

  • Ugandan Christian brutally imprisoned by Muslim father

    Susan Ithungu
    Photo: Compass Direct

    A 14-year-old girl in western Uganda remains in frail health 10 months after her father tortured her for leaving Islam for Christianity. In March 2010, Susan Ithungu came to faith in Christ after an evangelist came to speak at her school in Isango village, Kasese district. A month later, news reached Susan's father that she had converted to Christianity. He warned her and her brother, Mbusa Baluku, against attending church or listening to the gospel message, threatening to kill them in broad daylight if they embraced Christianity. Susan was then locked in a room with no sunlight. Her brother was warned against telling anyone of her imprisonment, but would secretly bring her food and water.

    In October 2010, Mbusa finally told the neighbours about his sister's situation. They then reported the case to the authorities and police freed her. Susan was extremely weak and unable to walk or talk. "Her hair had turned yellow, she had long fingernails and sunken eyes, and she looked very slim, less than 20 kilograms," said one pastor. Her father was arrested shortly afterward but quickly released. At last report, Susan was still struggling with her health -- unable to walk, but able to talk and eat soft foods. "The great news is that Susan is still strong in the Lord Jesus Christ," the pastor said. "She needs prayers and support, so that she can resume her education soon."

    Thank God for Susan's rescue and pray for her continued healing. Pray many Christians will be emboldened by her story of persevering faith and confidence in Christ (Hebrews 10:32-39). Pray for safety for her brother. Ask God to bring her father to repentance and that he, too, will come to know Christ as Lord.

  • Muslims attack worship service

    Damaged church building and Pastor Zaake
    Photos from Compass Direct
    According to a November 10 report from Compass Direct, approximately 40 Muslims armed with machetes and clubs attacked the World Possessor's Church International in Namasuba, just outside the capital city of Kampala, Uganda, on November 1 while believers were holding a worship service. When the church members heard the Muslims outside, they gathered at the front door to try to prevent them from entering. Some Christians were able to escape through the church's rear door. When the Muslims noticed one of the Christians taking photographs of them, they beat him severely. Nearby residents eventually arrived on scene and helped the Christians ward off their attackers. When police arrived, they assisted in stopping the assault but made no arrests.

    Local Muslims have long opposed the existence of the church in Namasuba, complaining that church members try to convert Muslims in the area. They have also argued that the church building's outdoor stairway encroaches on the alley and that the church members make too much noise. Many of the believers are reportedly too fearful to return to church and attendance for the worship service held the following Sunday decreased from 250 to 100 people. "Since the attack we have been receiving a lot of threats from the Muslims," said Pastor Henry Zaake. "There is a conspiracy that we can't understand. This trend really gives me sleepless nights."

    Ask God to sustain all the victims of this attack through His peace and grace. Pray that the members of the church will grow in Christlikeness through the ongoing opposition they face (James 1:2-4).

  • Rebel Group Orders All Clergy Killed

    A rebel group, The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), led by a cultic spirit medium, has been terrorizing northern Uganda for sixteen years. Nearly one million Ugandans have been forced into refugee camps by the LRA rebels. While Christians have frequently been the targets of this group, the Catholic Church is now being specifically targeted for attack.

    Despite threats from Joseph Kony, the leader of the LRA, church leaders have consistently been involved in peace talks between the LRA and the Ugandan government. According to the World Evangelical Alliance's Religious Liberty Prayer List, several commanders deserted the LRA during recent meetings with church officials. Consequently, Kony declared war on the church. Since the defections, church missions have been burned, bombed, and desecrated on nine separate occasions. On June 14, the Ugandan Army intercepted a transmission in which Kony was ordering his soldiers: "Catholic missions must be destroyed, priests and missionaries killed in cold blood and nuns beaten black and blue."

    The LRA is fighting against the government to create a state based on the observance of Kony's interpretation of biblical concepts. In a report to Zenit, Father Albanese described Kony as a "mad visionary" whose "creed is of a syncretist type, where there is a bit of everything: elements of Christianity, Islam and animism." International observers report that at least 20,000 civilians and as many children have been kidnapped and enslaved and/or forced to join the LRA army.

    Pray for God's intervention in protecting Christian workers in northern Uganda. Pray that God will bind the demonic spirits controlling Kony, and end the LRA's reign of terror. Pray that children kidnapped and forced to fight will be able to escape.

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