientiane, and eleven other local pastors were arrested on November 26, 2006 for attending meetings organized by Christian leaders from the West. Eight of these prisoners were reportedly freed in late October. The Voice of the Martyrs has learned that Van Thong and two other believers have recently been released.

    Praise God for the release of these men. Continue to pray for them as they rejoin family and friends.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Laos, go to theLaos Country Report.

  • Christian Villagers Hunted and Killed by Authorities

    LaosAt least thirteen Christian villagers who were falsely accused of stirring rebel dissent have been killed by authorities in Laos over the past month, according to an August 7 report from Compass Direct. The report also states that approximately 200 Christians in the village of Sai Jerern have been arrested and imprisoned. The majority of the Christians attacked were Hmong refugees that fled persecution in Vietnam. They strongly deny any association with anti-government forces.

    One of those killed was Neng Mua, who had been in hiding from the police. On July 7, he returned to his native village in search of food and was shot dead by a a one-time friend who suspected that he was member of the "liberation army." On July 8, Seng Wue was shot to death by police after he and other Christians suffering fatigue and hunger came out of hiding and surrendered. Authorities are reportedly searching the rice fields and mountains for Christians and shooting them on sight. On July 13, eight to ten Christians were shot by soldiers searching for leaders of the Ban Sawan church. The identities of those killed are unknown.

    Pray for peace for Christians in Laos in the midst of this violence. Pray that believers will be able to stand firm in their faith, despite the difficulties they face. Ask God to comfort those who have lost loved ones.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Laos, go to theLaos Country Report.

  • Evangelists Arrested to Stop Their Ministry

    Two Laotian evangelists have been arrested in southern Laos, according to an August 18 report from AsiaNews. A-Kouam (60) and A-Vieng (35) were taken into custody on August 11 and are being held in Depone in the southern province of Savannakhet. Sources for the Lao Human Rights Movement claim that the arrest and imprisonment is intended to stop the spreading of the Christian religion, especially among religious minorities.

    Pray that the government's attempt to stop the spread of the gospel will actually result in the furtherance of it (Philippians 1:12-14). Ask God to deliver A-Kouam and A-vieng from prison. Pray that Laotian believers will be allowed to worship freely.

    For more information on Laos and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.

  • Recent Convert Arrested

    On May 1, 2006, KaTamong (22) came to faith in Christ in the Louangphrabang area of Laos and immediately set out to share his faith with the people in his home village of Omdong. Using a cassette tape from FEBC given to him by a pastor, he began sharing his newfound faith with his family and fellow villagers and many expressed interest in becoming Christians. However, according to VOMC sources, the village head reported him to the district police and he was arrested on May 16.  His Bible and cassette player were confiscated. According to the report received June 23, KaTomong remains in the Nong Ngiao prison.

    Pray that KaTamong will remain faithful to his newfound faith. Pray that he will find opportunities to share Christ with his fellow inmates and that other believers will be encouraged because of his faithfulness (Philippians 1:12-14). Pray that the villagers that have heard the gospel will respond with open hearts to Jesus Christ.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Laos,click here.

  • Christian Imprisoned for Refusing to Recant

    Christian Aid reported on April 13 that a Christian in the village of Tabeng, Laos was ordered by the local chief to sign an affidavit renouncing his Christian faith.  When Mr. Lapao refused, he was arrested and has been bound in hand and foot stocks since April 1.

    According to the report, there were four Christian families in the village.  Two of the families were expelled.  The fate of the other two families is uncertain.

    Pray that Mr. Lapao will continue to stand firm in his faith and that he will find comfort in the fellowship he has with all those who suffer for Christ (1 Peter 5:8-10). Ask God to provide for his physical needs while in prison. Pray that the families who have been expelled will either be allowed to return or find a new place to live and worship. Pray that, wherever they are, the Lord will strengthen these believers to be effective ministers of the gospel (2 Timothy 4:16-18).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Laos, go toclick here.