

  • Two Youths Accused of Blasphemy
    Adil Babar
    Adil Babar
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Two Christian teenagers, one of whom is a minor, were arrested on May 18th due to accusations of blasphemy. Adil Babar, who is 18 years old, and a younger neighbour, Simon Nadeem, were charged after a complaint was filed claiming that they had insulted the Islamic prophet Mohammad while playing on the street.

  • Teen Girl Kidnapped at Gunpoint
    A girl is looking into the distance with her arm draped over a railing.
    Photo: VOMC

    A Christian teenager named Sehar was kidnapped from her home in Okaro, Punjab, on April 23rd. At last report, police were continuing to search for her, along with the three Muslim men responsible for the abduction.

    The 13-year-old girl worked at a local brick kiln, along with 11 of her siblings, to help support the family, since their elderly father is ill and unable to work. According to her brother Irfan, the three men on motorcycles kidnapped Sehar from her home at gunpoint and fled. One of the captors was recognized as Allah Rakha, who also worked at the kiln.

  • Church Service Stormed by Mob
    People standing outside; a motorcycle is in the middle.
    Photo: AsiaNews

    Police have increased security around The Voice of Jesus Church in Khokhar, Pakistan, after a mob of approximately 40 men disrupted an evening service on April 16th. Thankfully, the injuries perpetrated by the mob were minimal. Even so, the church's gates and windows were damaged during the incident, and three bullet holes were left in the outer wall of the building.

  • Father of Kidnapped Child Murdered
    Basharat Masih
    Basharat Masih
    Photo: AsiaNews

    On March 30th, the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on a 12-year-old girl who had been kidnapped and, after being recovered, was placed in a women's shelter rather than being returned to her father. Young Hoorab Masih had been abducted by two local shopkeepers in December and then forced to convert to Islam and marry one of her kidnappers. For more details on the incident, see this page.

  • Court Sends Child Bride to Shelter
    A girl in a hijab covering her face.

    Hoorab Masih went missing on December 28th after she failed to return from grocery shopping. It was soon discovered that the 12-year-old had been kidnapped by a local shopkeeper, Muhammad Mustafa, and his co-worker, Muhammad Usman, who then forcibly converted the Christian girl to Islam. A few days later, Hoorab was found in a women's shelter after the arrests of Mustafa and Usman. However, when the two men were released on bail, they disappeared, along with Hoorab.

  • Acquitted Christian Remains in "Virtual Prison"
    Sawan Masih with his family (all faces pixelated except Sawan's)
    Sawan Masih and his family.
    Photo: Steadfast Global

    In 2013, Sawan Masih was arrested after his neighbour accused him of committing blasphemy. When the accused Christian man was convicted in 2014, he received the death sentence. After serving six years in prison, he was acquitted of all charges on October 5th, 2020, by the Lahore High Court. For more details on his case, go to this page.

  • Teenager Forcibly Married to 60-Year-Old Man
    Sitara Arif
    Sitara Arif
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Sitara Arif, a 15-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped on December 15th in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abducted by the husband of her employer, she was forcibly converted to Islam and then married to her captor. It took almost two months for police to finally register a case against Rana Tayyab, despite repeated pleas from the girl's family.

  • Christian Farmers Killed in Two Separate Attacks
    Emmanuel Masih
    Emmanuel Masih after the assault.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Muhammad Waseem, a Muslim landowner in Punjab's Khanewal district, assaulted and killed a Christian farm labourer on February 6th after accusing the believer of stealing oranges from his property. The victim, Emmanuel Masih, was irrigating the orchard at around 3 a.m. when he was approached by Muhammad and four other men. Though Emmanuel pled his innocence, the five men brutally beat the married father of six to death.

  • Official Threatens Christian with Blasphemy Charges
    Karachi airport
    Jinnah International Airport
    Photo: Wikipedia / A. Savin (cc)

    A Christian security guard at the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan, was recently threatened with blasphemy charges because she insisted on following regulations. Thankfully, the incident was captured on video footage, documenting the entire exchange.

  • Young Domestic Worker Sexually Assaulted
    The silhouette of a young woman standing at a window.

    A Christian girl in Pakistan who worked as a domestic servant is still awaiting justice three months after she was raped at her employer's home. Even though the incident was reported to police, no action has been taken to arrest those responsible.