

  • Destructive Rampage of Militant Mob Attack
    Boko Haram
    Photo: CBN News

    More than a hundred Boko Haram militants stormed into the town of Garkida on February 21st, causing terrible chaos, loss and destruction. According to reports, they killed two soldiers at a military checkpoint before entering the town where they spent hours ransacking, looting and killing. By the time order was restored, at least three church buildings were destroyed, along with a police station, hospital, and an unspecified number of houses. During the compilation of this report, the total number of people killed or kidnapped had not yet been determined by local officials.

  • Kidnapped Pastor Executed
    Pastor Lawan Andimi
    Pastor Lawan Andimi

    A leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and pastor of a Brethren church, Lawan Andimi, was executed by Boko Haram terrorists on January 20th. Pastor Lawan was kidnapped during a raid in the town of Michika on January 3rd (read more). Shortly after, a video was released in which the pastor speaks of his faith in God's sovereignty despite the situation. He told his family: "God is still alive.... Don't cry, don't worry, thank God for everything." News of his death also came via video, sent to the same journalist, showing the beheadings of Pastor Lawan and an unnamed soldier.

  • Church Leader Kidnapped in Raid
    Pastor Lawan Andimi
    Pastor Lawan Andimi

    A leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria was kidnapped on January 3rd when Boko Haram raided the town of Michika which is located near the border with Cameroon. Fighters came into town with a convoy of vehicles. Nigerian soldiers readily responded and, in the confusion, town people fled into the bush. While the military drove out the attackers, killing most of them, Pastor Lawan Andimi was taken hostage as the remaining terrorists fled.

  • Eleven Christians Reportedly Killed
    Captives of Boko Haram
    Image taken from an earlier
    video of Boko Haram captives.

    In a video released on December 26th, ISIS shows the murder of eleven Christians, claiming that it was committed in retaliation for the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the ISIS leader who died during a raid in Syria by U.S. special forces in October.

  • Captives Confirm Leah Sharibu is Alive
    Captives of Boko Haram
    Image taken from the video of
    Boko Haram captives.

    A video was recently released by the Islamic State West Africa Province, commonly known as Boko Haram. In the video, eleven abducted Christian men are shown. The spokesperson of their group is a local college lecturer, Bitrus Bwala, who was kidnapped on November 27th.

  • Release of Captured Students and Staff
    Four of the kidnapping victims from Engravers' College. - Photo: Church in Chains www.churchinchains.ie/
    Four of the kidnapping victims
    from The Engravers' College.
    Photo: Church in Chains

    The six students and two staff members of a Christian-run school in Kaduna state who were kidnapped on October 3rd have thankfully been released on October 26th. To review a previously posted report providing more information on the original incident, read this page.

  • Kidnapping in a Christian High School
    The Engravers' College
    The Engravers' College sign

    Gunmen abducted six girls and two staff members from a Christian-run boarding school on October 3rd. They forced their way into The Engravers' College in the village of Kakau Daji, Kaduna State in the early morning. According to witnesses, the attackers were Fulani herdsmen, a group responsible for considerable violence in recent years.

  • Two Aid Workers Executed
    Godfrey Ali Shikagham and Lawrence Duna Dacighir - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Christian aid workers Godfrey Ali Shikagham (left) and Lawrence Duna Dacighir before their executions.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    The militant Islamic group Boko Haram released a video on September 22nd showing the execution of Lawrence Duna Dacighir and Godfrey Ali Shikagham. These two Christian men had left their homes in Abuja and travelled to Maiduguri in order to help build shelters for those displaced by recent violence.

    In the video, one of the three terrorists vowed to kill every Christian they captured, saying it would be done in revenge for Muslims who were killed in the country's past conflicts. It is unclear from the video exactly when the slain men were executed. For more reports on the violence facing Nigeria's Christians, go to our country report.

  • Government Assures Leah Sharibu is Alive
    Leah Sharibu
    Leah’s abductors released this
    photo in August 2018.

    More than a month ago, rumours began to spread that Leah Sharibu, a Christian teen who was kidnapped in February 2018, had been killed. At the time of that report, questions were raised about its accuracy. On August 31st, a presidential aide met with reporters, stating that Leah is still alive and that the government is working to negotiate her release. "The government is committed to her safe return, as well as all the other hostages," he assured.

  • Continued Violence Against Christians
    Destruction by the Fulani herdsmen - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    The aftermath of an attack in an undated photo.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    A pregnant mother was killed in the village of Ancha, Plateau State, on July 15th. Margaret Wakili, 27, was bringing food to her husband in the field when eight men, who are believed to be Fulani herdsmen, suddenly initiated an attack. The husband heard them shout, "Allahu Akbar, we have killed an infidel, and we need to kill more." That day, an elderly woman from the same village was also attacked and killed.