

  • Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Nayab Gill's Case
    Supreme Court of Pakistan
    Supreme Court of Pakistan
    Photo: Flickr / Guilhem Vellut (cc)

    In May 2021, 13-year-old Nayab Gill was forcibly converted and married to a 30-year-old Muslim man named Saddam Hayat. Despite court challenges, custody was given to her "husband." (For more details, go to this report.)A year later, reports surfaced indicating that the young Christian girl may have been sold to someone else as a bride (details here). With support from various advocacy organizations, Nayab's parents have continued to fight for justice on behalf of their daughter.

  • Christian Parents Charged with Blasphemy
    A prison fence with three rows of rolled barbed wire.

    Shaukat Masih and his wife Kiran live in Lahore, Pakistan, with their three children, ages thirteen, nine and seven. The Christian couple has been accused of desecrating the Quran after loose pages fell from the rooftop of their house, even though they were not home at the time of the incident. As a result of the accusations, the couple has been detained. Without family members available to look after their three school-aged children, the accused parents arranged for the children to stay with another Christian family in the area.

  • Mass Violence After Blasphemy Accusations
    pk riots 2023 08 lg
    A video screenshot of the recent riots in Pakistan.
    View the video.

    On August 16th, thousands of people stormed a Christian colony in Jaranwala, a town located in the Faisalabad district of Punjab. Angered by allegations of blasphemy, and spurred on by urgent announcements that had been broadcasted over mosque loudspeakers, the incited mob either damaged or utterly destroyed up to 26 church buildings and as many as 400 homes. Thankfully, there were no reports of casualties following this recent attack. Please take the time to view the informative video alert that VOMC released the next day, which includes footage of the actual attacks.

  • Church Attacked During Prayer Service
    Young people raising their hands in worship.
    A worship service in Pakistan.
    Photo: VOMC

    Members of the Lala Zarr Church in Peshawar had gathered for a prayer service on the evening of August 3rd when a group of angry men from the neighbourhood suddenly rushed into their place of worship. Initially, the men demanded that the volume of the sound system be reduced. However, shortly after the disruption, several other armed men stormed into the church building that evening, causing panic among the congregation.

  • Christian Charged Under Anti-Terrorism Laws
    A silhouette of a man gripping a chain link fence.

    In September 2022, Imran Rehman was accused of blasphemy because of the material he posted on a WhatsApp group chat. The Pakistani believer was arrested and detained to await trial. Unfortunately, since his arrest, proposed changes to Pakistan's laws were drafted. If approved, blasphemy cases could be tried under the revised anti-terrorism laws. Even though the legislation is still only in draft form, Imran recently had terrorism charges laid against him.

  • Accused Christian Blocked from Bail Hearing
    A man sitting at a desk, reading a Facebook post with 1 Corinthians 10: 18-21 in Urdu.

    Police in Pakistan prevented a Christian who was accused of blasphemy from attending his bail hearing on July 11th. As a result, the judge bowed to pressure from a crowd of protesters and thus denied the believer's release. The accused, Haroon Shahzad, has been held in "protective custody" since July 3rd, even though he was initially released on bail. Haroon is presently facing charges of blasphemy because of a Scripture passage he posted on Facebook without any comment. (See this page for more details.)

  • Alleged Blasphemy Instigates Outrage
    Men standing on two flags of Sweden.
    Protest in Pakistan over the burning of the Quran in Sweden.
    Photo: CLAAS-UK

    A blasphemy allegation has created unrest in the Sargodha district of Punjab, leaving Christians concerned about their safety. This is the third such incident to have occurred in the area over the past month – including one ongoing case involving Haroon Shahzad, who was accused of blasphemy after posting a Scripture passage to his Facebook page on June 29th. (To review the previously posted report, go to this page.)

  • Woman Killed for Refusing to Convert to Islam
    Shazia Imran
    Shazia Imran
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A Christian widow and mother of three was abducted, raped, murdered, and doused with acid after she refused to convert to Islam and marry one of her abductors. Shazia Imran worked at LUMS University in Lahore, Pakistan. On June 6th, at the end of her work shift, she failed to return home. Worried family members searched throughout the night for her and, the next day, they filed a police report. The police contacted the family that same day to notify them that a body was found in the morning. The family was able to identify the body as their missing loved one.

  • Hundreds Flee After Blasphemy Charges
    A man sitting at a desk, reading a Facebook post with 1 Corinthians 10: 18-21 in Urdu.

    Police have charged a Christian man, Haroon Shahzad, with blasphemy after he posted a Bible passage onto his Facebook page on June 29th. The passage, 1 Corinthians 10:18-21, refers to the sacrificing of food to idols, and the timing of the post coincided with the beginning of the Islamic feast of Eid al-Adha. The post was made without comment.

  • Christian Receives Death Sentence
    Noman Masih wearing handcuffs.
    Noman Masih
    Photo: Morning Star News"

    A 22-year-old Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death for blasphemy on May 30th. Noman Masih was found guilty of blaspheming against the Muslim prophet Muhammad because of the pictures he was accused of distributing in 2019.