About VOMC

Vision: We see a world where all persecuted Christians are remembered and supported within the body of Christ.

Mission: Glorifying God through serving His persecuted church, as we seek to fulfill the words of Hebrews 13:3.

"Remember the prisoners as if chained
with them – those who are mistreated – since
you yourselves are in the body also."


  • To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.
  • To give relief to families of Christian martyrs.
  • To undertake projects of encouragement, helping persecuted Christians rebuild their lives and witness.
  • To equip persecuted Christians to love and lead their enemies (persecutors) to Christ.
  • To promote the fellowship of all Christian believers.
  • To infuse, distribute, and exhibit to the Canadian church constituency, the faith and testimony of those Christians in the world who are persecuted for Christ.
  • To give voice to those Christians whose cries of pain and proclamation of praise go unheard.

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The Voice of the Martyrs Inc. is a registered Canadian non-profit charitable organization (BN/registration number: 107534307RR0001).