Polish priest forced to leave Belarus

Fr. Zbigniew Grygorcewicz
Photo from

Belarusian authorities have refused to extend the visa of Father Zbigniew Grygorcewicz, a Polish priest, in an attempt to force him to leave the country, according to a December 24 report from Charter'97. Father Grygorcewicz, who ministers at the Borisov's Nativity of the Virgin Mary Roman Catholic parish, claims the refusal was related to his involvement in holding a Christian music concert in September. Authorities originally granted permission for the concert but then withdrew their support shortly before the event began. Grygorcewicz was reportedly told to be out of the country by January 1.

According to a December 23 report from Forum 18, four Catholic priests and three nuns (all from Poland) face a ban on religious work in Belarus as of January 1. These bans bring to 28 the number of foreign religious workers banned from working with local religious communities since 2004.

Ask God to give wisdom to Father Grygorcewicz and other foreign religious workers as to how to continue serving Him. Pray that the church in Belarus will continue to expand and flourish despite opposition.

For more information on the persecution of Christians in Belarus, go to the Belarus Country Report.