Painting: “The Lord Will Embrace His Own” – Acrylic - Artist: Banafsheh (Violet) Behzadian

Along the Way

Violet, the artist of the featured calendar painting, had for years been involved in many exhibitions in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. Primarily, the subject of her work focussed on women and the challenges they faced in Iranian society. However, after coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Violet’s views of the world around her began to change. She longed to glorify the Lord Jesus with her artistic talent and was commissioned by a church in Tehran to paint two pieces that expressed sections of the Bible. In another collection, titled The Song of Salvation, she chronicled her own journey of “salvation from darkness to the light of Christ.”

In 2013, Violet became an Iranian religious refugee who relocated to Canada after experiencing strong pressure to renounce Jesus as her Lord. Among the tactics used to dissuade her faith, the forfeiture of her income and job position were at the top. Violet lost her faculty role at the University of Tehran where she taught graphic engineering and art. Even so, she still believes that God is good. Doors of opportunity opened here in Canada for Violet to exhibit her paintings at Regent’s College. This featured piece, titled, “The Lord Will Embrace His Own,” is part of The Song of Salvation exhibit, in which she declares her devotion to God and thankfulness for His salvation..

Artist: Banafsheh (Violet) Behzadian
Artwork Title: “The Lord Will Embrace His Own”
Medium: Acrylic