Churches Face Challenges Gathering to Worship

The ability for small groups to meet to worship in Belarus seems connected to the preferences of local officials more than the law, according to a series of reports received from Forum 18 on October 7 and 8.

The religious affairs official on one region of Belarus told Forum 18 that small, unregistered groups could meet in homes "as long as they don't disturb the public order." In another region, however, this was denied. Christians are increasingly finding that renting a public hall for a religious meeting or meeting outside is impossible in some regions but allowed in others. Pentecostal Assistant Bishop Naum Sakhanchuk said that, in some regions a letter is all that is needed to hold a baptism service outdoors. In other areas, however, they don't bother writing. "I'll be refused - they'll say that the river is polluted, or that swimming is prohibited in the lake."

Even for officially registered organizations, there are similar difficulties. According to Belarussian law, a religious organization cannot use a residential address for its official address, nor can it meet in a private residence. However, for many churches, this is their only option, either because they are small groups or they are denied access to public facilities. Of sixty-four registered Full Gospel churches in Belarus, for example, only five have their own houses of worship. Even these, however, are officially listed as residential. While most house churches have been able to continue to meet without harassment, their meetings remain illegal and their denominations face the risk of failing to gain re-registration or possible liquidation because of these activities. Those groups who attempt to construct or purchase a church building face similar difficulties. "After building applications are rejected two or three times we stop counting," said Sakhanchuk. Applications are frequently refused or revoked for petty reasons.

Pray that the freedom that many of the church communities are experiencing will continue and that those facing opposition will be able to meet in peace. Pray that, in spite of the challenges the churches are facing, they will continue to reach out with the message of Jesus Christ.

Belarus News

  • New Religious Restrictions Pass into Law
    President Aleksandr Lukashenko
    President Aleksandr Lukashenko
    Photo: Wikipedia / (cc)

    On December 30th, President Aleksandr Lukashenko officially passed into law new religious regulations, finalizing a bill that had initially been introduced in September 2023. For more details, see this page. The policies are scheduled to take effect on July 5th and, while the legislation carries various new stipulations, the most significant is the requirement that all religious communities must re-register within one year of the law coming into effect.

  • Officials Issue Threats to Church Leaders
    Saint Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Church in Baranovichi city.
    An Orthodox church in Belarus.
    Photo: Wikimedia / Horakvlado (cc)

    On December 20th, a meeting was held for the Minsk Orthodox Diocese. During the gathering, which consisted of more than two hundred priests, Olga Chemodanova from the Ideology Department of the Minsk Executive Committee was invited to speak. She told those present that state agencies were monitoring more than 500 religious communities and openly warned against committing any act that could potentially be perceived as being political in nature, including the use of "non-religious symbols." Her address clearly threatened any church leaders who may be considered "ideologically alien," further indicating that such leaders should expect to serve time in prison.

  • Church Appeals Liquidation Orders
    A building is only partially standing, with the rest in rubbles.
    Destruction of the New Life Church building.
    Photo: New Life Church

    On October 6th, the court proceedings to determine the future of the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus, officially began. After years of harassment by various government departments, legal action was taken to liquidate the church organization. For more details on this troubling situation, go to this page.

  • Revised Religion Law Passes First Reading
    The House of Government in Minsk
    House of Government in Minsk
    Photo: Wikipedia / Suicasmo (cc)

    A new religion law, which was introduced to Belarus' House of Representatives on September 29th, passed its first reading on October 11th. The text of the draft law was only made public on October 10th. While some aspects of the previous version of the law will remain the same, the new legislation would impose significantly tighter restrictions on the country's Christians if approved.