

  • New Law Enacted to Protect Christian Girls Under 18
    A group of children is looking up at the person taking the picture.
    Children in Pakistan.
    Photo: Flickr / DFID (cc)

    In a decision referred to as "a step forward" by Christian leaders, the National Assembly of Pakistan recently passed an amendment to an act governing Christian marriages, banning matrimony for Christians under the age of 18. After the law was enacted on July 10th, Naveed Amir Jeeva, a Christian member of the National Assembly, stated, "The legislation aims to protect young girls from early and forced marriages, ensuring their access to education and health."

  • Couple Released on Bail Due to Lack of Evidence
    Shaukat,  Kiran, and their children are sitting together.
    Shaukat, his wife Kiran, and their three children.
    Photo: Kross Konnection

    On September 8th, Kiran Bibi answered the door to a man who said he noticed pages of the Quran apparently falling from the rooftop of her family's home. When she invited him to investigate this further by going up to the rooftop, they found a bag with loose papers in it. Kiran stated that the bag had been given to her by a Muslim employer to sell to a scrap vendor, and that her children may have unintentionally thrown some of the pages down without realizing their significance.

  • Christian Leader Released on Bail
    A cross with a prison wall behind it.

    Last week's Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on a Christian leader in northeastern India referred to as "Brother B." We are thankful to announce that this believer, who had been imprisoned since mid-October, was released on bail during his hearing on November 28th. For more details on the incident, visit this page.

  • More Church Buildings Licenced
    Crosses atop a church.
    A church in Egypt.
    Photo: VOMC

    While the Egyptian government formed a committee in September 2016 to work through 3,730 applications to legalize unlicenced church buildings, the process has been slow. When VOMC last reported on the situation in September 2021, there were still 1,772 applications remaining (see this page). On November 14th, the most recent batch of approvals was made public, announcing the official licencing of 125 churches and other buildings affiliated with Christian ministry. With these latest authorizations, 2,526 of the 3,730 applications have now been approved.

  • Two Church Leaders Arrested
    Sudanese man reading the Bible
    Photo: VOMC

    Two church leaders, who were arrested during a Bible class on June 14th in the city of Omdurman, are presently facing charges of public nuisance. After being detained by police for four hours, Pastor Kabashi Idris and evangelist Yacoub Ishakh were released on bail.

  • Two Chibok Schoolgirls Rescued!
    Kidnapped school girls from Chibok, Nigeria
    Girls abducted from a school in Chibok, Nigeria, during 2014.
    Photo: Screenshot

    After more than eight years in captivity, two of the girls kidnapped from a school in Chibok, Nigeria, have managed to gain their freedom. Hauwa Joseph and Mary Douda were among the more than 270 girls who were abducted by Boko Haram terrorists on April 14th, 2014 (see this report).

  • Threats in the Midst of Renewed Church Growth
    Ruins of Basilica of Justinian
    Christianity was once a predominant influence in Libya, as seen in the Basilica of Justinian.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Hakeem.gadi

    Once an active centre of Christianity during the days of the early church, Libya is now known as an epicentre of persecution that's so extreme, there are few believers today remaining in the country. According to some reports, however, the number of Christ-followers is again starting to grow, despite increasing opposition from governmental leaders and families. For more information, go to our country report.

  • Teenager Safely Returns Home
    Arzoo (second from left)
    Arzoo (second from the left) and her abductor, Syed Ali Azhar (far right), with police in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Photo: Sindh government

    In October 2020, Arzoo Raja was abducted from her family home in Pakistan, forced to convert to Islam, and then married against her will to the perpetrator of the crime – all this occurring when she was only at the age of 13. Her concerned Christian parents took legal action against her abductor and, ultimately, the courts nullified the young teen's marriage because of her age. However, due to the coercion and pressure she continued to receive from her kidnapper and others, Arzoo initially did not want to return home. So, instead, she was placed in a shelter. While any access to the attacker was forbidden, visits with her family and others were permitted only when requested by Arzoo. Previously posted information on this case is available here.

  • Legalization of More Churches
    St. Markos Church in Cairo
    Photo: Flickr / Andrew A. Shenouda (cc)

    Until 2016, it was nearly impossible for churches in Egypt to obtain the required licensing to build or restore a building for worship. As a result, many structures were built without a license. With the passing of legislation in September 2016, a government committee was established to work through the large number of applications that were submitted for the legalization of unlicensed church buildings. Although the committee received 3,730 applications, and officially began the approval procedures a year later, the process has been exceedingly slow. See this report for further coverage of this situation.

  • Pastor Finally Released on Bail
    Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya and his wife Junu - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Pastor Keshav and his wife Junu after his release.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya was finally released on bail in late June after spending three months in prison. Sources state that the bail amount was exorbitant, considering the charges against him.

    Pastor Keshav was first arrested on March 23rd, after a video was uploaded to YouTube in which he allegedly stated that God could heal COVID-19 through prayer. Despite denying that he uploaded the video, Pastor Keshav was arrested after being asked to pray for a woman who had contracted the virus. He was then charged with spreading false information and misleading his followers.

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