

  • Mob Kills Pastor Over Alleged Conversion
    Video: Will the Violence Against Christians Never End?
    View this video to learn more about the ongoing violence in Nigeria.

    Rev. Yohanna Shuaibu was the pastor of the New Life for All Nation Church in the Nigerian village of Masu, located in Kano State. He also served as the local chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria. After being attacked on September 22nd by an angry mob, described as "irate Muslim youths," the church leader succumbed to his injuries the following day.

  • Pastor and Other Christians Killed
    Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali - Photo: Facebook / Maureen Tabat
    Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali
    Photo: Facebook

    On Saturday, September 11th, Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali left his home in the Zangon Kataf area of Kaduna, Nigeria, and set off for the town of Kafanchan, but was not heard from again. Early the next morning, a search party found his body, which was inflicted with bullet and machete wounds, less than a kilometre from his home.

  • 28 Students Released from Captivity!
    Father praying at breach in the wall - Photo: Morning Star News
    Thank God for answered prayer!
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In the early morning of July 5th, suspected Fulani militants raided the Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna State, abducting more than 120 students (read this report). Since the kidnapping, a few students at a time have managed to escape in various ways.

  • High School Students Kidnapped
    Parent praying - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    A father prays for students at a breach in the school’s wall.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in the early morning of July 5th. More than 100, and possibly as many as 164, students at this boarding school in Maraban Rido (located on the outskirts of Kaduna State's capital), are still missing after being kidnapped by militants as part of a coordinated attack. The suspected Fulani militants overcame security guards, initially abducting almost all of the school's 180 students at gunpoint. A few of the students fortunately managed to escape.

  • Pastor and Young Son Killed by Fulani Herdsmen
    Leviticus Makpa and son - Photo: Facebook
    Leviticus Makpa and son
    Photo: Facebook

    Leviticus Makpa, 39, served as a pastor and church planter in Niger State, Nigeria. On May 21st, he sent a text message to an associate, Folashade Obidiya Obadan, stating that Fulani herdsmen had surrounded his house and mission compound. The next day, Folashade learned that Pastor Leviticus, along with his toddler son, Godsend, had both been tragically shot and killed. The pastor's wife and daughter managed to escape. A funeral for the two slain family members was held on May 23rd.

  • Abducted Leah Sharibu Recently Turned 18
    Leah Sharibu
    Leah Sharibu

    Leah Sharibu, who has been held captive by Islamic jihadists from the Boko Haram terrorist group for more than three years after refusing to renounce her Christian faith, turned 18 years old on May 14th. Standing in solidarity with her, Christians around the world have continued to call for her release.

  • Numerous Attacks Lead to Killings and Kidnappings
    Afiniki Bako and Grace Zugwai Nkut - Photo: Facebook / Fellowship Of Christian Nurses Nigeria
    Abducted Christian nurses Afiniki and Grace.
    Photo: Facebook

    One person was killed, another wounded, and four women were abducted, when the Haske Baptist Church in Manini village, Nigeria, was attacked during a worship service on April 25th. Healthcare worker Zacharia Dogon Yaro was killed, and Shehu Haruna was injured. According to one of the worshippers, "[The attackers] surrounded the church and started shooting.... They shot at us randomly and at anyone they sighted." The Fulani gunmen then seized Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka as they left.

  • Leah Sharibu Held Captive for Three Years
    Leah Sharibu

    On February 19th, 2018, Islamic jihadists from Boko Haram swept into Dapchi town, Yobe State, in northern Nigeria. In this particular incident (one of numerous abductions), the militants kidnapped 110 girls, most of whom were Muslims, from Dapchi's Government Girls' Science and Technical College. (To review one of VOMC's past reports on Leah's situation, go to this page).

  • Pastor Shot to Death
    Dr. Amos Arijesuyo - Photo: Facebook / Inside Life Blog
    Dr. Amos Arijesuyo
    Photo: Facebook

    Suspected Fulani herdsmen killed Dr. Amos Arijesuyo, a pastor and university deputy registrar, on January 16th. He was travelling from Ibadan to Akure in Ondo state with four others when they were stopped in an ambush. Both the driver and Dr. Arijesuyo were shot by the assailants, requiring urgent medical attention in hospital where the pastor succumbed to his injuries. The driver is recovering from a shot to his arm.

  • Christmas Attacks Involved Executions
    Uka Joseph, Sunday, Wilson, Joshua Maidugu, Garba Yusuf
    Pray for the grieving families of the young men whose execution was recorded by the terrorist group.

    Two separate attacks have led to kidnappings and at least twelve deaths in Nigeria over the Christmas season. In both cases, Islamic militant groups were responsible for the assaults.

    On Christmas Eve, at least seven people were killed when Boko Haram militants raided a mostly Christian village in Borno State. The terrorist fighters rode into the village of Pemi on trucks and motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately. Several homes were burned, along with a medical dispensary and a church building. At least seven villagers died, and as many as seven were reportedly abducted, including the pastor of the Evangelical Church of the Brethren.