

  • Honour Killing Results in Double Tragedy
    Photo: Flickr / Tamaki Sono (cc)

    Ashamed that their 23-year-old daughter Nadia had renounced Islam and married a Christian man about a year ago, parents with militant Muslim views sought revenge by launching a manhunt against the newlyweds. As a result, the young woman and her husband, Aleem Masih, 28, were forced to flee to Narang Mandi, a town approximately 60 kilometres from the city of Lahore. They also had to file a police protection report for themselves and Aleem's relatives, knowing that both parties had been threatened.

    On July 30th, Nadia's family received information that the couple were planning to visit a doctor in Khaliqnagar, located within the Youhanabad region. Her father, Muhammad Din Meo, and his sons seized the driver of their rickshaw and abducted the young couple, taking them to a nearby farm. Attorney Aneeqa Maria of The Voice Society reports: "The Muslim men first brutally tortured the couple with fists and kicks, and then thrice shot Aleem Masih. Nadia was shot in the abdomen." The attackers later returned to their village where they publicly proclaimed that they had avenged their humiliation and restored the pride of Muslims by killing the couple.

    Police found Nadia still breathing when they arrived at the farm. She is presently in critical condition at the General Hospital in Lahore, after having undergone a major operation in which two bullets were removed from her abdomen. When Aneeqa went to visit the now widowed Nadia in the hospital, she encountered a mob shouting anti-Christian slogans. The attorney witnessed a similar display at a local police station where militants had gathered to pressure police. Since the incident, Nadia's vengeful family and locals have been threatening the lawyer, as well as Aleem's grieving family, demanding they drop the case. (Additional information on persecution in the country of Pakistan can be reviewed on our website.)

    Ask the Lord to work mightily in the hearts of Nadia's family and their supporters, calming their fury against the young Christian woman, her late husband's family, and the attorney assigned to this case. May they realize the seriousness of their hateful crimes against the innocent couple and other followers of Jesus. Pray on behalf of the Masih family and their lawyer Aneeqa, that they be granted protection, comfort and guidance throughout the proceedings. In spite of all that Nadia has suffered throughout the ordeal, we pray for God's strength as she grieves the loss of her husband, forgives her family, and recovers from serious injuries.

  • Young Christian Women Trapped into Forced Conversions
    Pray for the protection of young girls in Pakistan.

    A report released by the Aurat Foundation claims that every year, more than 1,000 women from religious minority groups are forcibly converted to Islam. As in previously documented reports, this current one proves that the majority of these victimized young women and girls are Christians. In many cases, rape and forced marriages to Muslim men are used to trap them into contrived conversions. Forced marriages usually follow a similar pattern: the girls (often between the ages of 12 and 25) are abducted, made to convert to Islam, and then married to the abductor or an associate.

    Women in Pakistan face significant discrimination, particularly on a religious basis. Each one who is forced to marry under such circumstances has often been threatened or pressured by their husband and his family to declare that their conversion was voluntary, even if the case is taken to court. Forced marriages and conversions are common in Pakistan, but largely ignored by police and civil authorities. For a video presentation on this topic of concern, please click here.

    May the Lord bring much needed comfort and consolation to these abducted young women, drawing them into a closer and more meaningful relationship with Him. Despite them having to live in an environment that's strictly opposed to Christianity, may they be renewed spiritually, physically and emotionally through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. Ask that their families also be greatly comforted, knowing that God is able to keep that which they have committed to Him (2 Timothy 1:12). Pray that the international community will intervene by conducting thorough and accurate investigations of these heinous acts against vulnerable women and girls, serving as a catalyst in ultimately stopping the assailants and preventing the onset of similar crimes.

  • Asia's Death Sentence Suspended
    Remember in prayer
    Asia and her family.

    Supporters of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother who has been on death row for blasphemy since 2009, are relieved to learn that on July 22nd a panel of judges suspended her death sentence. The case against this long-suffering follower of Jesus will be thoroughly reviewed by the country's Supreme Court before a final ruling is made. In light of the recent hearing, a VOM worker in Pakistan wrote, "By the grace of God, this is a big achievement. This is an answer to the prayers of people around the world."

    This case has brought world attention to the country's notorious blasphemy laws which are wide open to abuse. All too often, allegations of blasphemy are used to settle scores and take out rivals. Those accused can face detention, imprisonment and the death penalty. And even if they are eventually acquitted, continued threats are made against them and their loved ones. Since the accusations, Asia's husband and children have been forced to go into hiding. An eight-minute video clip featuring their perspective of the situation can be viewed here.

    Politicians opposing the blasphemy laws have paid with their lives. In 2011, the Governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, was murdered by his own bodyguard after calling for Asia's release and the repeal of the blasphemy laws. And within two months, the country's Minister of Religious Minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, was assassinated for the same reason. (For a previous report on this Christian leader's assassination, click here.)

    Asia Bibi found herself accused of blasphemy after a dispute with Muslim co-workers who refused to drink the water she had provided because they considered the Christian woman spiritually "unclean." According to reports, some of the female workers had been putting Asia under pressure to renounce her Christian faith and accept Islam. Instead, she responded by sharing her faith in Christ.

    As this case is to be further deliberated by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, please continue upholding Asia and her family, asking God to greatly comfort and strengthen them -- upholding justice for this persevering imprisoned believer so she will ultimately be set free. Also pray that the country's authorities will put an end to these deeply unjust blasphemy laws which have often been used to target Christians and others in acts of revenge. May we not forget to intercede for Asia's persecutors (those actually opposing Christ according to John 15:18-27), who are in desperate need of His mercy and salvation.

  • Blasphemy Law Reform Drafted
    Christians look on as Muslim leaders
    recite ritual prayer in church building
    at the conclusion of a council meeting.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    For Christians in Pakistan, current blasphemy laws continue to pose a threat to their safety and well-being. The existing statutes have become an extreme burden for the country's minority faith group -- leading to harassment and, in many cases, severe punishment. At least 14 people are presently on death row, and 19 others are serving life sentences. According to a report by the Islamabad-based Centre for Research and Security Studies, 52 people accused of blasphemy have been murdered since 1990. Investigations reveal that the reasons for the accusations often stem from personal enmity, property disputes and religious hatred. To review previously posted videos and news reports on persecution in Pakistan, click here.

    In Nankana Sahib District of Punjab Province, a 94-year-old Christian landowner by the name of Chaudhry Habil Qaiser, who had attempted to resolve a disagreement over land profits, was wrongfully accused of blaspheming Islam by someone who used to till his land. After the accuser, Maulvi Muhammad Bashir, continued to spread false accusations of blasphemy, fears began to mount in the Christian village over the threat of a mob attack. Maulvi also decided to take the case to authorities which then incited a period of legal proceedings.

    As Chaudhry was widely respected throughout the district for his integrity, the case was later dismissed. Maulvi then apologized for trying to turn a monetary dispute into a religious issue. In light of frequent abuses, Pakistan's federal government has finished the drafting of a bill to forestall abuse of the blasphemy statutes. According to officials, the bill aims to keep anyone from taking the law into their own hands and metes out harsh penalties for those who have levelled false accusations of blasphemy.

    In another situation, a Christian young man with mental illness by the name of Yaqoob Bashir allegedly told local Muslims that he had burned a copy of the Quran. An angry mob of militants gathered and threatened to set him on fire. At this point, police took Yaqoob into custody which sources believe saved his life. As it now stands, current blasphemy laws do not take into account those with psychological challenges where the individual may not have intentionally blasphemed. The new law reform, however, would make it necessary -- in applicable cases -- to prove that the crimes committed by individuals in question are indeed "intentional."

    Please pray that the Lord will help Pakistan's victimized Christians to stand strong spiritually, despite the false accusations and rumours they encounter. May they receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, as did our Saviour, who Himself was wrongly accused of blasphemy. As the details of the reformed law are being negotiated, ask that wisdom and discernment be granted to those involved in the deliberation process. Last, but not least, intercede on behalf of those who are actively spreading lies and rumours about God's innocent people, earnestly desiring that the 'accusers of the brethren' be given an opportunity to experience the salvation of the One who died for all -- including both Christians and Muslims.

  • The Case of Blasphemy Victim Asia Bibi

    This past Friday, June 19th, marked the tragic six-year anniversary of the arrest of Asia Bibi (also known as Asia Noreen), a Christian mother and the only woman presently on death row for blasphemy.

    It all began when Asia was working alongside a Muslim extremist who refused to touch the "unclean" water source from which the Christian mother drank. This led to a verbal quarrel between the two women and subsequent allegations that blasphemous remarks were made by Asia against the Muslim prophet. Though the international community is highly sympathetic to the Christian woman's plight, the Pakistani government is not. Past reports on Asia's situation are available at March 20, 2014 and December 4, 2014.

    Recent reports have alerted VOMC of the need to urgently pray for a turnaround of Asia's current health situation. She is reportedly suffering from severe physical problems, including intestinal bleeding and -- according to family members after a recent visit -- Asia was "so weak she can hardly walk." Lawyers are working on behalf of the incarcerated believer, requesting that Asia obtains the urgent medical treatment she desperately needs.

    May the renewing of God's Spirit, Word and strength come upon Asia, providing her greatly needed healing both physically and spiritually. In the meantime, continue to pray for Asia's immediate and safe release, asking the Lord to grant her justice in an unjust world (Psalm 140). Also remember to uphold Asia's concerned husband, children and other loved ones in prayer as they journey through this storm with God's abiding presence, clinging to the hope and promises of His unfailing grace in their time of need.

  • Reach Out to Victimized Christian Facing Life Imprisonment
    Imran Ghafur

    The family of Imran Ghafur, a Christian man who has been in jail since 2010 on blasphemy charges, is requesting continued prayer for Imran's release. The imprisoned believer is currently serving a life sentence on the conviction of burning a Quran.

    Imran's brother, Naveed, told VOM contacts that the entire family was able to visit him before Easter. He further shared that Imran continues to read his Bible, fast and pray. The attorney representing the imprisoned believer has filed an appeal with the Pakistan High Court, but no hearing date has yet been set. VOM has regular contact with Imran's family, offering prayer and encouragement. (For more information about Imran, visit our website.)

    Please continue to remember Imran in your prayers, asking the Lord to further encourage and sustain him as he remains behind bars after all this time. Additionally, may his family be granted patience as they too are suffering daily due to the long absence. In addition to praying for his release, ask that Imran and his loved ones be granted the strength required to remain faithful to God in all circumstances. May their faithfulness result in a rich harvest, whereby many will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

    Important Note: Along with your prayers, you can personally reach out to Imran by writing him a letter of encouragement. When writing, please do not mention the name of the source of your information or the name of any organization such as The Voice of the Martyrs. While it is not dangerous for a prisoner to receive general letters from individuals, if a particular organization is mentioned, the incarcerated Christian may be accused of links with "foreign organizations" and thus be subjected to even harsher sentences. Also, please do not state anything negative about their government. Your letters can be mailed to: Imran Ghafur, Central Jail of Faisalabad, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Thank you for reaching out and making a difference in this believer's life!

  • Pastor's Life Threatened for Evangelizing

    After evangelizing Muslims and baptizing a former Islamic religious leader, a Pakistani pastor is now receiving death threats.

    "Azhar" regularly shares the Gospel with his Muslim neighbours and has baptized a number of believers from similar backgrounds, including a former imam known as "Rashid." Trouble started for the pastor after Rashid stopped attending the local mosque. Fellow Muslims tried to convince Rashid to return to Islam, but he wouldn't. His relatives then labelled him as an apostate; a traitor to the faith. They issued death threats against Rashid, as well as his wife and children who had also become believers. After Rashid and his family fled the area, the convert's angered relatives turned against Pastor Azhar.

    The pastor was told to return Rashid to them or face death. The threats continued to escalate for several months until they found Pastor Azhar's son and severely beat him. The relatives also informed militant groups of the pastor's activities, and he is now constantly monitored by the fundamentalists' widespread network. Like Rashid, Pastor Azhar had no choice but to flee the village to protect his family. Thankfully, VOM helped him relocate to a safer area. Though the pastor has changed cell phone numbers on numerous occasions, he still receives death threats. It is not certain how the militants continue to find his phone number.

    Though Pastor Azhar has been forced to relocate, the threats have not discouraged his desire to minister to others. He continues to share the Gospel with Muslims and encourage new converts in their faith. "Thanks to God that He is still using us for His Kingdom," he recently shared.

    Thank the Lord for the powerful ways in which He is using His servants Azhar and Rashid among this community. May their steadfast faith inspire many more to learn about Jesus and come to faith in Him. Pray especially that God will encourage the faith of these men and their family members as they face persecution and the threat of future violence. Also ask that the wider Christian community will uphold them during this time of trial through prayer and practical assistance.

    To learn more about the difficulties Christians endure in Pakistan, visit our website.

  • Young Teen Dies after Being Set on Fire
    Nauman, after the attack.

    A young teenage boy who was set on fire in Lahore on April 10th -- allegedly the result of admitting that he was a Christian -- has died in hospital.

    Before he died, Nauman Masih told police that two men had approached him, asking about his religion. When Nauman responded by stating he was a Christian, the men proceeded to beat him. When he tried to run away, they followed him, threw kerosene over his clothing, and set him ablaze.

    Over the weekend, it was announced that although 55 percent of his body had been badly burned, the medical team expected him to make a good recovery. However, on April 14th, soon after Nauman had undergone corrective plastic surgery, it was stated that the Christian teen had only a 50 percent chance of survival. Nauman sadly died the following morning.

    The attackers were masked when the incident took place, making it unlikely that they will be caught. While authorities have reportedly shown little interest in conducting a further investigation, Christians connected to this case are still in pursuit of justice.

    First, let us lift up in prayer Nauman's grieving friends and family members as they mourn his tragic death. May the Holy Spirit surround each of them with an overwhelming sense of His peace during their time of grieving, while also enabling them to forgive the assailants. Also pray that the authorities will be able to locate the culprits so they can be justly punished for committing such a heinous crime. But even more importantly, intercede for the perpetrators in hopes that they will be convicted of their sin and, as a result, turn to Jesus for forgiveness and salvation.

    For more information on Pakistan's persecuted church, you can read our Country Report.

  • Christians in Mourning after Two Churches Bombed

    These Pakistanis gathered together for a time of
    prayer and peaceful demonstration after the two
    recent church attacks in Youhanabad.
    Photo: VOMC partner

    On March 15th, suicide bombers attacked two churches in east Lahore during the morning worship services, killing at least 17 people and wounding more than 70 others. A group linked to the Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks, while offering threats of more violence. The bombings occurred minutes apart in the Christian neighbourhood of Youhanabad. Witnesses report that volunteer security guards and police who were assigned to protect the churches died while tackling the attackers near the entrance ways, thankfully preventing even more injuries and deaths.

    The following day, crowds of upset believers gathered on the streets to protest against the assaults. One Christian youth was killed and 15 others were wounded in Lahore as violent protests spread from the affected neighbourhood to other parts of the country. Meanwhile, angry residents of Youhanabad reportedly killed two Muslims who were suspected of aiding the terrorists. Although Christian and Muslim leaders have been calling for peace, there is concern that the volatile situation could escalate, resulting in reprisals being made against the beleaguered Christian community. Various VOM ministry partners are currently assessing the needs of those affected by the bombings and will soon be responding with emergency assistance.

    Let us bring those mourning the tragic loss of loved ones due to these senseless attacks to our compassionate God in prayer, asking Him to be especially near to each one. May He also grant full healing to those who have suffered injuries. In particular, VOM ministry partners working within the country have requested prayer that the affected Christians will be blessed with increased faith and the willingness to forgive their persecutors. Additionally, ask that the Pakistani believers will be agents of peace and reconciliation, demonstrating the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, please pray that the members of the militant group behind these assaults will repent and come to faith in Him.

  • Woman Succumbs to Injuries from Church Bomb Attack
    Farah after the bombing.

    A Christian woman who suffered serious injuries resulting from a bomb attack at her church has tragically passed away. Farah Javed died as a result of an infection on January 11th, almost 16 months after one of the deadliest attacks against Christians in the country's history. The All Saints Church building in Peshawar was struck by two suicide bombers on September 22nd, 2013, leaving more than 80 dead and another 150 wounded. (For more information on this horrific attack, you can read a previous prayer report.)

    Farah was permanently paralyzed as a result of the assault, and sadly battled many medical complications in the months leading up to her death. Farah’s mother and siblings are understandably having a difficult time, especially as the young woman's father also recently passed away in March of 2014.

    Let us bring this grieving family to God's throne of grace, asking Him to grant His mercy in their time of need (Hebrews 4:16). While mourning the loss of Farah and her father, may they be confident in the salvation assured for both of these loved ones through Jesus' death and resurrection. Please also remember the many other families who have lost dear loved ones during that heartless bomb attack, praying that they will continue to sense the Holy Spirit's abiding presence. May others still struggling with physical or emotional wounds from that senseless tragedy experience full recovery. Finally, pray that the believers in Pakistan will continue with God's Kingdom work, breaking through the darkness of sin and evil by shining His glorious heavenly light.

    To learn more about Pakistan's persecuted church, you can read our Country Report.