Artwork - A captor and captive in the mountains

Along the Way

In February 2013, 19-year-old Leidy and 13 other believers were attacked in their Colombian village. During the six years they lived there, Leidy’s par-ents, both pastors, were heavily persecuted by the local Indigenous people.

While hiding in a tree, Leidy courageously video-taped the event, as the mob destroyed the church and stole music equipment. Imagine her shock as she recognized her friends from the village and members of her extended family among the attackers!Upon being spotted, Leidy quickly jumped out of the tree, injuring her legs, which led to her capture. She was locked in a house for two hours before escaping, only to be caught again and beaten.

Despite all this, the young woman bravely stood her ground and refused to give up her camera, which held the incriminating evidence. When she and the other victims were able to successfully escape, they travelled up a mountain for two hours to reach safety in a nearby village.

Although injured physically and emotionally, Leidy is thankful to the Lord for His intervention, as the injuries could have been much worse. "While I was being held hostage, [the attackers] threatened to hang me and torture me and do many bad things to me…. Thankfully, I had the strength to escape twice, and I’m very grateful for that."

Leidy was soon reunited with her family. However, their home and church were both destroyed, and they – along with other Christians – have been unable to safely return to the village.