

  • Christmas Outreach to Victims of Vicious Attacks
    This child in Nigeria is so happy to receive
    VOMC's Christmas Blessing package!

    Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, is divided between a mainly Christian culture in the south and a radical Islamic agenda in the north -- the latter of which is characterized by massive riots, bombings and plans to create an Islamic state.

    Back in 2009, the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, an al-Qaida ally, vowed to rid the north of all non-Muslim influence, including Christianity. Since then, more than 3,000 people have been tragically killed by the insurgents' target of Christian villages, churches and homes. Children were not exempt in the vicious attacks and, as a result, many have been left wounded, traumatized and/or orphaned. In another incident this year, which took place on April 14th, at least 270 Nigerian schoolgirls were abducted by Boko Haram. To date, more than 200 of the girls are still missing. (A previous prayer alert report on this incident can be found here.)

    During this month of December, The Voice of the Martyrs Canada is reaching out to the suffering Christians of Nigeria through the ministry's "Christmas Blessing" project. By providing these victimized believers needed practical aid through our various in-country projects, the compassion of Jesus and His healing touch is being extended to them in tangible ways. To be part of this "Christmas Blessing," you may go to our donation page.

    Please remember to pray for God's protection over these targeted believers in northern Nigeria throughout the Christmas season, including the abducted schoolgirls who have yet to be located. May He minister healing to those still suffering from the aftermath of the attacks. Ask Him to also touch the hardened hearts of the perpetrators, giving them the ability to sense their wrongdoing and empathize with their victims, so they will no longer be oblivious to the immense pain and suffering they are causing so many innocent people (Ezekiel 11:19). May they, too, have the opportunity to experience the presence of God in their lives by acknowledging Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

  • Young Child's Terrible Encounter with Boko Haram
    Pray that God's hand of healing and
    blessing will be upon this little child.
    Village photo: Flickr / Mike Blyth

    After a brutal attack was perpetrated against Christian worshippers on Sunday, November 22nd in Attagara, a little three-year-old child by the name of "Joel" was running back home holding onto his Children's Bible when three Islamic insurgents grabbed him and forcibly sat him down.

    According to an eye witness, one of the insurgents wanted to take the Children's Bible from Joel's hand but the little boy refused. The angered Muslim insurgent snatched the Bible by force and threw it into a nearby burning fire. Joel ran toward the fire to rescue his beloved Bible.

    While struggling with a stick to remove his Bible from the fire, Joel was hit on the head with the butt of an AK-47 and pushed into the fire. Not satisfied, the insurgent proceeded to step on the young child's head, pressing it into the burning flames, all the while railing curses and abuses on the little boy, calling him a "stubborn infidel." After causing this incident, the heartless Boko Haram member then callously walked away, leaving the wounded child at the scene.

    While we can be thankful that this young child's life was spared, let us cry out to God on behalf of Joel and others like him who have so unjustly suffered at the hands of Boko Haram...asking the Lord to bring justice in such an unjust world. Additionally, ask Him to protect and preserve His people (Psalm 140), including vulnerable children. Pray that the Lord will not only completely heal little Joel and the other victimized members of his Christian community, but that He would also bless them with a strong faith, great endurance, and an unquenchable desire to love and serve Him despite the attack.

  • Militants Seize Hometown of Abducted Schoolgirls
    Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.
    Wikipedia via Morning Star News

    It has recently been reported that the northeastern Nigerian town of Chibok (in Borno state) has been seized by Boko Haram militants. Since the group's abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in April of 2014, this mainly Christian town has been frequently mentioned in international news headlines. Boko Haram has also repeatedly targeted the villages surrounding Chibok in recent months in its fight to create an Islamic state within Nigeria.

  • Boko Haram Continues Campaign of Terror in Borno State
    Pray for the safety of Christians in hideouts within Nigeria.
    Photo: Flickr/selena deckelmann

    Despite recent news of a cease-fire agreement between the government and Boko Haram, Nigerians in Borno State are continuing to endure horror at the hands of the militant group.

    In late October, Boko Haram militants sent messages to Christians who were hiding out in the hills of Gwoza Local Government Area, telling them that any non-Muslims found there would be killed. Many of the affected believers tried to escape to neighbouring Cameroon in the night, but were stopped. Boko Haram then later attacked the hill area, killing those who remained. Meanwhile, in Mafa village, 30 young people were reportedly kidnapped by the militants on October 25th and 26th.

  • Christian Villages Ruthlessly Attacked by Militants
    Pray for the protection of villages targeted
    by militants in Plateau State, Nigeria.
    Photo: Flickr / Jeff Attaway

    Fulani militants recently attacked several Christian villages in the Riyom Local Government Area of Plateau State. Twelve villagers and a soldier were reportedly killed in the assault.

    Meanwhile, the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram recently abducted more than 40 people, a number of whom are Christians. Among those seized on September 30th were a mother and her newborn twins. (Boko Haram was also responsible for the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls in April. For more information on that incident, please visit this page.)

  • Churches Struggle to Cope as Refugees Flee Neighbouring Nigeria
    The United Nations camp for Nigerian
    refugees in northern Cameroon
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Thousands of Nigerians, many of them Christians, have fled their home country for northern Cameroon in the wake of ongoing violence by the Islamist militant group, Boko Haram. Yet, even beyond the borders of their homeland, these Nigerian believers are far from safe. In the village of Cherif Moussary, an assault from militants left a church ransacked and the residence of the pastor burned down. Many of the Christian families were also stripped of virtually all their possessions. A similar act of destruction was reported at Mouldougoua village. At Assighassia, which was occupied for days by militants before the army arrived, two church elders were beheaded. Meanwhile, in Djibrilli village, a pastor was kidnapped, threatened and asked about his faith by militants before being released the following day.

  • Churches Close Down as Boko Haram Claims Territory
    Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau.
    Wikipedia via Morning Star News

    Scores of Christians have been killed, and numerous churches and a Bible school forced to close down, after militants from Boko Haram recently seized towns and villages in several states. "Boko Haram violence has been getting worse every day, and our members are fleeing the area by the thousands," a church leader shares. "...Borno and Adamawa states, where are our churches are located, have seen Boko Haram take over the army base. As a result, about 350 Christians have been killed."

  • Attacks Against Churches Result in More Casualties
    One of the churches targeted in the attacks.
    Photo: CSW

    At least four Christians and a soldier were killed in the city of Kano, Kano State, on July 27th after a bomb was thrown over a church's fence as believers were leaving their Sunday worship service. Many other Christians were hospitalized with injuries. Several other sites in the area have also been bombed in recent weeks, and the Islamic militant group "Boko Haram" (which translates to "Western education is a sin") is suspected to be behind the assaults. The terrorist group seeks to impose Sharia law throughout the country, often targeting Christians.

  • Dozens Murdered in Brutal Attack on Christian Villages
    Some of the parents of Chibok's kidnapped girls.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    At least 50 believers were killed and five churches burned to the ground on June 29th when militants launched ruthless assaults on Christian villages near Chibok, Borno State.

    The violence began as believers were gathering for Sunday worship. "The attackers fired at worshippers, and those who tried to escape were chased and gunned down. They killed anything they (had) seen. Even animals were not left alive. Many people fled to the bush. They also set fire (to) houses and other properties before leaving the village," a survivor of the carnage explained.

  • Christian Communities Ravaged by Militants

    Pray for the many victimized Christians of

    Nigeria, including their children.

    Photo: Flickr / Seattle Globalist

    On June 1st, over 100 Muslim militants stormed the predominantly Christian village of Attagara in Borno State's Gwoza Local Government Area. Chanting "Allah Akbar," the assailants opened fire, killing over 25 and injuring more than 50 others. Although believers sought help from military personnel at a checkpoint just a few kilometres away, the military refused to intervene. In an attempt to protect the community, and especially the children, many Christian youths decided to try ousting the militants with weapons of their own. Despite church leaders urging them not to pursue violence, the youths nonetheless killed several of the militants.