A man and woman holding boxes of resources.Photos: Colombia Para Cristo

Blessing 2023

“...my God will meet all your needs according
to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”
~ Philippians 4:19 NIVUK

Every year, VOM Canada has been blessed to work alongside ministry partners around the world while facilitating the mission’s Christmas Blessing project, which seeks to extend God’s love and provision to persecuted children and their families during the Christmas season. For this year’s project, VOMC is delighted to be partnering with Colombia Para Cristo Society in providing needed practical and spiritual support to the children of persecuted Christian communities in Colombia.

Not many families residing in persecuted regions of this South American country are able to celebrate a “normal” Christmas with their loved ones, due to a tremendous lack of resources. In addition to the financial hardships experienced by these families, our ministry partners from Para Cristo Society report that “Colombia has a very strong history of child abuse, including child recruitment to hostile groups and persecution towards families who choose to exercise their Christian faith despite opposition from many factions – including the cartel, mafia and insurgent groups.”

Through this project, God has given us here in Canada the opportunity to encourage Christian families residing in remote and hostile areas of Colombia by distributing practical necessities such as food and clothing, bicycles for transportation, Bibles and other Christian materials, along with toys and school supplies to further bless the children. The Lord has graciously put it on the hearts of VOMC’s ministry team to sponsor this project which will directly benefit more than 500 children and indirectly impact over 1,000 families in Colombia.

In response to VOMC’s sponsorship commitment, our ministry partners from Para Cristo Society state, “The Gospel is the only solution for Colombia, and we believe this investment in [the lives of these] children is something they will always remember, as well as an opportunity to create significant changes in these dangerous regions.”

A little girl is smiling, holding leaves.

We are very much looking forward to witnessing God’s wonderful plans for these communities as they unfold, and hearing the powerful testimonies of those involved in the distribution of this year’s Christmas Blessing gift packages!

If you would like to help support your Christian family in Colombia, please visit:

or call 1-888-298-6423

For further information, see "God's Greatest Gift."
Pour plus d'informations, voir « Le plus grand cadeau de Dieu ».