Letter-Writing Campaign

For more than three months, Rev. (Dr.) Andrew Brunson has been detained in Izmir, Turkey, for his Christian faith. Charged falsely with holding "membership in an armed terrorist group," he now desperately needs our help.

You can help by using the "sample letter" provided below or respectfully writing a similar letter of your own and sending it to the Interior Ministry of Turkey. Please note that the letter can be written in any language, as long as the name ANDREW BRUNSON is mentioned in large font – either within the letter or on the envelope.

The "sample letter" reads:

Dear Sir,

I am writing in regards to the imprisonment of Dr. Andrew Brunson who has served as a pastor in Izmir, Turkey, for the past 23 years.
Dr. Brunson has served according to the teaching and practice of his Christian beliefs. He does not support and is not associated with any groups or organizations operating against the Turkish State.

We request, therefore, that you take all steps necessary to ensure Dr. Brunson’s release from prison.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
(Add your signature)


Please post the letter to the following address:

Sayin Bakan Suleyman Soylu
TC Icisleri Bakanligi Icerisinde Bakanliklar
06580 Cankaya
Ankara, Turkey