Painting: “Night Movement Behind the Lines” – Oil Paint - Artist: Suuzanne Eubank

Along the Way

Suuzanne's Story

The citizens of Myanmar, a country known for its political instability and extreme violence, face multiple conflcts that are commonly Instigated by the government. ln the midst of these conflicts, Christians are often the first people to be targeted and attacked by the military, frequently resulting In a large number of serious casualties and the burning of churches.

This artwork depicts what has become an all-too-common experience for followers of Christ in Myanmar- one that the artist, Suuzanne, couldn't keep bottled up inside. So, she took to her paints to express one treacherous journey that was required by her family so they could provide assistance to a broken and beaten people group in Myanmar's Karen state.

Suuzanne (pictured ln this artwork carrylng a backpack), along with the rest of her ministry team, had to tread under the cover of night. Ahead of them was a road patrolled by the military that needed to be crossed. If spotted, the soldiers would shoot first and ask questions later. In this scene, the team is travelling with their horses and mules through the rice fields, praying they will avoid conflict. With only the light of their headlamps to illuminate the path before them, they carefully draw nearer to the patrolled road where all light is extinguished.

Suuzanne recalls them having to tread quietly that night as they approached the crossing. Flooding her mind's eye, the recollection of traumatic experiences instructed her quiet steps. Memories of the team physically piggybacking the wounded through Myanmar's remote jungles, rescuing young boys seconds after these children had their limbs blown off, and weeping among the ruins of burned churches, all reminded her of what would result when encountering the military. Still, the members of this dedicated mission team pressed forward, trusting in God to be their sole guiding "Light" amid the darkness of this bleak night.

Artist: Suuzanne Eubank
Artwork Title: “Night Movement Behind the Lines”
Medium: Oil Paint