
Sri Lanka

  • Church Attacked

    In the latest of a spate of attacks on Christian churches this month, the Lighthouse Church -- located in Mawatura, Gampola in Kandy District -- was attacked on November 22. According to a November 23 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, the pastor and a church worker were inside the building when they heard an explosion and the shattering off glass coming from the front of the building at approximately 8:00 p.m. Rocks shattered the front window and came through the roof. Some of the rocks hit the church worker on the head, causing him to bleed profusely. He was rushed to a local hospital for treatment.

    Pray that the attacks on Christians in Sri Lanka will cease. Ask God to give the church worker healing. Pray that Sri Lankan believers will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Continuing Harassment of Christians

    Christians continue to experience harassment and violence in various areas of Sri Lanka, according to a November 21 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL).

    On October 29, the Assembly of God church in Yakkala faced a mob demanding that the church cease holding services (click here for more details). Despite the threats, the church held services the next week unhindered (click here to read more). However, the following Sunday, November 12, mobs gathered on the roads leading to the church. Anti-Christian posters were put up and over one hundred Buddhist protestors, some armed with clubs, prevented the Christians from attending services. The Christians were threatened and verbally abused as the protestors blocked their way. The pastor called the police, but only two officers arrived and were unable to control the crowd. Re-enforcements were then called and the mob eventually disbursed.

    Also on November 12, the Mizpah Prayer Ministry congregation in Nawalapitiya was gathered for worship when a mob disrupted the service and demanded that it stop immediately. The congregation was chased away by the mob, which included twelve Buddhist monks, a member of the local government and two journalists from local newspapers. "We were threatened that if we gathered together for worship again, the building will be flattened," the pastor said. The mob later returned and threatened Christian workers who were still at the church. One was hit with a club and some of the chairs were broken.

    On the same day in Anamaduwa, four members of the Prayer Tower church were returning from a funeral service when they were accosted by several men. The Christians were beaten and had stones thrown at them. When the pastor of the church reported the incident to the police, the attackers accused the church of disturbing the neighbours with their loud worship. The pastor countered their accusations by pointing out that all of the neighbours were Christians and that the worship service was only one hour long each week. The attackers promised to not harass the church members again.

    Pray that Christians in Ski Lanka will be able to meet together without opposition. Pray their passion will draw others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16). Ask God to thwart the attempts of those who seek to intimidate believers through violence, threats and destruction.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • New Attacks on Christians

    On October 23, a church worker and his family at the Vineyard Community Church in the city of Gonawela, Sri Lanka were attacked by five men claiming to be police officers. According to a November 3 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEAL), the family was guarding the church building when five men approached at approximately midnight. The five men threatened the family, beat the man with clubs and aggressively shook a child. They also stole a woman's gold necklace, damaged the building's electricity supply and smashed pots and vases. The beaten man sustained serious injuries; he is passing blood with his urine and suffering from severe pain in his lower abdomen.

    A week later, on October 30, the Vineyard Community Church was again attacked, this time by a group of ten men. They unsuccessfully tried to set the building on fire. No one was injured in this attack. 

    In another attack on October 30, the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lanka in Polhena was accosted by a group of local men at approximately 9:00 a.m. Two or three men beat him while the others looked on. He has been hospitalized for arm injuries.

    Pray that the men suffering physical pain will be strengthened and delivered by the Lord (2 Corinthians 1:9-11). Pray also for their persecutors, that they will come to know Christ (Matthew 5:44).   

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Yakkala Assembly of God Meets Without Incident

    Last week's Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on an attack against Assembly of God church in Yakkala, Sri Lanka. The Buddhist mob demanded that the church cease meeting (for more information, click here). According to a November 7 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), the church was able to meet on November 5 without incident. Continue to pray for this church, as they have been facing difficulties and hostilities for a long time.

  • Church Attacked

    While the Assembly of God church in Yakkala, Sri Lanka were meeting for worship on October 29, a group of approximately fifty Buddhists, including four local monks, arrived at the service and demanded that it be cancelled. He was told that as this was a Buddhist village, there was no need for a Christian church. According to a report on October 31 from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, the pastor denied the mob's accusations that he was offering money to induce people to convert to Christianity. To prevent any violence, the pastor reluctantly agreed to cancel the service for that week. The mob demanded that he permanently close the church or face serious consequences. A police report has been made and the authorities are promising protection to the congregation.

    Pray that the authorities will follow through with their promise. Pray that the church will be faithful to continue the ministry the Lord has given them (1 Peter 5:1-4). Pray that they will have God's wisdom in dealing with the accusations of the local Buddhists (James 1:5).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Prayer Centre Set on Fire

    On the night of October 13, a prayer centre in Hingurakgoda, Sri Lanka was vandalized and set on fire, according to a report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. The unidentified assailants stole a keyboard, carpet and mats, desecrated the interior of the building with human waste and then lit Bibles and hymnals on fire. The fire did not spread throughout the building. The pastor and his wife, who usually sleep in the building to protect the premises, were gone that day and had left the building unattended.

    Pray that the church in Hingurakgoda will find strength in their circumstances as they wait on the Lord (Isaiah 40:31). Also pray that there will be no further attacks.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here. You can order "Faith Under Fire: Sri Lanka," an in-depth video report the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, through our online bookstore.

  • Orphanage Threatened

    In recent days, posters began appearing in Balana, Sri Lanka demanding that a local orphanage run by the Dutch Reformed Church stop renovation work. The church, however, refused to be intimidated. On August 6, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, approximately 200 people forced their way into the premises and began destroying the property. A Buddhist flag was planted on the roof of the facility and the house parents were told that if they did not leave, they would be burned alive. That evening, the house parents fled in fear.

    Pray that the believers in Balana will be able to continue to demonstrate the Heavenly Father's love for the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). Pray that they will know that, in the face of their property loss, they have "better and lasting possessions" (Hebrews 10:36, 37).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Sri Lanka,click here. Video reports on Sri Lanka are available on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Injured in House Church Attack

    On the morning of July 1, a house recently purchased by the Harvest International Church in Hapugastenne, Sri Lanka was attacked by a mob intent on shutting down the work of the church. Belongings were smashed and looted and two young church workers were seriously injured. As the mob dispersed, they demanded that the church close down or they would kill the pastor and his family. The young men were admitted to the Ratnapura hospital where one had to undergo surgery because of his injuries.

    Ask God to grant full healing to those who were injured. Pray that the Lord will give them wisdom to know what direction to take in the ministry He has given them. Ask God to use the believers' trust in the Lord to draw many non-Christians to Himself.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Anti-Conversion Law Threatens Safety and Freedom

    The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka is asking that Christians around the world pray and lobby on their behalf concerning a Private Member's Bill proposed by Omalpe Sobitha Thero of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) in 2004.  The proposed "Prohibition of Forcible Conversions Bill" passed its 2nd Reading in Parliament and is being considered by a Standing Committee of parliamentarians.

    On the 23rd of May 2006, a three member delegation from NCEASL made oral and written submissions to the Parliamentary Standing Committee which is considering this Bill, objecting to the entire Bill. The Bill will next be taken up for voting in Parliament, where it can be passed and made law with a simple majority (majority of one vote).

    The NCEASL has also learned that there are attempts to introduce other alternate legislation which will also regulate propagation and religious conversions. As it is, with no such law in place, there is widespread harassment and intimidation of Christians, forced closure of Churches and physical attacks on Christian citizens. Such a law will only serve to legitimize rampant harassment of minority Christians and violation of the right to religion and worship.

    In August 2004, NCEASL and 21 other petitioners including Christian, Hindu and civil rights groups challenged this Bill before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court determined that two clauses of the Bill were unconstitutional. The Bill that is being considered by Parliament has been amended, deleting the two offending clauses. However, the vague definitions and the excessive punishments still remain.

    With the country preoccupied by the threat of a renewed civil war, pray that this legislation will not be allowed to slip in.  Pray for the work of the NCEASL as they seek to uphold the rights of Christians in Sri Lanka.  The Voice of the Martyrs urges Christians from around the world to write to their foreign affairs ministers, urging them to pressure the Sri Lankan government not to pass legislation that would restrict the rights of Sri Lankans to practice and change their religion.

    Click here for more information and links on the threats facing Sri Lankan Christians.  A 14-minute excerpt of VOMC’s extensive video report “Faith Under Fire: Sri Lanka” may be viewed on www.vomcanada.com.  You can also order the complete report online.

  • Intimidation Continues Against Churches

    On May 2, the United Christian Fellowship in Poddala, Sri Lanka began construction on a community hall on a piece of land that the church had purchased.  Four days later, a mob led by a Buddhist monk approached a construction worker and the pastor demanding the construction cease or it would be destroyed. Both were verbally abused and the construction worker was physically assaulted.  Construction has ceased for fear of further attacks and the incident has been reported to the police.

    A Methodist church in Piliyandala that was attacked on April 23 (for details, click here) continues to face difficulties.  According to a May 10 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), members of the congregation have been prevented from attending services because of threats against them, even though a magistrate has ruled that the church has the right to meet.

    Pray that the construction of the fellowship hall in Piliyandala will be allowed to continue. Pray also that those whose rights to worship have been legally recognized will be able to attend services without fear.

    For more information on Sri Lanka and the trials facing Christians there,click here.