

  • Young Men's Christian Association Library Bombed in Gaza Palestine mapUnidentified assailants bombed the library of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) compound in the Shajaiyeh neighbourhood of Gaza City on February 16. Shortly after midnight, at least 12 gunmen entered the YMCA compound and kidnapped two guards at gunpoint after asking them why they worked for "infidels." The men stormed the building and detonated two homemade explosive devices inside the library. All 8,000 books in the library were destroyed and the floor, walls and ceiling were damaged. The attackers also stole computers and other equipment from other YMCA offices. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. However, sources in Gaza reportedly believe that the perpetrators were Muslim militants acting in response to the reproduction of cartoons "ridiculing" Muhammad in a number of Danish newspapers last week.

    Thank the Lord that no one was injured in the explosion. Ask Him to give Christians in Gaza wisdom as they consider the future in light of this attack. Pray that those responsible will find the healing grace of Jesus Christ and be drawn into a personal relationship with Him (John 4:16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Palestine, go to thePalestine Country Report.

  • Bible Store Manager Martyred in Gaza
    Palestinian bookstore owner 

     Rami Ayyad
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    Rami Ayyad (30), the manager of the only Christian bookstore in Gaza, was killed by unknown assailants on October 6. At approximately 4:30 p.m. Ayyad was abducted as he closed up The Teacher's Bookshop, which is owned by the Palestinian Bible Society. Shortly afterwards, his family received a telephone call from him saying that he had been kidnapped and that he would be returned home late that evening. The following day, Ayyad's body was found near the bookstore at approximately 6:25 a.m. He had been shot in the head and stabbed multiple times.

    According to Middle East Concern, the local media is reporting that the murder occurred during a robbery, which the Christian community believes is a deliberate attempt to cover up the religious motive behind the attack. Ayyad regularly received anonymous death threats from people angered by his work and Muslim militants have repeatedly threatened the Palestinian Bible Society. In mid-April, the Gaza office was bombed by suspected Muslim militants.

    Ayyad is survived by a pregnant wife and two young sons. Ask God to fill his loved ones with a peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of their grief (Philippians 4:7). Pray that the Bible Society staff will continue to spread God's Word in this troubled area. Pray that Christians in Gaza will exhibit the love and forgiveness of Christ.

    Two video reports on this story are available. Click here to view a video from infolive.tv. A news report from CBN is also available here. For more information on the persecution of Christians in Palestine and Gaza,click here.


  • School and Convent Ransacked During Upheaval in Gaza

    As Hamas and Fatah factions battled for control of Gaza, a Catholic convent and the adjacent Rosary Sisters School near a major security headquarters were ransacked, burned and looted on June 14. Father Manuel Musallam described the desecration to AsiaNews on June 19 as a "barbaric act." Furniture was destroyed, images and books were burned and computers were stolen. While some credit Hamas militants for the attack, leaders of the party reject the accusations. Father Musallam suggests the attack may have been an attempt to get the Christians involved in the struggle between the two Muslim factions.

    Pray that Christians will be free to worship in Gaza without fear. Pray for peace in the region.

    For more information on the violence and persecution facing Christians in Palestine,click here.

  • Bible Society Office Bombed in Gaza

    Palestinian authorities are suspecting that a "vice squad" of Islamic militants is behind a bombing that badly damaged the Gaza office of the Palestinian Bible Society on April 15. Much of the main floor was damaged and fire destroyed many of the books. Despite the extensive damage, the staff is determined to re-open as soon as possible. Similar bombings have targeted internet cafes, music stores and video stores in recent months. A group called the "The Righteous Swords of Islam" has claimed responsibility for many of those attacks.

    In February 2006, two pipe bombs damaged the door of the Palestinian Bible Society and a warning was left, threatening further damage if the store did not permanently close. Despite the threats, the store re-opened less than two months later (click here to read the story).

    Thank the Lord that no one was harmed during these attacks. Pray for the Palestinian Bible Society as they rebuild from the bombing. Pray that the staff will exhibit the love and forgiveness of Christ.

    For more information on persecution in Palestine,click here.

  • Bible Society Office Reopens

    On February 14, the Palestine Bible Society office in Gaza was forced to close because of threats to blow up the building (click here for more).  Open Doors reports that the bookshop reopened on April 3 with the permission of the Gaza Interior Ministry, despite objections from the building's owner.

  • Palestine Bible Society Office in Gaza Closed

    The Gaza office of the Palestine Bible Society has been forced to close according to a February 14 report from Middle East Concern.  The Bible Society received a letter from militants demanding that the Bible Society completely close down their operations and not reopen anywhere else in Gaza.  They also demanded that the landlord evict them from the building by February 28.  If these demands were not met, the letter warned, all residents should leave the building because on March 1 it would be blown up.  A bomb was placed outside the office to reinforce the threat. 

    As a result of the letter, the landlord has demanded that the office close, at least for the time being.  The building also houses several Muslim families.

    Palestinian Christians are asking for our prayers to find a balance in their approach. They ask that we pray that they will trust the Lord's protection and not simply give in to the threats they have been receiving. At the same time, we are requested to pray that they will be sensitive to the safety of their team, the fearfulness of their Muslim neighbors and their landlord's demands.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Palestine,click here.

  • Hamas Win Raises Concerns for Palestinian Christians
    Hamas logo
    Palestinian Christians have expressed concern in the light of the recent elections in which the terrorist group Hamas won a majority.  Hamas leaders have stated their intention to use Islamic sharia law as the basis for legislation. They claim it will not be forced upon non-Muslims.

    Glenn Penner, Communications Director for The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has written a weblog on the recent election in Palestine entitled "When Terrorists Gain Power." Click here to read the weblog.  A link is also available where you can post comments.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Palestine,click here.

  • Christian Homes in Palestine Burned

    The homes of at least fourteen Christian families in the village of Taybeh, northeast of Ramallah, Palestine, were torched by Muslims from the neighbouring village of Dir Jarir on September 4.  The Muslims also destroyed a store, a farm and a gas station.  They also vandalized cars and beat the villagers as they fled their homes. The extent of the damage was exacerbated by problems coordinating the Palestinian security forces and the Israel Defense Forces which delayed the response by several hours.

    The violence was instigated by the death of a Muslim woman who was killed by relatives after they suspected that she had been involved in a romantic relationship with a Christian man.  When the family found out, they forced her to drink poison and then buried her without notifying the authorities.  When the Palestinian Authority decided to investigate and planned to exhume the body, the family feared the relationship would be discovered.  The attack was reportedly to avenge what they considered the dishonouring of the Muslim woman. 

    Pray that tensions will subside in the area.  Pray for those affected by this attack.

    For more information on Palestine and the challenges facing Christians there,click here.  Interviews with Palestinian Christians are available to view in the Video section of www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Gaza Baptist Church Under Armed Protection
    Public Christian Library run by the Gaza Baptist Church
    Recent developments in Gaza have resulted in Christians facing uncertainties and potential danger from Muslim militants.  Brother Andrew from Open Doors returned from Gaza on August 17 and he is asking for prayer for the Gaza Baptist Church, the only evangelical church in the city.  Because of threats from militants, the church, located across the street from the Palestinian Parliament, is currently under armed guard.

    Pray for the protection of Pastor Hanna Massad and his family, as well as members of the church.  Pray that there will be peace in this very troubled area of the world.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Palestine,click here.  In the land where the Prince of Peace was born and where hope came to the world, peace is seldom found today.  For Muslim converts in Palestinian areas, suffering for the Name of Christ is common.  Meet some of these Palestinian Christians and hear their stories of faith. Go to the Video section of www.vomcanada.com/ to find a 6:49 minute video recorded by VOMC in Palestine.

  • Muslim Converts Face Death in Jesus' Homeland

    Recently Greg Musselman, the Associate Communications Officer for the Voice of the Martyrs, traveled to the West Bank to meet with Palestinian Christians. While there, he learned of how a Muslim convert to Christianity had recently been murdered in Nablus. It is suspected he was killed for becoming a Christian. Greg also spoke with "Mustafa," another convert, who told him that, after becoming a Christian, he received a letter with a bullet enclosed warning him to stop sharing his Christian faith or the next bullet would be for his head. He is routinely taken to Palestinian Secret Police station where he is questioned about the identities of other Christians. Mustafa said, "One day my time will be coming very soon because, to deny the Lord -- I can't. To run away -- I can't. So one of these days these people are going to come for me." He added, "While I know this, I also know that I'm going to be with Jesus Christ. One day I will see Him face to face, and everything I've been through will be worth it."

    Students from a Christian school in Palestine

    Another believer, "Ali" (not his real name) has been in hiding for the past two years, sleeping in the open or in a bomb shelter. When he refused to return to Islam by a specific date, a contract was put on his life for fifty thousand sheckles ($15,000 Cdn).

    Israeli scholar Justus Weiner of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs said that life has become a living hell for Palestinian Christians. He said, "This reminds me of what it must have been for a Jew living in times of persecution, perhaps even during the pogroms or the holocaust, and I was drawn to this as a human being what these people must be going through."

    Pray for your brothers and sisters in Palestine who face a constant fear and threats of death.

    Greg's report from Palestine will soon be available on video. For more information on the situation facing Christians in Palestine, go towww.vomcanada.com/palestine.htm.

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