

  • Important Reminder
    Leah Sharibu
    Photo: Morning
    Star News

    On August 19th, it will be six months since 15-year-old Leah Sharibu was kidnapped by Nigeria's infamous Boko Haram rebel group, along with her classmates. While the other students were released, Leah was not for one simple reason: she refused to deny Christ. Fervently pray that Leah will be returned to her family soon! For more details, click here.

  • Army Rescues Nearly a Thousand Captives

    A Nigerian mother and her children - Pixabay
    Pray for the protection of Nigeria's most vulnerable.

    After a week-long battle, the Nigerian army has freed almost a thousand people from Boko Haram captivity. The operation led to the deaths of over 50 of the terrorists. According to the Nigerian military, the joint operation with the Cameroonian army remains ongoing.

  • Almost a Hundred Killed in Fulani Raids
    ng felix tyolaha msn
    The Rev. Felix Tyolaha,
    one of the church leaders
    slain during recent attacks.
    Photo: Morning Star News
    via Diocese of Makurdi

    Several recent attacks by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria's "Middle Belt" have resulted in at least 93 fatalities. The violence against Christians has sparked outrage in Nigeria and throughout the world, calling for more action to curb the ongoing violence and resulting tragic loss.

    On April 24th, a mob of gunmen attacked a church in the village of Ayar-Mbalom during an early morning service. Two church leaders and 17 congregants were shot dead. The attack has been condemned by Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari, who calls the attack an effort to exacerbate sectarian divisions and violence.

  • Kidnapped Girl Sends Message Home
    Leah Sharibu - Morning Star News
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Leah Sharibu, a 15-year-old Nigerian girl held hostage by a faction of Boko Haram, managed to send a message to her mother when her friends were released. The message read:

    "My mother, you should not be disturbed. I know it is not easy missing me, but I want to assure you that I am fine where I am.... I am confident that one day I shall see your face again. If not here, then there at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ."

  • Captive Schoolgirl Refuses to Recant Faith
    Leah Sharibu
    Photo: Morning Star News

    News that over 100 kidnapped schoolgirls were released by a Boko Haram faction on March 21st brought joy to concerned parents, a nation and people around the world. The girls had been kidnapped from their school in Dapchi on February 19th (see this page) and taken to an unknown location. According to those released, five of the girls died earlier due to the stress and trauma of the attack. One girl, Leah Sharibu, remains in captivity for one simple reason: she refuses to convert to Islam.

  • More Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Boko Haram
    Nigerian woman cooking - Wikipedia / Ujanm
    Wikimedia Commons (cc)

    Memories of the 2014 Chibok kidnapping flooded the minds of Nigerians as they heard the news of the most recent attack on a girls' school in Dapchi, Yobe State, on February 19th. When the Boko Haram militants left the scene, 110 schoolgirls -- between the ages of 11 and 19 -- disappeared with them.

    Authorities initially tried to deny that it was a kidnapping, suggesting the girls may have simply fled. However, it soon became clear that they had been taken by the attackers to an unknown location. Nigerian authorities are actively searching for the girls.

  • Militants Ravage Village Leaving Eight Dead
    ng james nengwe msn
    A victim of the attacks, James Nengwe
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Various attacks in central Nigeria late January resulted in the death of at least eight Christians and the destruction of dozens of homes. Fulani herdsmen, accompanied by Islamist militants, raided the village of Zanwra (near the city of Jos in Plateau state) over a number of days. Many of those who survived lost everything they owned.

  • Increase of Violence in Plateau State
    Children opening a Christmas Blessing package
    A previous "Christmas Blessing" project brought much joy to persecuted Christians and their families in Nigeria.

    After a period of relative calm, violence has resumed in Plateau state -- resulting in the deadliest sectarian violence in Nigeria's recent history. The fatalities were perpetrated by Fulani herdsmen who have been primarily targeting Christian farmers in the country's Middle Belt. In fact, many experts now report that the attacks of this militant Muslim group have killed more people than those committed previously by the notorious Boko Haram terrorists.

  • Kidnapped Optician Killed in Southern Region
    Ian Squire
    Missionary Ian Squire who diligently
    served in Nigeria's Delta state.
    Photo Credit: World Watch Monitor

    On October 13th, a British optician who had been kidnapped was killed shortly after singing the hymn, Amazing Grace, to lift the spirits of his fellow hostages. Ian Squire, 57, was killed instantly by shots fired by one of the four gang members who abducted him and three other Christian aid workers from their clinic in the country's lawless Delta state. The gunmen refused to give any information as to why the shots were fired.

  • Plateau State Attacks Include Fatal Shooting
    Children in Nigeria
    Pray for the safety of the country's innocent citizens who are vulnerable to militant attacks.

    On October 24th, a Christian woman and her two children were killed in north-central Nigeria. Armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen ambushed and shot to death Rebecca Daniel Choji, her 16-year-old daughter Suzanna, and 29-year-old son Joel. Prior to the shooting, which took place in Jol village (located within the Riyom Local Government Area of Plateau State), the attacked family members had been on their way to a health facility in Vwak village.